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electric indigo

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Everything posted by electric indigo

  1. From Hobby Japan, Wave Eta + Iota + a new sketch.
  2. IAI's Harop UAV. Looks like an aerial Klingon vessel.
  3. Chestburster -> Headburster And now the baby SJ's chest armor is opening instead of closing?
  4. I worked on vinyl, polystyrene and polyurethane resin kits, and I don't see why it shouldn't work on the toys. But check other toy modder's threads for the recommended primer and colors.
  5. The character actually was modeled after the actress Charlotte Rampling. Looks like they also included some american superhero genes.
  6. Amazing to see the results of your long work. I guess that's the 1/100 model?
  7. Also, a tiltrotor plane can travel at hypersonic speed, and the A-10 is capable of WWI style dogfighting and goes down in a spiral of flames when hit. As shown in Charlie's Terminator: Full throttle salvation.
  8. My experiences: Absolutely go for airbrushing, it will open a new dimension in modeling to you. Invest in a good compresor (with water trap) rather than a fancy airbrush. I have two high-end double acion ABs from my airbrush illustration era, and have almost never used them for my model work. My workhorse is a Badger 350 (about 40$), easy handling & cleaning and unbreakable. Check out my models here, all painted with the badger and Tamyia acrylics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/romansland/collections/72157628084123703/
  9. x2 The same could be said about sea-based carriers.
  10. Last week I was hiking in the french Alps, and while on a hiking path at 1200 m, I had the pleasure of witnessing two Mirage 2000 making a pass through the Canyon of Verdon below me (the valley ground is at 900 m at this point). The area is not totally unpopulated, so I'm not sure this was a regular drill, but it was an awesome "Chevaliers du Ciel" moment.
  11. From what I get from the trailers, the Prometheus goes into pursuit of the Alien ship right after it's takeoff from the underground base and rams it while still in the atmosphere, so I think it all happens on the same planet.
  12. Picture rush! Speaking of 2001: Prometheus glory: Are there streets on the planet? And this one is a real mystery. Note the injury.
  13. Wow the russian dub makes it even eerier! And the David video has a certain 2001ish feel to it. Great stuff.
  14. http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/sony_pictures/looper/ Bruce Willis traveling in time again, and it looks very promising.
  15. Am I the only one who thinks that the film hasn't aged well and would already be forgotten without the Arnie cult factor? Just like the PKD story, it had a brilliant concept, but lacked in execution. I don't expect the new film to be any better, but at least it has Jessca Biel's assets.
  16. The Bandai kit of the Falken isn't too bad See also this thread.
  17. So did I get this into the right order: Shaw is apparently still on the ground when the SJ ship is launched, the Prometheus goes into pursuit, and just before it rams into the alien ship, an escape vessel (with Vickers on board) it jettisoned. Vickers joins Shaw, then the SJ ship crashes? Then we could have a similar ending with Carpenter's "The Thing"...
  18. Anubis/HD edition of the Kotobukiya Jehuty
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