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1 VF-1 2NV

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Everything posted by 1 VF-1 2NV

  1. Yeah. Any closer pics? How about you post all the pics you have of the vf-0 ?
  2. Yeah, brings tears to my eyes.
  3. Great job K. Looks like mine .
  4. Sorry about what happened. I need to go and check the rest of my CF to see if they all have their heatshield. Anyone want to recast a clear heatshield ?
  5. Damn. The GBP is looking better.
  6. 1 VF-1 2NV

    1/48 CF

    More A few comments. The brown was not as light in color as I thought it would be. I think the darker brown makes looks better. The underside of the toy is almost completely brown (should have take a pic). No QC problems with the pictured model. Tight joints everywhere especially the swing bar area (it squeaked ), no overspary, and the inside of the cockpit is straight. I prefer the TV fastpacks on the CF than the DYRL ones. That's just my opinion. What's yours ?
  7. 1 VF-1 2NV

    1/48 CF

    Without further delay
  8. I would if I had mycf already .
  9. BBTS- 3 weeks to get it after initial released, if they even get their first wave. Toywave and/or any HK based retailer-1 week to get it. Assuming the buyer is here in the states. Some can wait, others are impatient .
  10. Oops forgot the Link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Limited-Transformers-D...1QQcmdZViewItem 329382[/snapback] I have heard many good things about that box set, i was planning on picking it up when i save up a few more dollars. chris 329430[/snapback] I have it. Liked it so much I sold the first 2 seasons from Rhino.
  11. Try to put the TV FP on. It might look better.
  12. Hi Kurt. Yeah, I'd like you to work on my vf-1d custom.
  13. Just noticed too that the stands are balck instead of white.
  14. I need to order me a set or two.
  15. Wasn't there a preorder for this @ $80 + shipping?
  16. The only reason I think the hik vf-1s sold terribly is because everyone threw a roy vf-1s head onto a hikaru vf-1a body and switched the 001 wings .
  17. 1 VF-1 2NV

    Heads up!

    Yeah right...no more toys . Wait till the 1/48 scale vt-1 and ve-1 comes out. Then what .
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