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Everything posted by blackconvoy_D01

  1. Awesome- thank you, is this your work? If so- I've been influenced on your work into my own collection for some time, with my 171 Skull Squadron and was looking for ideas on my 29B specialty fighter. I love the detailing. What's the decal on the shield?
  2. Hey all, can anyone direct me to who I did this custom YF-29B, or clearer pics of it?
  3. I bought it on digital. When it was in theaters, I was looking to give it a pass; but I ended up actually enjoying it. I'm into Star Wars- but not a die hard; and I thought it captured the whole smuggler/ criminal, space pirate faction that happens in the background of the rebels vs the empire.
  4. I should have specified online retailers like; BBTS, Toysource, Amazon, and similar. I didn't mean box retailers, and their like.
  5. If and when Macross in it's entirety- does make its way to Crunchyroll, Netflix, Adult Swim, and/ or VRV in 2021/ 2022 it is not going to be life-changing for most people because of the internet and streaming that we have access to currently, and the familiarity most of the younger generation have of Macross from there. What will change the game is merchandising. Being able to have US retailers actually sell Macross Valkyries; in any scale (with other related merchandise) without hinderance, is what: in my honest opinion will drive demand.
  6. Alto beat Berea in the super 29 vs super 27 battle in the second Frontier movie. From what I understood about the story of the Macross 30 game- Leon got lucky in the 30 vs Rod in the 29B.
  7. Damn I should've ordered these when I had the chance. They look amazing.
  8. I finally developed patience and watched the entire Delta series. It was good, really good (aside from song overkill). Here is my Megaroad connection and speculation; Misa was the captain; so she goes down with the ship (not lady M). Hikaru is gone (KIA) defending the ship. Minmay is the biggest threat of all (definitely a goner), so from an age an circumstance perspective I speculate Lady M is Misa and Hikaru's daughter: Miku. She'd be the one to have access to the background data, r and d, and- via inheritance; financial resources to develop Xaos for defense, protoculture r/d, psych ops, etc. Minmay- I don't think big enough; nor would she have an interest. Misa would've kept in the UN Spacy/ NUNS umbrella. Hikaru doesnt aspire for anything higher than being a pilot IMHO. That's my take.
  9. Thanks. I asked because I saw this and got excited for the 31F.
  10. Is there going to be an armored parts release for all the 31's?
  11. YF is an acronym designation for prototype fighter.
  12. Just rewatched the 2011 series. They really should continue it. It's really too bad
  13. Yeah, I was showing it and stating that it was the color scheme of the lil drakens that I would like.
  14. This is how I want those lil drakens to look on my 31f.
  15. Cool. I've never watched a sports anime before, but I'm hooked.
  16. Has anyone seen Jūshinki Pandora yet? Thoughts? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jūshinki_Pandora
  17. I just got my 31 Messer today. Right now it's chilling at my work desk, can't wait to get it home. I was considering getting the 1/72 model scale lil Drakens. I think that may work.
  18. Starting a thread for this excellent, gritty, and fun new anime with homages to about 2-4 different animes. On Crunchyroll now; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megalo_Box
  19. Thanks for that. I got a Messer with super parts on the way- with the plan to keep it in battroid so hopefully I'll avoid this extent of rubbing or at all.
  20. When/ where did he say that? I must've missed it. Looks good. I'm getting one too- can't wait.
  21. Exactly. Imho, they should've picked up where the 2011 series left off.
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