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Everything posted by 007-vf1

  1. Is this was true and the forward and rear "booms" added extra size to the just landing platform and tower area; it would be just around 325 m. long from end to end and 110-112 m. wide... so in essence the DYRL ARMDs are smaller than the regular series platforms...I came to this conclusion because of all the calculations I had to do to re-scale the model... Then again, I am horrible at math...
  2. I have the Gold book were it states ( is in Japanese but I can sort of figure it out) that the ARMDs have a length of 450 m. and 220 m. width. Most web sites I checked states that the length is only 430 m.. Which size is correct? I am building a model in 1/700 scale.. need some enlightenment from the experts in case I have to resize it...and start all over.. help would be appreciated.. V.
  3. Hey Andy that looks pretty good.. I am glad someone has finally tackled that idea If here's a list for that 1/72 armor sign me in... the upgraded reptuu battroid gun is very nice detailed but I am thinking the armored laser gun should be pretty big at that scale.. V
  4. What i think is ugly about the siren is the face..it looks too human..the body looks like a mix between a football player and a roller derby warrior.. I also have that kit and when eventually build it I'll change the face to a more macross-like feature.. and maybe add a few tweaks to the body a la thunder hummers or fast paks???
  5. there're a few topics about this and other macross II kits. I found this one doing a search http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...;hl=metal+siren
  6. 007-vf1

    DYRL Hikaru MR-2

    the MR2, prior to the spider model, is a kick ass car . I had 5 of them back on the 1980's and one on the '90s; which is my favorite one. Yeah, a geek collector...but I loved the sucker..they are all gone now... I just wished it wasn't so hard to drive it at high speeds...I am lucky to say I've never crashed on one... Nice color scheme..now I want to know who is going to paint it on the real thing...??
  7. I think the problem with these type of remastered movies (raping other people childhood) are that they need to be appealing and have congruence for new and wider type of viewers who unlike us, might not have a clue about the movie's history and compromise. The technology to bring it to the big screen have changed and although it makes it possible for directors build and create a character likewise the original creation they also face challenges and have to brainstorm on how to bring it together bringing along a charging ego and personal liberties on the creation process unsuccessfully some directors do "mess" it up. I think at least most of them do try hard to make it canon. We should be happy that at least the original idea hasn't died and been forgotten with the decades that have left those childhood dreams behind. Besides, we are grown ups by now; we should learn to let some of those modern changes and annoying tweaks get by and enjoy the movie fro what it is..an entertaining popcorn flick.. I personally liked the movie and also thought about the things that could have been and aren't; but was happy to see that someone made me believe that a truck can turn into a robot and back again flawlessly and so realistic that made me feel I was there...
  8. your website simply kicks @ss...I like the big clean illustrations you have on it... and true; it takes a while to put it all together...looking forward to your next update...
  9. For me this whole unleashed thing makes some sense. If there exist the special chosen one that can rule above all other sith/jedi then it makes sense they can expotentialy increase their power given they go through a mutation or some sort of "magical" enhancement like an over hormonal midiclorianized breakfast...? yeah this new jedi are bit over the top but if someone can lift an x-wing with it's own concentration why can't someone eventually stop a planet from orbiting..?? I guess we'll have to wait and see where all this summes up to be...
  10. Is that how the SDF-1 really looked before crashing on earth?? Not a bad picture if you ask me... Nice web site Diablo...
  11. Thanks guys, that helped a lot. I found out the Saratoga II is newer, bigger and different configuration than the Uraga class.. This link from Mccaens OTN shows the differences in case anyone wanted to find out http://un-spacy-qmtdb.com/uns/Naval%20Vess...e%20Carrier.htm
  12. I know the Valhalla III was the main support ship for the fighters on the VFX-1 game; but on the second game there are a big variance of capital and support ships... Anyone knows which one was the main space ship for the game? my guess is the carrier CV Enbaterion, Kefarvik or some other carrier of that type... Help...
  13. I currently use firefox browser more reliable than explorer, I can use all features that way; the only problem is that I have to log on to see pictures...
  14. I got mine today..nice little kit; definitively bigger and more detailed than the Imai/Ari ones... thanks John...
  15. It would have been so much better if they added a set of photo etched plates, the missile or a stand along the model and sell it for a bit more...how about fast packs or a battroid-fighter set? The problem is that the VF-1 model have been done to death so Regurgitating an old idea might not be profitable..what's next paint the piramides in faux fucchia and say they are a modernized standart?
  16. the picture links have disappeared all over the forums they have been completely erased or have been lost momentarily...time will tell.. in the mean time i'll try to show mine... I realized that unless you are signed in you can't see the pics
  17. Yeap that's portuguese for sure...Brasilians made the X-men go gay....the background noise is too loud for me to make up most of the dialogue; interesting and funny but expected...
  18. To this day I haven't seen a considerable sized ARMD carrier (which I been thinking on eventually building one at 1/700 scale..that's about 2 feet long)... Some have finally started building a Daedalus and Prometeus which i applaud... Where's Saltzo big SDF-1?? where are the barely ever seen macross aircrafts that someone did in 1/200 scale? we would like them a tad bigger... Who's taking the reins here for those who wait for a miracle...?
  19. Yeah man, we need all of your Neurons to build a 144 Daedalus... most of the main cool Macross mecha is on that scale...but I think it would be too big to store..I would like to to see cruisers and small capital ships in 1/700 since there are a few models like the bug's eye in that scale... WHO'S GOING TO MAKE THEM...???
  20. where the heck are the pics..!!???
  21. I am sold John, count me in for one Just a question to anyone..how much in size differs to the imai/arii kits..??
  22. Hey that's fantastic . Hopefully and finally they will give Macross or sci-fi modeling in general some justice. By the way where are the wonderfest tread and pics going to be at??
  23. Well i wouldn't think is just a matter of opinion... I think is a direct effect from demand and availability; once the rich guys wanted to get richer and created a surplus of the toys the prices had to come down to sell the reserves. The price would always be what the manufacture spends on material, labor cost and shipping cost..the rest on prices increase is due to pure greed...or to our advantage, surplus of unsold toys...and their lost for not monopolizing the goods... $80 for a variable monster?? i remember when they used to cost $200.00 I think is always good to wait longer when there's availability of a toy line; prices are meant to go eventually lower, unless they become a rarity all of the sudden like the 1/48 low visibitily . But this is always a tricky waiting game... Hey Totoro your prices are about right. I have found some the vf's in 1/60 far lower than that though...
  24. Asking people for proper grammar sounds easy but let's be more "condescendent" to foreigners or grammar handicapped that might have a very hard time making themselves understood.. The request about not using capital letters as a intonation meaning is relevant. I think valhary is just a young newbie...
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