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Transformer Super Thread 6

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Only some states. They were just making sure they had all the bases covered, so they could sell it anywhere in the US.
Other countries as well.

Too often, the way American fans talk about toy safety laws, it seems they don't even realize that Hasbro sells toys in other countries other than the US, and Hasbro would like to comply with their toy laws, too, preferably on a single toy so they don't have to do individual production runs for markets that may not justify the cost of doing so.

For example, Australia has considerably stricter toy safety laws from what I've been told.

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Japanese Classics Megatron looks so much better than the American toy, though (and this is assuming the colours are more or less correct in those images) it seems as though safety-orange is used instead of red. Red would look much better. Also, I don't mind chrome, but the use of it on this toy seems odd. I dunno, minor nitpick. I might pick this up. I've only got a few Classics, and don't intend to get many more. Just my favourites.

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Anyone catch Transformers Animated? Thoughts?

I saw it on cartoon network yes, and for those of you who want to see it it will be shown again on saturday morning. I liked it, it reminded me a lot of the original. It wasn't as bad or as cheesy as i originally thought. Oh and Starscream was classic SS. There is no doubt about it, seems like they finally made a decent cartoon since Beast Wars.

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Anyone catch Transformers Animated? Thoughts?

I saw it and thought - meh. Way too kiddish IMHO. I did appreciate how they used footage from the classic G1 animation as historical records in the new show, and Starscream was in true form. But why would someone name a girl 'Sorry' for a name??? Overall, I think I've seen enough of the show ... will likely get a few of the toys though.

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Animated was pretty cool.

For me its better than G1 at least with the charicters. Not as good as Beast Wars though.

Animation is good for that style. I am gonna watch the whole season before I give it final judgement. So far though

it is better than any of the last 3 shows.

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Anyone catch Transformers Animated? Thoughts?

I liked the start but halfway through I was getting bored. I feel the same way about it currently that I did when I first started watching Beast Wars so I will give it the benefit of waiting to see how it plays out. I was hoping that it would have more of the maturity of the Justice League series but it seems focused on a younger audience (no suprises). So far I haven't liked any of the characters enough to consider buying any of the toys. Megatron and Starscream were in fine form tho, I liked Ratchet too.

SPOILER - select text.

The premise of capturing Megatron for experimentation purposes is getting a bit old (Dreamwave, 2997 Movie)

Because she was an 'accident'? :mellow:


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it is, she seems to be from middle eastern decent, which is cool that they are trying to be more multicultural. And of course it was kind of childish. They make justice league for older audiences because comics are no longer being read by kids, but by older people. Transformers is still being watched by children hence why the last three shows lasted as long as they did on american television. So might as well stay with the core audience even though many older people still enjoy transformers. The kids are the ones still being the mostly crap toys lol. All in all i liked it and can't wait to Jan 5th for the actual season. Hopefully the first three episodes aren't repeats of the special.

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While I'm still not fond of the animation style, I did enjoy the characters/story a lot. Especially Starscream. There were a few points (especially near the end) where Tom Kenny came pretty close to Chris Latta IMHO, and he should only get better with time.

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I've watched the first few minutes of it. I love how there is no animation stuttering between frames like in the armada trilogy. Thank goodness that is out of the way. I like it so far. The Decepticons all seem to hate each other, Prowl is a dick(just like he is in the IDW comics, btw I hate Prowl), Bumblebee is a bit annoying, Bulkhead is okay, and I like Prime and Ratchet. I like all of the decepticons. Blitzwing changing personalities on a whim was funny and out of nowhere. Starscream was definitely the best. Lugnut looks awesome.

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saw parts of it. it was ok. was also imagining how cool a transformers animated film or series aimed at adults would be. oh well one can dream.

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Finished watched the whole special. TF Animated is a huge improvement over the really crappy last three shows (Armada, Energon, and Cybertron). Good riddance to crappy lazy anime style with really poor CG robots. I like the abstract expressionist-inspired visuals. It moves really well and the action is fun and well-realized with good fight choreography. Story is a bit thin, but it's clearly a light-hearted children's show, but what's wrong with that? It's a cartoon. It's for children.

I'm hoping for a little more meat in the story department as it goes on, but it looks nice, the characters are likeable, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the direct connections to G1, with actual footage from G1 and continuity. Seems like Optimus Prime is more like a job description than a name, or maybe it's like how there's plenty of people named John? Cool that Ratchet is an old, bitter version of G1 Ratchet. I enjoyed it. And Sari isn't annoying me, either. Also it's weird that this takes place in Detroit. While I haven't lived there in ten years, I'm from Michigan and pretty much anyone who has been to Detroit can tell you it would take a bit of a miracle to turn that city around...

P.S. Who noticed Spike, Daniel, and Carly making a cameo?

Edited by Ginrai
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I'm now realizing why Hasbro is going to use the light colored Starscream that was on ebay a few weeks back; it truly is more accurate to the animation. Starscream definitely stole the show. I just finished watching the special. I'm impressed. I hope Prowl and Bumblebee have figures with their battle masks on. I wonder if Prime will eventually use a gun, and if Ratchet gets a gun too. Starscream, Prime and Ratchet are my favorite characters so far.

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I don't think it's too much to hope for a developed story line. Afterall Black Arachnia is in there as a spider so maybe... ;)

As for some comparisons to Justice League:

Optimus Prime - Superman moralistic heavy-hitter

Prowl - Batman stealth mystery man

Bumblebee - Flash annoying youngster

Ratchet - J'onn J'onzz ancient vetran

Wonderwoman - Arcee ?

Hawkgirl - Black Arachnia ?

Who are currently heroes serving the city.

I liked the triple change head for Blitzwing, but not the choice of accent. Then again with a name like Blitzwing :rolleyes:

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I should note that the usage of the G1 footage and references to the Great Wars is likely just a nod to G1 and the fans, and it's not an implication that this is a continuation of G1 or something. At the very least, if you take the footage at face value, one should consider the past of this continuity's Cybertron, not G1's past.

Forgive me if this question is asked before....

One of my x-mas gifts this year was the Hasbro Transformers Optimus Prime from the craptacular Michael Bay directed movie. How the HELL do you transform that thing?!?! I grew up with G1 Transformers in the 80's and they were NEVER that complicated. Hell, even the Yamato 1/48ths aren't this complicated.

I find it funny how the box says that the transformers are for ages 5 and up. Seriously, 5 year olds are able to transform these things?!?! I must be getting old.

If anyone knows how to do this or can send me to someplace that has more detailed instructions than the minimalist manual, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.


EDIT: I typed this before I noticed a video had been provided :(

I assume you have the Leader class (big ass) toy? I apologize in advance if I am not clear.

1. Start by pushing the head back down into his chest, then fold the fingers up and flip the hands into his forearm.

2. Automorph his feet (grip the bumper heel spurs and turn them towards the headlights, the parts will snap into place automatically). Fold out his kneepads and push them down - they're hood pieces so they should easily touch the grill.

3. Fold out the panels connecting the rear wheels to the thighs. Now, disconnect the waist from the upper torso and gradually rotate the legs up while rotating the waist towards his back, so in the in what you get is the waist being flpped upsidedown on its hinge while the legs are horizontal to the upper torso/truck cab.Connect the legs together securely

4. Time for the various panels on his back, unfold them and straighten them out, the flip them from the back of the torso/cab to the front, aligning the parts with the legs (which form the front of the truck) and connect them altogether.

5. Those silver spike things on the shoulder joints, fold them down, then turn and flip the blue flaps on the shoulder to cover the silver thing. Make sure the shoulder is level with the joint so the flap covers the area securely. The entire arm/shoulder assembly is mounted on the smokestacks via a hinge, so time to disconnect that from the upper torso/cab. Fold the lower arm up so it fits in snugly with the shoulder joint and the blue flap on top, forming an obviously block-shaped sleeper unit.

6. Fold down those red hinged pieces (that are painted black on one side) on the bottom of what were the lower arms, including the part with the gun attached, then turn the sleeper halves until they connect together, and connect the black painted parts to form the rear of the truck. If you haven't removed the gun, the barrel sits snugly between the halves of the sleeper.

7. Finally, connect the rear wheels to the rear of the truck, make sure all the wheels are level, and you're done.

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oooooh, Onslaught, one of my all-time faves. There's just something about Bruticus that his "main" piece is always a good toy on its own, both G1 and Energon. Now, the question is--does he combine? Onslaught on his own is somewhat pointless.

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Well, Hasbro said they wanted to do a combiner, but didn't say which one, so fingers crossed. While Bruticus and the Combaticons were my favourite team, I would have prefered them try to do the Protectobots, because we got a pretty decent Combaticon-like team in Energon.

Edited by Fit For Natalie
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Is anyone catching a "knock-off" vibe from Onslaught? I don't think it's the overall sculpt, which looks good to me. I might be the head and the paintjob. I don't know, but the very first thing that popped into my head was those generic robot toys at WalMart.

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I should note that the usage of the G1 footage and references to the Great Wars is likely just a nod to G1 and the fans, and it's not an implication that this is a continuation of G1 or something. At the very least, if you take the footage at face value, one should consider the past of this continuity's Cybertron, not G1's past.

Oh please. Why would they specifically go, "Hey, here's the past!" and show G1 and then go on and on about how Ratchet was a veteran of the Great Wars, which BW already established was G1. They would've donel like Armada and made new footage that showed events similar to G1 but different. They used actual G1 footage! Come on, what are we supposed to think? Obviously they intended to make us think it was a continuation of G1.

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Oh please. Why would they specifically go, "Hey, here's the past!" and show G1 and then go on and on about how Ratchet was a veteran of the Great Wars, which BW already established was G1. They would've donel like Armada and made new footage that showed events similar to G1 but different. They used actual G1 footage! Come on, what are we supposed to think? Obviously they intended to make us think it was a continuation of G1.

At the Hasbro panel at BotCon they (Hasbro Reps) said it was a new continuity that was blend of elements

from all the series, primarily G1 and the new 'Film' continuity. They used the G1 footage as a clever

"nod to it's predacessors". Nothing more, nothing less.

Edited by Chindenathus
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oooooh, Onslaught, one of my all-time faves. There's just something about Bruticus that his "main" piece is always a good toy on its own, both G1 and Energon. Now, the question is--does he combine? Onslaught on his own is somewhat pointless.

Good point David. I too, hope that Hasbro releases the other Combaticons in the Classics series ....


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