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Macross Zero Part 4, 5. WHEN?


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Say does anybody know the release schedule for the remaining episodes?? The waiting is killing me. I hope Shin get his skills together to shoot that girl down. Can't believe he lost against her 3 times, 3 times. There's no way he can lose the fourth.

I was thinking they could have used this story to make a feature movie to introduce the macross world to the fans and newbies. what do you think?

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Welcome to da MW Forums bluejay.

Episode 4 should hit sometime during June 2004.

Episode 5 should hit sometime during December 2004.

Well. Considering that Shin doesn't show up in SDF: Macross I think it's safe to say that he might not make it out alive. :(

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Shin didn't lose to her 3 times, the last one was a tie, both planes went down.

And besides I wouldn't count the first time as a lost either considering the difference in fighter ability, F-14 vs SV-51 ( he did pretty well with a F-14) And the 2nd one was just him plasting aways without even knowing what to do with it, also that VF-0 was already damaged so the aiming could be way off.

So in ways it's still a Tie. :)

But it all comes down to how is he going to save the World from...... :(

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Third fight was definately a draw, and also handicapped since Shin's VF was budened be carrying the AFOS head, stuck in gerwalk. He mentioned how the valk felt heavy as Nora cought up with him.

Second fight, he at least took Nora's arm.

He didn't do bad all three fights, considering he has had a big handicap each time.

I hope to see a real VF-1/SV-51 dogfight between the two towards the end.

MAY 28th!!?!! :(

Holy crap, that's a ways off still.

Edited by Anubis
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I always thought Shin was the better pilot (in plane mode anyways :D) as it looked to me like he would have plastered her in the first ep with his Tomcat if she hadn't been able to pull that Gerwalk manouver.

Or maybe she was just playing with him then :blink:

But yeah, I sure hope we get to see the two square off with no holds barred.

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Can't believe he lost against her 3 times, 3 times.  There's no way he can lose the fourth.

Shin will lose as long as he will unable to understand his opponent's heart. This will make a big final climax.

Btw, anyone noticed Roy in ep. 2 told Shin there was a old saying about pilots who stare the sea at night and end up swallowed by it? This is exactly what happened, or maybe Shin is really supposed to see the bottom of the sea.

I was thinking they could have used this story to make a feature movie to introduce the macross world to the fans and newbies.  what do you think?

Knowing Kawamori, a Macross Zero movie edition is possible. And I would be glad if it was all CG.


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