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Everything posted by troyness

  1. At my middle age 2013,s already finished, if I sleep in I'll miss 2014...assuming it is yamato that is doing something for mospeada,s anniversary do they even read these boards as some people say, anyone know how much yamato frequents??
  2. I'm glad pre-orders did well for yamato, also happy to get a second chance to own this thing!!
  3. Please be 1/6 ride armor, please be 1/6 ride armor, please be 1/6 ride armor, please be 1/6 ride armor!!!!!!! Please no cloth, please no cloth, please no cloth,please no cloth. !!!! saddle bags, tampo print, no screws,saddle bags,tampo print,no screws,saddle bags, tampo print,no screws!!!! tighter wind shield/tank/seat connection,tighter windshield/tank/seat connection/tighter windshield/tank/seat connection. PLEASE.
  4. OK you can't say what or why. Can you say what quarter of the year approx to be released? Or can you say the approx price tag? Can you say character OR mecha? fingers are over-rated EXO and prosthetics are improving all the time...DO IT
  5. takin' care of business rick. "sh*t happens" ..it had to be done sooner or later with the prisoners they would,ve tried to rape the females at some point & try to kill the main characters for turf , food etc.., rick was just looking out for the group, rick was the last to join the group in the first season, last to adapt to his enviroment, I think it,s a natural progession for rick to start reacting quicker to inevitables,
  6. I guess surviving zombies is a young mans gig. What was the old guys name from season 1&2... Dale? The one who was the moral authority for everyone, then decides to take a walk and gets most of his intestines left on the ground zombie style. Anyway I'm just trying to say I like to see older, useful role models endure...but I guess arthritic power walking ain't gonna do it when a zombie is commin' at ya.
  7. Woah!!! I'm I seeing that right??? Is that gerwalk completly kneeling?
  8. Yeah I hope Lori dies, can't stand her.Ordering everyone around on the farm to do her shores like some queen. Putting Shane and Rick thru bullsh*t , getting eaten from the inside out would be a uplifting end to her, that would please the viewer polls, don't want Hershel to go , i guess he could adapt to the situation, by learning how to cartwheel
  9. do you think if pre-order sales kicked ass , that there might be a release? Order stop hlj.com, they may take additional orders at the release date
  10. Ahhhh yeah , I remember the mint figure now, displayed on the back of ley's bike...
  11. I was just thinking the same thing about the knee joint , I guess it's yamato's-"no kneeling policy" like the 1/60 VF-1's
  12. Damn!!! DarinG great scenic shot ! Very brokeback mountainish.
  13. yeah I didn't like the Imagi character design either , after the project was shelved the footage I saw of them jumping off a building ,gliding to the street etc.. didn't look that great either (incomplete as it was) a shame as TMNT had some great CGI and action scenes.
  14. amazing poses, weathering and photos/lighting everything!!! Good stuff MacrossJunkie!!!!!!!
  15. Like alot of people here, I'm surprised it hasn't been done already. 1/60 1J mold is there ready to go. The 1/48 sold out quick, and now is as rare as a hiphop artist with low self esteem. I'm still waiting for 1/60 1J Hik in light grey!!
  16. I've been waiting for this since pubity!! Please don't update the costume too much.. although I know they will Please more stunt work and quality CGI.
  17. Luv prototype's ,their art within themselves , a panelined/weathered prototype are masterpieces! Please let me keep my job to be able to afford this!!!!!!!
  18. No matter what you do the cloth is gonna expire at some point, it,s a case of sooner or later. Stress shows up easy on this toy due to the colour of the plastic. I,d say if you try to stitch the cloth it'll tear somewhere else( If I remember correctly from observing my fig,s cloth die ) the cloth has 2 layers : the character's coloured layer :and the white layer underneath. I guess the friction against eachother would cause the tear/flake of the cloth + the fragility of the material used. It,s a damn shame!!!Because I soo loved handling this toy it was a pleasure to transform, the great poses you could do ,you could even get more acticulation with the arm/elbow joint when it was in armor mode by releasing the peg from it's hole on the arm gauntlets (peg hole closest to elbow, leave wrist peg in hole)even with the shoulder restriction!
  19. I guess if you,ve displayed it and never really touched it the cloth might last in terms of it ripping. If you,ve displayed it in a airtight display case/cabinet maybe it won,t flake But if your like me and couldn,t keep my hands off it and posed/transformed it the cloth will both rip/flake. I bought 3 sticks and 2 leys. the first stick I opened after a few seated poses the crotch tore, after a few mths tears in his biceps and flaking on stomach. My 2nd stick and 1st ley crotch tore on the first time I gave them a seated pose. I,ve left my 3rd stick and 2nd ley in their boxes. I think EXO took off the cloth (if I remember correctly) , that,s why I wish yamato would reissue it without cloth(I think rubber would be just as troublesome) and with molded/jointed arms/legs. The toy has a few other minor problems, but the cloth was it,s biggest downfall.
  20. Thanx for clearing that up Renato, I guess I'll buy the stand alones and mix side covers up with other VF,s.
  21. Exactly what you said sketchley,but I fear the TNG pigeonhole damage has already been done, all I can hope for now is more character development, action scenes, and a story arc that I can't predict.
  22. Each to their own I just think they've being over exposed in the TV series , I always found myself thinking "not another Klingon episode" But I'm sure it will be good
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