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Everything posted by Mommar

  1. That's one of the weird things between our two countries, and especially a bummer because the show cannot be exported to other countries. The tastes of the Japanese are what's catered to and for whatever reason they never latched on to Max like Americans did. Unfortunately that means our favorites aren't necessarily represented because we don't matter.
  2. It's not nerd rage. There are plenty of plausible ways to introduce her, but the whole cloaked dark figure taking an action-hero pose with two zombies chained to her just looked stupid and out of place and did not feel like it was natural at all to the rest of the show. It felt like they purposely jammed a comic book frame in there... which is what they did.
  3. That's a cop-out argument. No other person/human in the show so far has come off like they were super-human or otherworldly. The introduction of Michonne with the zombies on chains does not keep in context with the rest of the show tonally or visually up to this point. Based on the first two seasons she's out of context... and that's a problem.
  4. Shatner was the director for V so that was never going to happen. Even still, he may not have said it quite right, but it was a good line and I feel that movie gets panned more then it should. Considering the movie takes place in the same universe and involves the Jockey's who carried the Alien's in the first film it would seem impossible to not have them be a part of it in some capacity.
  5. I've never read the comic either, though I'm relatively familiar with the path it has taken versus the show because I looked it up out of curiosity. I was interested in the show because I thought it would make an interesting story. It is ripe with commentary on society and human condition. It looks like the writers either lost their minds or have been steered too far towards appeasing whiny comic book fans because the inclusion of sword girl with zombie pets was completely off tonally from the show. Deviations from source material as long as they make sense within the context of the work I have no problem with, but last night they obviously were just jumping from point A to point B with no thought to how it would affect anything. The semi-lamenting of Shane's loss I'm less concerned about, because it was more about the groups shining leader Rick falling from grace in their eyes then it was losing Shane as a member. Though they're pushing Rick into wild-eyed, Shane-like, territory way too quick now.
  6. Based on the simple fact Ridley hates the Predator franchise and thinks there should have been zero cross-over I think all speculation based on anyhting that happened in a Predator movie should cease. They were fun what-if comic books and video games but that's it. There's no cannon and no fitting into the Alien films proper at all.
  7. Yeah, they tried to make her exactly like in the comics and it came off as too silly/otherworldly/comic book-ish to be a good idea at all. This whole episode seemed rushed/forced to me.
  8. Mommar


    It's been previously opened. Supposedly it was in a display case and still has the original packaging and all of the extras but we'll see. It may be a floppy mess for all I know.
  9. Mommar


    I'm a Max fan as well. Since seeing that pic Old Man posted, and also since I like posing these things in Battroid, I went digging around online and actually found a Max 1J for sale for $50. We'll see what kind of shape it's in when it gets here.
  10. Mommar


    I must have missed that when I was digging through the thread. Thanks.
  11. Mommar


    Do you have any pics of the Max 1J? I've never seen any in anybodies collections.
  12. Mommar


    You're right, that slide bar is a brilliant design that I really, really would like to see on other VF-1's. However, I'm wondering if it's implementation may dictate the size/shape of the backpack which may contribute to the shape/size of the back portion of fighter/gerwalk which I feel don't look as good. Battroid does pose VERY easy too. I leave my 1J Hikky in that mode exclusively and it is fun to pick up and repose quickly and easily. If Bandai had implemented that collapsing fuselage bump so that the backpack could fold up farther that would have been a very good idea to keep the backpack from angling out so far and relying slightly less on friction.
  13. Probably because the Orange shows up better on plain white and the Yellow shows up better on the darker grey.
  14. Maybe it's semi-transformable and they can tuck the arms/legs up for Fighter mode?
  15. Mommar


    Some people like to see the line art comparison. I'm curious, did anybody here get Max's 1J? The pics of it always had a very appealing blue to me but I couldn't bite the bullet on another 1/100 with them being so close in price to the 1/60's I decided after the 19S that I wasn't fond of the the Hikaru 1J I had posed with by two Battlepods to skip any more of these.
  16. My 25F was SUPER tight as well. It took quite a while for me to work things out where it didn't feel like I was going to snap it in half. Though based on video's some of the other members here have made I appear to be very dainty with my toys compared to most others.
  17. 1K??? We knew it was going to be expensive but... I can't even entertain that. $500 or $600 I would have at least teased myself the potential to get one. Not at a grand though.
  18. The other books seem to sell out pretty well. If you don't buy one up in the first few months they're usually pretty hard to track down.
  19. Mommar


    The one reason I bought the 1J was to pose with my two 1/100 Regults.
  20. Mommar


    In theory I like the Hi-Metal line but I think there's a lot of things about them to dislike as well. Both the VF-19 and Vf-1 look/pose/play great in Battroid. The 19 looks good in fighter for the most part too. I really dislike the proportions of fighter and Gerwalk of the VF-1 though, Gerwalk is especially awkward/bad on the 19. I only own Hikaru's 1J but with the fast packs on it does help the proportions of the VF-1 in fighter mode though Gerwalk is still way off and would still be clunky (probably more so with the extra weight added.) I do like Bandai's solution to the VF-1's transformation with the slide bars and folding shoulders, it's a far better/sturdy solution to Yamato's crazy rotating shoulders. I also like the way the hips can extend out for more pose-ability. Overall they have a lot of good idea's mashed up with some either odd or just really bad one's though.
  21. So the major differences are the red bands along the ankles instead of the grey one's, the nose cone isn't colored yellow and that the yellow stripe on the forearms are red? I wonder how close they'll stick to one paint scheme or another? The VF-X paint scheme is almost Hikaru's but not as good IMO.
  22. I can understand wanting to move onto other things. But what you've shown us so far is really amazing. Usually we're happy to see a static render, not a motion picture quality piece of film. I hope you return to a transforming 11 at some point though.
  23. I am very curious how the hips will be done in comparison to Yamato's 17.
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