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Everything posted by myk

  1. Overall I agree with 'kaj; with the movie being the best of the DCU which isn't saying much, unfortunately. My principal gripes were the pacing, with what I felt to be unnecessary scenes that should've been left for the director's edition blu ray just to keep the movie at a good pace. Nevertheless, Gal Gadot won me over with her portrayal and allows me to look over the faults. The acting certainly wasn't the best of Chris Pine or anyone else in the movie...
  2. I planned on SNES'ing until dawn when I got home, just like back in the day, but of course when I get home I discover I have every power supply except an SNES one. Da**it!
  3. You still have it after all these years? If you want to unload it let me know. I also dug my Jaguar, PS1, GameCube, Turbografx and Xbox out of storage; I'm trying to get all my consoles together, new and old...
  4. Found my Scrambled Valkyrie and Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, that is all!
  5. Well, I'll ashamedly admit that I'm waiting for the usual streaming sites to get these episodes...
  6. You went to Japan to see it? Awesome. How much ship porn was there?
  7. Sure Mike did a great job acting as he usually does, but the rest of the cast is so lackluster, with their characters so incredibly stupid that the movie becomes silly. And I've criticized revealing the xenomorph excessively since alien 4, but I know they won't change that practice because they're going for cheap thrills instead of classic horror...
  8. Sounds like you have that SOC? I never got it, so I'd like another shot at it. Plus, I get the feeling that another SOC will have the improvements for the Andromeda in 2202. But you're right-if they released the Dreadnought that would be epic...
  9. Fair enough, but what about some orbital platforms, space stations, satellites....anything? Macross Plus is the only piece of sci fi that I can remember off of the top of my head that at least tried to depict objects in orbit, which would only make sense if Earth had accomplished space travel in the story...
  10. Just unseen, like in the Star Trek movies where you never see the "Starfleet," even when you're in Earth's orbit. I wonder if they'll make all of the Andromeda variants, or just stick with the main one...
  11. Now I know how to do 1 handed brass checks. Thanks John Wick! As for the movie, I thought that breaking the rule of not conducting business on Continental grounds earned you the death penalty?
  12. I had asked about the ship and was reminded that when it passed the barrier it was already listing and presumably sunk. As for the crew, I guess the ones that weren't Amazon'd drowned with the ship?
  13. On paper the new Cosmo Navy ships seems better, but when looking at the ships not so much. I get that the Andromeda's weapons seem to be more internal than external, which is a convenient way to get around the limitations of the lineart, but when I look at visuals of the ships I hope to see something bristling with weaponry; not porcupine bristling but just...ready. I know it's shallow to think so, but to me outward looks are everything...
  14. Very beautiful, but NEEDS MORE TURRETS lol. But wait, if THAT'S a dreadnought, then what class of ship is the Andromeda?
  15. It's not about the effects, it's the casting and the...."corniness" of just about everything that's been converted to live action. Does anyone remember the Yamato live action movie? How about Fist of the North Star? Let's not even talk about the video game conversions. Talk about cringeworthy. Some things should just be left the way they are; IMO anime is one of them...
  16. With the options that is really sexy...
  17. Just say no to live action adaptations. Scarlett I love you, but no...
  18. I'm glad she didn't disappear after her 'Fast days. She deserves this. I'm happy for her...
  19. I appreciate the input Thom. In any case, I bought some clay and tried to fashion my very own Amazonian princess who would be absolutely loyal to my bidding but it didn't work out...
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