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Number Designation for The Skull Squadron


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Does anyone know the number designation? Are they the 1st Fighter Sqadron "The SKull" or something else?

His question should read, "When the VF-1 flying Skull Squadron stood up, were they a newly established unit, or a transistioned from a previously existing unit, such as any AF figher Squadron or VFA-103 or a Japanesse/UN unit?

probably something they never considered since other than the colors, no proper nods of comment were ever performed by the makers of Macross to VF-84 (the F-14 unit flying the skull & bones in 1981 at the peak of line art being made for Macross) so it was never ackwoledged the offical cannon history of Skull Squadron or any other cannon VF-1 Valkyrie unit...

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actually, since the VF's are a new type of "fighter" they arn't really air support, they are.. well.. they're variable fighters. Also, I don't know if the US Navy still exists in the Space War era of Macross but with how crazy Navy's are with Tradition, there's NO WAY the navy would give the Jolly Rogers to the UN. Spacey or otherwise.

More than likely all the VF squadrons would be brand spankin' new. Spacey might even have it's own distinct military structure too. Who knows.

I just don't think any country would give over their squadron liniage to a UN faction.

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Valk squadrons are often given designations that are simply current USN ones with "S" (for space/Spacy) added on. SVF-33, SVF-111, etc. But SVF-1 would be the Wolfpack. Quasi-canon, possibly canon.

Due to all the grumbling over VF-84 vs VF-103 for the Sluggers/Jolly Rogers, after that debacle the Navy decreed that all numbers/names would be fixed forever more from that point, regardless of squadron duty.

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Actually, I think that SpacyAce2012 might be right, at least as far as the Macross Plus: This is Animation book is concerned. The book has a bunch of illustrations at the end depicting a variety of squadrons and attempting to conform to US naval conventions for squadron designations (i.e. "VF"). In that book, at least, I think they did refer to it as "SVF-1 Skull", which can be confusing of course since VF-1 is also the designation for the fighter itself.

Of course, none of that section in the book is canon, but then I don't think there is an in-canon answer.

Edit: DH beat me to it...

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Valk squadrons are often given designations that are simply current USN ones with "S" (for space/Spacy) added on. SVF-33, SVF-111, etc. But SVF-1 would be the Wolfpack. Quasi-canon, possibly canon.

Due to all the grumbling over VF-84 vs VF-103 for the Sluggers/Jolly Rogers, after that debacle the Navy decreed that all numbers/names would be fixed forever more from that point, regardless of squadron duty.

what grumbling? can you provide a link to that info, sir?

when VF-84 was disestablished for force reduction, the colors for that squadron were GIVEN to VF-103, who offered to strike thier own colors for the Bones, to keep the colors in the active F-14 Fleet. (this might have been considered also in line with future transistion with the F/A-18E & F since at the time there was also a exististing VFA-84 hornet outfit, too. either way, would YOU put the bones on a C? at that time?)


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Try this:


In addition to what happened to VF-84 originally: http://www.almansur.com/jollyrogers/vagabondshijacked.htm

There's more, but those are among the most detailed.

But it won't happen any more. The Navy said "no more" and all names/numbers are forever fixed now. "103", even if it becomes "SVFA-103" in 2042 after being disestablished in 2019 as VFA-103, will forever be known as the Jolly Rogers. And no other squadron will become "103". (Squadrons were renamed and/or renumbered all the time in the 50's and 60's--could get VERY confusing, go read up on VF-211 and VF-24 back then)

It's part of the reason the Sundowners are back as VFC-111.

PS--what do you mean by "since at the time there was also a exististing VFA-84 hornet outfit, too." There never was a VFA-84. Numbers are unique, regardless of squadron type. If there's a VF-84, then there is no VFA-84, VMFA-84, VA-84, or anything else.

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