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Everything posted by Dynaman

  1. The Philly portion. I remember Star Blazers being on just before I could get home from school - so I caught the last few minutes, and then this show was on.
  2. Only $18 mil in third week of release. That makes it a good chance this will be the last POTC film (till they reboot it in 5 years of course). They will still make a healthy profit - but declining revenue like that is not what a film studio wants to see.
  3. My kids, 12 and 14, are constantly playing LBP - it's one of the few games that gets my 12 year old away from the Zombie shooters. Some of the levels online are very well done and imaginative.
  4. I think that may be it, here in Jersey it was on following Star Blazers, boy was it terrible. THREE! Cereal boxes.
  5. Everyone is... Now if you meant fully developed, well I won't touch that... Back to Who, not surprised by the mid season finale, assuredly interesting though - and I hope the Pirate (Drake?) is back later in the season, it certainly looks like he might be. I finally figured out what it is about the latest Doc that is off putting for me, it is those spastic had/body movements - they were REALLY apparent in this episode. Funny that something so silly should bug me so much.
  6. No no no, go FURTHER back - back to when they didn't really animate anything and instead superimposed real mouths over paper cutouts. I still get nightmares thinking about that stuff. (one scifi show done that way was on right after Star Blazers when it first ran - does anyone remember the title of that one?)
  7. I try my best not to think about any of them, just because there are MORE messed up people out there does not excuse Megan's lack of acting ability. Have to give her "credit" for not being a royal screwup like that crew though. (such as it is, getting credit for not being as big an idiot as them is really lowering the bar on the idea of giving credit where credit is due)
  8. Yeah - she deserves ALL the flak she gets. I remember that "I'm Hyper-sexual" comment of hers, and now she is trying to say that she quit transformers due to being treated as eye candy. Give me a break. If she gets her act together and learns some actual acting craft she still might do well for herself, I remember seeing Jennifer Connolly in Labyrinth and thinking she would never make it as an actress, and now she has a well deserved Oscar. To Connolly's credit she never tried to play up the sex bomb starlet routine.
  9. It tried, in the space battle scene at least they had (or tried to show) zero gravity - and the lasers were useful since they had no recoil. Doesn't help the fact that it was a shoddy film though. What they did to Jaws was unforgivable.
  10. Here is the difference, the bowler hat was a signature bit of weirdness, it was shown in such a way as to make it stand out and scream "this is how it works in Bond's world, it's not real but it's silly and interesting". Contrast that to the opening chase scene where it was not something setup to be out of the ordinary, it was just Bond going after a routine suspect. If it had been saved for the final chase scene of the movie it might have been different. For me it ended up being as silly as the 2 Uzis at 3 feet scene from Dead Heat. Is it Selective, of course it is - that first scene of CR completely wrecked Suspension of Disbelief for the rest of the movie, for me that is. To finish up, Hollywood is going overboard with digital effects. Movie A has a great scene where someone jumps 10 feet, movie B has to top that with a 20 foot jump, then movie C has to go for 30, and it never seems to end.
  11. In the action presented on screen, yes. Most of the time it is physically within the realm of the possible for the human body to withstand the stunts that were seen in Roger Moore's movies, the stunts (or should we say, CGI) seen at the start of CR were impossible. No human can jump as far down as the characters did and not have two broken legs (at least). Even worse - they REPEATEDLY jumped that far. And since we brought up Roger "The Spy Who Loved Me" is the best Bond movie ever. Possible exception of Goldfinger of course. He did have a lot of stinkers, "Golden Gun" being a dreadfully boring mess, not to mention the abomination that was his final outing...
  12. I didn't see Quantum in the theaters due to hating Casino Royale so much. I thought Quantum was a far better movie. Maybe I'm getting old, and tired of way way way WAY WAY over the top action sequences - the chase at the start of Casino was so obviously impossibly fake I just started laughing. Follow that up with the interminable gambling scenes where I nearly fell asleep from boredom and you have the formula for a bad movie experience. Quantum appears to have learned from the mistakes and made the action more believable - for a Bond film that is (no Bond film is believeable of course, but there is a tipping point that Casino went way over)
  13. Finally got to see the add, I'm already worried that it will have too little actual Muppet presence... Nothing wrong with Amy Adams, she was great in the movie Enchanted.
  14. It did pretty terrible in it's second week in the US. There is a chance it will bounce back this coming weekend though.
  15. I can't watch the trailer here at work, but the Muppets can do no wrong. (only thing wrong with most of the Muppet movies has been the Muppets not getting enough screen time over their human costars, with the exception of the original Muppet movie, oh and Rizzo the Rat has to go)
  16. Protip2 - Just because they know about it does not mean I approve of letting them wallow in it. The kid at the sports game? It should be legal to slap the parents if they did not discipline him. Then again I'm one of those cavemen that think indecent exposure (kids with their underwear showing), public cursing, and public intoxication should be finable offenses.
  17. The creators of Battletech simply stole all their (good) designs, at least HG did purchase the rights to SDFM.
  18. Just went to see it today, gonna have to buck the trend and say it was pretty boring. Yelling - check Fighting - check Running - check Lame jokes - check fun, nope.
  19. If anyone is on dodgier ground then HG though, it's the creators of battletech.
  20. It was also low budget, which is the main reason it was shot at night, in back alleys, and parking garages. It's a good thing Stan Winston was such a genius with making low budget look good.
  21. It should have been PG-13, just for Spridle giving someone the bird.
  22. My personal favorite was the one from the seventies, which was very Tongue in Cheek. I halfway remember the ninja moves one (fleeting images of it in my brain). The Keifer one, all I could think of while watching the first couple minutes is the version from the seventies. If you want to see a Dumas book done right, watch the French version of Count of Monte-Cristo (Christo?) with Gerard Depardiue (I spelled that wrong too). That is excellent, while the US movie version sucks (both of the ones I've seen).
  23. I'm sure they have a contract to animate the whole thing, but it is standard practice to animate part of it, check it for any problems and correct them before finishing. This is part of what makes the excuse for the SC animation "proportions" a joke, HG HAD to have seen test footage of the characters before giving the OK to animate the entire thing. The alternative is they had no idea what they were doing.
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