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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. Wow.... So at what point in our lives did we just say 'oh heck...I can make that rea-life kit look exactly like a painting'? Or a cel? I mean how did we all collectively just level up from 'weathered' to this all of a sudden? I find it absolutely insane.
  2. I've had two 1/2000 variations (the original HDP and the Sankyo HDP special edition) pass through my hands for another crazy collector here over the years...they are gigantic and completely worth it if you ever find one. Way too much for my wallet though! The Sankyo one comes pre-assembled which is a bonus
  3. https://twitter.com/GggOgawa/status/1497894073449213954/photo/1 Lanxster SparHawkender!
  4. This and the Hobby Japan Vintage Vol 7 coming out in 10 days should make a great month for Macross Modeling fans!
  5. Wow...having Mach 3/Firefox video game flashbacks! That was cool!!!
  6. That is definitely legit...and wow...did not recall it was at Jafcon too, but makes sense Club-M would be there too...nice find!! When the models page was done for that, we had only see the WF versions in the field...that is super rare Buy!
  7. Gwyn posted another update today-some pictures of the inside. Horrible. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-beloved-creator-recover-from-tragic-fire?viewupdates=1&rcid=r01-164722746171-c5fcacf83b5b4cdd If you do have the capability to help out with anything, please do. Understand things are rough right now. S
  8. I think 1/72 scale was always great for OLDER Macross kits..like from Imai, when they used larger/simpler parts. When Hasegawa actually made them with the correct amount of detail, the complexity went off the scales...the design was amazing,but the parts are just so damn small, they became too frustrating for me. The 1/48 scale removes all the stress on assembling the 1/72s...you have room to BREATHE. There is also an element of my old man eyes being able to see where the parts go too LOL That is a beautiful build, can't wait to see more from you!!
  9. Wow-those are awesome, great work! Its like watching the opening of the Fox intro for Star Wars!
  10. If it helps...if you have a Buyee proxy account, you can order vol 3-7 here...you simply add to cart, then at the cart page it switches you to the buyee account order page. https://honto.jp/netstore/search_10ホビージャパン ヴィンテージ .html?srchf=1&tbty=1 They are pretty cool magazines...definitely focus on the 'vintage' (god we are OLD) stuff. I just point my phone at the cool stuff and use google image translate. Vol #4 had some cool Macross stuff-including some never seen before mockup/rough drawings of what was given to Takani to do the box art. Hoping the upcoming volume continues to show more of these unseen items.
  11. Another Macross featured HJV coming end of this month-get your orders in. https://honto.jp/netstore/pd-book_31522857.html https://www.hlj.com/hobby-japan-vintage-vol-7-hbj62787 This is a Japanese-language book or magazine about science-fiction subjects related to anime and/or modeling. This issue of "Hobby Japan Vintage" introduces and thoroughly explains the plastic models produced for "Super Dimension Fortress Macross," "Super Dimension Century Orguss," and "Super Dimension Cavalry Southern cross." The transition of the planning and design styles is explored with comparisons and interviews about products from Arii, Imai, Nichimo and LS, all of which were manufacturing plastic models from these series starting in 1980. Comparisons between the anime and how each company's model kits interpreted the animation image will also be discussed.
  12. On a side note...seeing the Hasegawa Zentradi alphabet posted above again I remembered seeing it on the himetal regult box recently...and yup...says Regult 😛
  13. Thanks to everyone who has donated! Adrian posted an updated, a message from Kawamori. Shawn
  14. Another nice GBP build, paint style mimicking Tenjin's box art http://plamobiboroku.blogspot.com/2022/02/172-vf-1j.html
  15. I have to nominate our own @takatoys for this incredible build...it deserves to be in this hall of fame thread Wow!!
  16. I could see this thing kicking @ss and taking names in the SF3D / Macross mixed universe Love seeing these built, great job!
  17. Had a 1/48 Sonic Birds in the HLJ private warehouse, and just got notificaiton about the regult finally being in stock (only had a week left in storage on the VF-1A, so every day was saying 'release the regult...release the regult already') Lowest non-sea shipping option was 5160 yen to socal, which is just a few dollars higher than my last purchase from December (similar box sizes) Just posting this additional shipping comparison info if it helps anyone.
  18. And the latest update...incredible this is real model kit!
  19. In addition to a normal donation from us, we'll also donate our 2xGBP sale to the cause. Send me your donation proof info for $240 under your name (to confirm), and I'll send you the 2 Armored GBP set in the For Sale section as a special thank you for a good cause! PLEASE VERIFY WITH ME (message me) FIRST FOR THE GBP pair SO I CAN MAKE SURE IT IS AVAILABLE IN CASE THERE ARE MULTIPLES https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/49810-macross-world-2022-web-sale-get-2-sealed-dx-gbps-for-240-shipped-to-your-door/#comment-1612715 Shawn
  20. Gwyn, aka @Tochiro ,sent me this today...lets all particpate with what we can! Miyatake's wife was the famous L.Cat, whom you've ALL seen her incredible art of the decades. https://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/49308-rip-kazutaka-miyatakes-wife/#comment-1600187 Lets show some MacrossWorld support back to the people who have provided us with so much joy. Shawn Shawn, On Saturday, a group of us in Tokyo, under the leadership and guidance of Tenjin, launched a GoFundme campaign for SDF-1/Destroid/Zentradi/Yamato designer Kazutaka Miyatake who has been living in temporary housing ever since a fire destroyed part of his home studio and took the life of his wife last year. Reception to the campaign has been both overwhelming and humbling. While it's already met its initial goal, every bit helps, so we were wondering if it would be possible for you to make a post about it in the MacrossWorld Forums to help raise awareness? Details are in the links below but please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Many thanks and best regards, Gwyn. GoFundme Campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-beloved-creator-recover-from-tragic-fire Forbes Article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/olliebarder/2022/02/18/respected-artist-kazutaka-miyatake-gets-crowdfunding-campaign-to-help-him-find-a-new-home/?sh=2895d5091afb Anime News Network Article: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2022-02-21/gofundme-campaign-launches-for-macross-mechanical-designer-kazutaka-miyatake/.182812
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