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Everything posted by Shawn

  1. If this is 1/3000 vs 1/2000 scale, what are you at...1/500 or 1/750? another 1/2000 shot
  2. Shawn

    Macross Books

    Here is a another sneak peak at the book 😛 (My SDCon display from last year) Lets see..4 more days until release, then what...3-4 days in transit from Amazon Japan? So next Wed/Thursday I should FINALLY have the Macross book I've been asking for for decades....so close.
  3. Shawn

    Macross Books

    In one of his books, the google translate says he (Takani) held up the Takatoku 1/55 valk in various poses for additional inspiration for his works And for the new readers don't forget to check out my hypothesis on the Takani SDF-1 painting above! LOL
  4. Shawn

    Macross Books

    @seti88 posted this twitter link below yesterday. In an abundance of caution we removed it, the general rules we follow are here> On 12/20/2022 at 9:49 PM, Shawn said: The general unwritten rule is to tease an available magazine or book or whatever, something what a reviewer would do under a fair-use type thing Enough to tease some good stuff to encourage sales or gain interest for the item. Definitely not full scans of the item, and yes there will always be 'what about' exceptions....e.g. the old Imai booklets or something odd like that. Even in the old days when I did the magazine scans for the legacy site, I tried to balance what to show from articles from 1983. It seems silly I know, but it seemed like a good policy at the time. At least it let me sleep at night. So just use common sense and imagine it was your intellectual property being shown as your internal limiter on the previews. Easy enough! After further review, this link is FROM the publisher themselves, and is their own teaser to entice you to order the book, so we've reversed course and are allowing it to be posted again here (we want to HELP their sales, as it could lead to additional volumes!) Thanks for understanding! And thanks @seti88! And GO BUY THIS BOOK...it looks AWESOME WOW. https://www.shogakukan-cr.co.jp/special/macrossart/
  5. You have a 2nd chance now https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/s1081852628
  6. You just missed out! 19800 yen last night https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/j1081682957 Sure another one might pop up though!
  7. The 1/144 descriptions are for he Sharon Apple and Ranka Lee items below those Zentradi kits
  8. Shawn

    Macross Books

    I agree-took the base art and repurposed it-there are very slight modifications
  9. I wasn't paying attention, and noticed some cool Wonderfest kits showing up on the online auctions I dig the regult movie version cockpit, pretty cool! https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/x1081676142 The Armored 7 is pretty nice looking at 1/300 scale https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/c1081647368 I was very surprised at this one...now we are doing SD Macross Opening variations! LOL https://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/x1081645871
  10. Shawn

    Macross Books

    My guess is went something like this! Arii: "Hey Suzuki....we need a VF-1 Max Fighter please" Suzuki : "No problem, here you go" Arii: "Oh...sorry, should have mentioned Max changed colors to all blue and flies a VF-1J now" Suzuki: "Oh...ok, I'll do a new one" Arii: "Thanks! Hey we need a VF-1A Cannon Fodder fighter" Suzuki grabbing his brown paint pallete:"No problem, here you go" What do you think? Repaint?
  11. Shawn

    Macross Books

    Another user got theirs in advance....where is MY advance copy!? LOL 😛
  12. Part 5 update! https://www.macrossworld.com/the-gtc-legacy-project-part-5-30-unboxed/ Anthony is approximately 30% unboxed, warehouse is 3/4 full...do the math on that one
  13. Shawn

    Macross Books

    I think I have some wires crossed. If this picture of the valkyrie hangar was from Shigeru Komatsuzaki (google to see his images, which are in this style) https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/shigeru-komatsuzaki-macross-robotech-valkyrie-science-hangar-illustration-peinture-originale-1979-1980-/a/7257-51040.s?ic4=GalleryView-Thumbnail-071515# Then what was the 1/100 Imai Factory referenced in the Takani entry by him? I had assumed the pic above was the one referenced, but that would not be the case. Then the next question is, are these below also by Komatsuzaki? Or are they Komatsuzaki-like done by Suzuki, like he did with the Takani art? Guess we have to wait another week (plus shipping) for the answers!
  14. I can't make out the text of the engine/legs What is the rough circle with the small circle on the left represent? Is that the top view of the leg shape? DO the bottom of the legs rotate like the v1 Yamato 1/60s and Takatoku 1/100 Vinyls? Those LOOK like directional arrows on both legs. If this is leg rotation, was it abandoned in later designs? I never see it used
  15. Shawn

    Macross Books

    I DO wonder if there is a larger high quality picture of his VF-1J Gerwalk before all the white out was applied! That version is shown in the Imai 4 Type Series of kits. The VF-1J had to have its arms removed to line up with the others in the series. The VF-1S and the VF-1A were done by Suziki, the VF-1J was Takani
  16. Shawn

    Macross Books

    I dug around and found my Takani Wonder Style book I looked for the unreleased, and it says there was the 1/100 Factory. I did not know that that drawing was done by Takani! I thought it was another artist for some reason. Another one listed as unreleased was this Nichimo, but it was released-so perhaps the book had a typo.
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