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Stampeed Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Stampeed Valkyrie

  1. meh, I don't care enough about star trek anymore to get worked up about it. The Kelvin timeline or whatever term they are calling it now is "OK" no great but not terrible. However Discovery.. Hard pass. This new Piccard Series.. probably a Hard pass. New Kelvin timeline Star Trek.. maybe
  2. I got mine earlier this week. Haven't had a chance to watch it yet. I probably should have gotten in the Riding Bean one as well, but that was my laziness.
  3. Tanya and the Saga of Evil was much better then I expected. I avoided this title as well because from the reviews and previews it just didn't sound like something I would enjoy. I am glad I gave it a shot. So I came back from a screening of the Konosuba movie this week. All in all I enjoyed it, much better then I thought it was going to be 9/10. This movie focused on Megumin and her relationship with Kazuma. WIthout going into spoilers there was a reverse Goblin Slayer moment.. lol. Megumin's backstory and family are explored in this movie and Chuni's abound. Here is to a 3rd season and beyond.
  4. In for Roy.. Also in for a Hikaru TV -1J with fast packs... which I thought I ordered already but apparently did not. As for scale.. honestly don't care. If it looks good and displays well with the others scale means nothing to me. What ever happened to the SD Valk line.. they hinted a GBP 1J.. where is that?
  5. If this series had premiered at just about any other season other then Summer of 2019 I probably would have totally panned it. However because the summer season was so.. what's the term.. lame duck that this title actually stood out. I am not sold on the premise of this title and the fact that it already got a 2nd season had me chuckling.. honestly this series is nothing to write home about.
  6. Honestly Azur lane reminds me of Kantai Collection, almost like a KO version of Kantai Collection. Now to be fair I know nothing of the game, nor do I wish to know of the game but I was expecting something more along the lines of Arpeggio of the blue steel, or a variation between the 2. I also do not have high hopes for this title.. specifically because the anime for Kantai Collection was garbage, so I expect the same here. As for this season.. what is there.. High Score Girl Season 2? Is this a repeat of a dull Summer season?
  7. So Back from my screening of Rascal does not dream of dreaming girl... For those unawares was the movie for Rascal does not dream of bunny girl senpai.. and is a capstone for the series. DO NOT go into this movie without seeing the TV series, there is little to no recap, and events that transpire will make sense with that back story present. Without going too much into spoiler territory it is the Shoko Makinohara route, with almost a complete emphasis on her. I must say that I did not expect the direction the movie went, and while that is not a bad thing it does change the overall tone of the series and takes it into a new direction that the TV series did not go. Overall.. I'd give it an 8 out of 10. And that is a conservative number..
  8. valid point. This isn't a MUST have for me. I will probably end up with 1 maybe 2 if it goes on discount bins.. like Nexx did.
  9. I just wrapped up Demon Slayer and I must say I was impressed with what I saw. Even more so in comparison to the utterly dull Summer anime season. Wrapped up Accelerator... and meh Wrapped up Oka-san online.. and I want my time back. Wrapped up Danmachi S2.. and while not bad overall, something still felt off. Waiting on Arifureta and Cop Craft.. I'm going to see Rascal does not dream of dreaming girl.. tonight 10/3. I need to drive for this movie so will be heading to NJ.
  10. Looks like I will be back in the LV area sometime between 10/23 and 10/29 GWAR concert.. lol no seriously.. lol again
  11. In the beginning yea... later on not so much JC Staff (I think that is right) stepped up there game considerably. I am in the middle of Your Lie in April.. kicking me in the feels. The character designs took some getting used to though.
  12. I went and saw the Promare Screening last night. I expected over the top, Mecha, Aliens, and Jiggly. Got everything buy the jiggly. Definate nods to every trigger title before it, from Inferno Cop to Franxx. I am half surprised that no Gurren Lagann one liners weren't used. All in all good movie.. My 81 year old Aunt even approves.. but she admits she has no idea what she just watched. (neither did I might I add)
  13. So the Black and Gold version is available again? I just got my notice that the "Black and Red" version shipped. I don't think you will go wrong at this price point if you want the unique paint scheme. The B&G version looks very nice in person, and is a good display piece.
  14. I guess I have the unpopular opinion. I have 2 MT cars.. a 69 Charger and a 2007 Civic Si. Both are totally different beasts driving MT but I wouldn't want it any other way. my 2 4Runners are AT, though if I could locate a solid 3rd Gen T4R in MT, I would be all over it.
  15. Lost Universe is on my list to watch. I watched this years ago... I picked it up pretty cheaply pretty recently, so its on my list. Demi-chan.. Not bad, definate slice of life. or cute monster girls doing cute things. I am doing another watch of Bunny Girl Sempai to prepare for Rascal does not dream of dreaming girl movie coming out early next month. I missed the movie at AX.. and I will catch it in theatres. Anyone going to the Promare movie premier next week?
  16. The SOC Voltron is very cool.. a definate keeper. As for the definitive Voltron? I'm gonna stick with the one I grew up with, which was my Matchbox Voltron III. Yep Chunky, not posable.. but 80's awesome to this day.
  17. I was able to swing by the homestead today during work, and low and behold there was Hikaru. I have a feeling I will be displaying him with his flight helmet on, looks pretty nice.
  18. I don't think the scale is off by much.. looking at the infamous couple photo, Minmay's top of her head comes just about even with Hikaru's eyes. The figure has it very close.. Not that anime hasn't taught us that we can't use scenes for scaling.. cause anime magica or something
  19. Just got my GX-71 from BBTS. I just got around to opening the box, and haven't had time to fiddle with it.. much joy to be had! It will have a home between my Matchbox Voltron III and my 20th Anniversary Toynami.
  20. great review @jenius I like the paint scheme now even more. Eventually I will be able to unbox this ans some others and put them on a shelf.. for now though.. in the closet they go.
  21. I still haven't changed my original statement about this season being Dull for the most part. Again Dumbells, Danmachi 2, are the standouts for me. Arfureta has gone down hill fast Accelerator so far seems to be good as well.
  22. so I caught up on Accelerator for now. It's kinda showing the same cracks that Index and the other spinoffs have been showing for awhile. Apparently there are even more factions with nonsense names and you hear about them for 1 or 2 episodes.... sigh. However... at this point I am enjoying Accelerator. Much more then say Index 3.. which was a bust.
  23. Glad to hear you found one. I have a fairly long email chain with KC and to their credit they are pretty responsive. I am still nagging them about the Fokker 1S SD version, which I have but is missing one of the heads.
  24. Interesting comparisons between the KC,Calibre, and Bandai. I have both versions of Calibre's Fokker's TV 1S coming in short order from BBTS. Eventually once I complete my game room I am hoping to display them. Along with all the Macross F-14 variants.
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