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Everything posted by troyness

  1. It's abit more expensive than most MWer's would be willing to pay, being used to HLJ & NY...but alot cheaper than the very near future on ebay....hear ya go..hkcollectables.com $403.71 B4 shipping.
  2. VF5SS thank-you for the review, the toy looks aweome. Nice to see the VF-4G chin looks clean. Thanx.
  3. contrats everyone who's recieved, happy new year, mine's about 2 days away!!
  4. You weren't wrong about kick ass pics!!!! I never really liked fighter mode, but from your pics I consider my ass well and truely kicked Concerning that joint assembled backwards, I hope you can do something about it, are you thinking about taking it apart, is it pinned or screwed?..
  5. Awesome charger69!!!! keep the pics comin'.
  6. I dunno what you guys are lookin' at , but I LOVE hearing the word diecast!!!!(must be why there's abit of weight to it) Mine gets shipped on Monday thank-you hkcollectables.com Now I just gonna sit on the edge of my seat in catlike state of readyness anticipating it's arrival.
  7. Wow thanx for that amazing review Lupin The Third!!!!! That was like a novel LOL!!!! I appreciate the time you put into it!! Sounds like the figure is as good as it looks, I was blindsided by this figure, only new it existed yesterday can't wait for you to display it, make sure to post pics.!!!! I hope some are still available in a few months when I have the funds (but knowing an exclusive Tesuka product Japan will eat it up) Good luck on your decision with the EVA figs.
  8. Lupin The Third. I was just about to post an inquiry about ZCWorld, as I'd never heard of them concerning the Blackjack 1/6 figure!!!! I LOVE blackjack and this version looks better than the Hottoys version (which I have). Can you please tell me about the body type-durable/poseable-anygood? The plastics/cloth-quality? That's the BEST blackjack I've EVER seen!!!! Thanx. Troyness.
  9. You lucky basterds!! F*#kin' China blocking youtube
  10. I'm in China, youtube is blocked, I hope I'm not missing anything important about safely transforming this thing?
  11. Yeah I know it's 1/60 scale...I guess the VF-1J does have high heels on.
  12. Damn... I thought the VF-4G would tower over a VF-1, but thery're approx the same size..that kinda sux.
  13. What's the transformation like, are the hinged wings nice and tight? What's the length in fighter mode(cm)?
  14. Oh well, I guess that's my stealth dream dead lol. Yamato must be thinking about another variant with the success of the VF-4G( I'd like to know the numbers sold) Anyone care to guess what Yamato would legally be allowed to produce if they did another variant. (and if it's not being too cheeky lineart to go with it) Thanx guys.
  15. A few pages back there was a sample VF-4G all in black with some guy handling it with white gloves, is that not another variant coming out later?
  16. I'm more excited now about the stealth VF-4G, I hope they tampo the skull tailfins, hope the black is not so glossy. I live in mainland china , I hope the chinese postal system doesn't screw me like they did with 3 previous lost packages.
  17. which reseller are you with from HK? Mine is coming from hkcollectables.com, but haven't received payment request yet as I guess it'll take a few days to get to HK from Japan. The Chinese postal system is slow and sometimes unreliable. I guess those leg tailfins must have a big ROM to be able to pull off a kneeling pose , from the toysdaily pics...cool!! I just hope all those hinged wings are nice and tight.
  18. another 72hrs or so , and we'll prob get reviews, and weathered/panel lined VF-4G's bumping this thread up to 100 pages, I love the fact that I'm breathing in & out right now!!!
  19. Hell yeah, that's what I've been waiting to hear..payment request from different retailers. This is happening, it's real..lol
  20. Aren,t those the articulating hands in the box, I guess the fixed posed are in the forearms Yamato, always good at wasting space in a box, when it comes to box they don,t listen.
  21. Thanx for that neoexcaliber , very interesting!!...Charge me up..can't wait!! Hey Tochiro , I'm not a display case kinda guy, I love complicated transformations, that's the joy I get out of collecting these. How much enjoyment did you get out of transforming the VF-4G compared to other 1/60's you handled?
  22. haha..we're all right there with ya! the 3 day window 25th-27th yamato's sending it out, I keep checking my hotmail account 5 times a day to see if I have a payment request. Hopefully soon we'll see members posting about their payment requests from different resellers other than NY!!!
  23. Sexy!!!! Do we have an extra set of hands/fixed posed?
  24. Thank-you Save & Tochiro for doing that for us very cool indeed!!! an articulating thumb and index finger. Looks like the leg tailfins touch the ground when the wheels are down, that,s a shame, but other than that everything seems to be in order.
  25. I guess he doesn't need neck armor...protecting the neck is soo over-rated , who needs it!!!
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