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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Has Shoji Kawamori even made mention- in interviews of his heavy use of prime and odd numbers mostly for the more popular valks?
  2. I'm gonna get the triangles, and I'm looking for a spare lose 171EX for parts. The break still allows for gerwalk and battroid, but I eventually want to swap the leg out.
  3. Lucky you, my RVF-171EX has chips on the triangles and a broken leg.
  4. They both have "the look"; but they're not perfect in their execution. Despite that, the 171 and 17 are still my faves.
  5. She was active in Marvel comics from the 70s to the 80s, then went MIA until the early 2000s. As for the common movie goer; no. I am only speaking from my perspective. I'll agree that she'll be an asset, but a "very conveniently" placed one all of a sudden.
  6. Of course not; that's why the Marvel/ Disney perspective seems to be; we'll have an OP female lead come in, quickly develop her, and have her be a major part to respond to Thanos, all within now and 2019 (right when JL2, Aquaman, and WW2 come out)? Sure bro.
  7. Because it really seemed like a shameless and cheap promo for a truly obscure character for the storyline- itself. At least with Warlock I I'Ded him with Infinity, whereas Captain Marvel wasn't even on the Marvel comics roster at the time- as I mentioned previously. Also, since DC is critized for rushing the story; how are you going to make Captain Marvel the supposed savior to Thanos with minimal development; a movie and a half? Talk about rushing. Thanos has been working both on and behind the scenes since 2012. Maybe she'll get by with an Agents of shield cameo? Pass.
  8. I'm still very underwhelmed. Fine- no Surfer; yet. They could've done Warlock in the post credits- coming out of his cocoon, then develop. They could've also brought a relevant "Infinity" character like Nova. Captain Marvel wasn't even on Marvels rosters during the original Infinity conflicts.
  9. SPOILER ALERT I'm more of a DC fan, but I wanted to see Thanos- as I hoped that they'd stay somewhat true to the books. Then the post credit happened; and instead of a Warlock or Silver Surfer reference, we get Captain Marvel. What does this mean? Thanos is not the greatest threat to the MCU; Wonder Woman is.
  10. I was hoping to celebrate my 40th bday with a gift to myself, but at this markup; no way!
  11. Dragonball Super just ended. Best series of the last couple of years IMHO
  12. YES!!!! When buyers get all the pieces will there be an instruction guide?
  13. Amazing work! Is this all on shapeways now?
  14. Thanks, that's why I was curious as to what the rough preorder original price was. I'm gonna keep searching, and if I can't get a Karios, I'll just get a Messer with Super parts.
  15. Thanks for the info. Yeah I missed out first time so I'm keeping my eyes open. Imageanime.com has a preorder for $320 which seemed kinda high, so I thought I'd ask around for pricing.
  16. What was the original preorder price for the upcoming VF-31a Karios?
  17. Let's revisit in 2021 and see what happens then. Personally, I think SDF Macross could use a refresher. But not now- so as to benefit the bastards.
  18. In battroid they're pretty solid and balanced, a small amount of filing inside the adapter was needed. gerwalk is good. Fighter can be but the tail weight rest on the back and keeps it stable especially at the lower range of the arm. I've had it in fighter for a few days. No issues so far.
  19. I agree- but it's ok for now,.i use it mostly to stay in battroid, to be in uniform with my other NUNS valks. But Gerwalk mode works out too.
  20. Chaotic Yeti hooked me up with a Yamato adapter for the VF-17S to use on the Bandai stand. Mobile upload isn't working, I'll have to try from home later.
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