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Z.O.E. models?


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Some of the mecha designs are really nice. I would love to have a big Anubis sitting on my desktop. I've seen toy based on games, including Metal Gear and Onimusha hitting even US markets, but I can't find info on ZOE toys anywhere...

Does anybody knows anything about ZOE toys ?

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Haven't heard of any ZOE figures except for the Kaiyodo resin Jehuty that was released a while back:

Whoa, when did that come out? :blink:

Can't say for sure, I'm guessing shortly after the first game came out. HLJ used to stock it, but had long since run out when I got to it. Here is the listing:


It's a full action kit too! Note the dreaded jolly roger of discontinued stock :(

Edited by Valkyrie Hunter D
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I'm almost sure I saw a picture of Ken Marinaris' Ardjet mecha on the Wonder Festival Winter 2003 coverage... It was a single shot showing part of the figure. I was trying to find the picture but the page is down. :/

That would be cool. I seriously wonder why there aren't ZOE stuff out there...there is so much potential with all the different Orbital Frames and LEV's...having that transforming Vic Viper LEV would be cool too.

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The only ZOE game I liked was the GBA game..

And putting the cockpit there makes sense. Its more shielded and protected from enemy fire than most mecha, which make it all nice easy to destroy headshots, or in the main body, which as anyone who has ever fired a gun would know, is going to take a LOT of fire since its the center of mass and MUCH easier to hit.

Crotch cockpits would work better. Aiming for it means if you miss you are probably gonna miss hitting the machine entirely unless the thing is moving "downwards" from you, and the legs provide extra cover, increasing pilot survivability. Most likely, the mechs are gonna be destroyed from upper body damage, giving the highly trained pilot a chance to escape the burning wreck and come back to fight another day...

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Really there was an anubis Kit that they released with a special edition of Second Runner, along wiht some other stuff.

I mean Doloris/Isis, Jehuty, Anubis, Vic Viper, and such are really nice mechs, prehaps the T.V. series needs to catch on a bit though, ADV could show their wares on cable. Dolores I is certainly an excelent series, and the games are done well too...

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Really there was an anubis Kit that they released with a special edition of Second Runner, along wiht some other stuff.

I mean Doloris/Isis, Jehuty, Anubis, Vic Viper, and such are really nice mechs, prehaps the T.V. series needs to catch on a bit though, ADV could show their wares on cable. Dolores I is certainly an excelent series, and the games are done well too...

Do you have pics of those?

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