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Everything posted by derex3592

  1. Words fail me.....just soooooooooooooooooo freakin cool. Beta/Tread in same scale someday???? Hahahahahaha!
  2. Sonofabitch.....missed my USPS guy with my 19F while rewiring my mom's tv and stereo today. Damn. Now gotta wait till Monday after work!
  3. Ordered both on Sunday afternoon...VF-17D from AmiAmi got here yesterday....19F (which I've wanted for soooo long)...from NY..stillll waaaaiiittiinnngg... WITH higher shipping cost I might add...
  4. If it does ever get made it will be a Netflix or Redbox rental for me...maybe...
  5. AmiAmi for the win....3.5 days from order to my doorstep! This thing is wiiiicked looking!!! First transformation done and nothing broken or pointy parts bent. Thank goodness for Collection DX videos! The only tough part was the leg swing bar swinging down.
  6. Picked one up! Thanks Scyla! (despite their retarded shipping price) $270 out the door.
  7. Picked up my first VF-17 today from AmiAmi--went with the new D! Should be here in a few days!
  8. This is gonna be soooooooo kickass!!!!
  9. 19 F now showing discontinued on HLJ website.... WHAT???? I really wanted to pick one up when they did a second run!!!! WTH???
  10. I gotta say...as much as fighter mode is gorgeous.....I find myself keeping mine in battroid a lot on this one....
  11. my jaw hurts from hitting the floor. absolutely amazing work!!!!
  12. My EMS and Fed Ex stuff always goes up through Anchorage AK and then comes down to me in TX. I have never had anything from HLJ take longer than 3 maybe 4 days from time of shipping to my front door. That's why I stick with them.
  13. Man.....your paint jobs just look soooooo....perfect!
  14. Yes they are the ultra smooth led tape strips. Just camera burn in. Hard to get a good pic. Resistors are built in to the strips. Just cut in lengths of multiples of 3, power up and go! Easy.
  15. beautiful build there! Nice collection as well.
  16. Tricky question...I'm running a full 12 volts to them right now for testing..which I think is what I want to use for the engines. The other ones lighting the window areas however I may try to run less to. We'll see.
  17. Well, you cant tell from the pics, but these LED strips are the gel covered version so they are very diffuse already. Gonna lightly sand the outside of the clear engine parts and then paint the inside with clear blue/red. We'll see....
  18. Time for a lighting update on the Enterprise D..... I have done my first base coat of flat black on top of the hull. Still getting quite a bit of light bleedthrough hopefully after another coat of black and a base coat of gray this will not happen. Today I cut holes in bottom halves of the engine nacelles for the the flat wire to go through and cut the blue LEDs to length for the warp engines and soldered the wires on them.
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