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Ghost in the Shell, Batou or the Major?


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The first manga is a whole lot better than the animated version.. but SAC kicks ass as far as any animated series right now.  Batou and Togusa are more interesting because they get to banter off each other.  The Major was most interesting in the chat room episode.  Probably the best representation of her in any animated form.

My problem with the Major in SAC is that she's protrayed as too perfect; she's too good at everything and has the personality of a block of ice. The other guys in Section 9 have a lot more character, although most don't start getting fleshed out until 2nd Gig I've found.

Well, as of now, in 2nd GIG, Major has her ice busted open like a barrel of monkeys. We see someone who we thought was uncrackable, cracked, and that's the real kicker lately.

That's a pretty vague comment, but you might want to be careful and at least give a spoiler warning. I'm still working my way through 2nd Gig and I'm guessing I'm not alone in not wanting anything spoiled.

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Sorry about that.

Having seen all animated versions of GitS, but not the manga, I find that the movies blew. However, SAC rocked, and SAC 2ndGIG just blew SAC out the window. There was a general criticism about how there wasn't enough character development in SAC. I find that 2ndGIG dashed that statement too pieces.

BTW: I'm only as far as the fansubs have gone.

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Sorry about that.

Don't worry about it, just wanted to provide a warning. I don't get too upset about spoilers but some people really do, just something to watch out for.

Having seen all animated versions of GitS, but not the manga, I find that the movies blew. However, SAC rocked, and SAC 2ndGIG just blew SAC out the window. There was a general criticism about how there wasn't enough character development in SAC. I find that 2ndGIG dashed that statement too pieces.

What I've seen of 2nd Gig (up to episode 14 or so) definately blows away the original season. Not as much action which probably disapoints some people, but the story is really good and they've done a good job with the character development, as you said.

I liked the original GiTS movie because I thought it was a really beautiful movie. Character development blew and the storyline was confusing but the designs and pacing of the movie I really enjoyed. The second one had too much CG and was way too 'red,' but it had something of a comprehensible plot, which is pretty extraordinary for an Oshii film.

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From what I've heard from some sources explaining this on the internet, she has a side business selling VR porn.

If you want to see the missing pics censored from the first us release you can get it here.

*looks at pics* Warning: not for viewing with the family :lol:

No wonder it was cut..they need to appeal to the broadest market and not put the comic in the adult only range. There's something about that, that reminds me of battlestar galactica and how that scientist keeps virtually doing that chic in the red dress and everyone thinks he's creepy.


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I liked the original GiTS movie because I thought it was a really beautiful movie. Character development blew and the storyline was confusing but the designs and pacing of the movie I really enjoyed.

Oh, it WAS pretty.

But that was about all it had going for it.


Or maybe I'm just biased. No fuchikomas, no Seburos, what was I SUPPOSED to think?

To be fair, the story is at least somewhat lifted from the books. Even if they DID latch onto some really irrelevant tangents, and skip the more interesting plots(the nature of humanity issue that ran through the entire show was boiled down to a 4 page sidestory in the comics, leaving us with a much less angsty Major Kusanagi).

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I liked the original GiTS movie because I thought it was a really beautiful movie. ...

Oh, it WAS pretty.

But that was about all it had going for it.


On top of that, for the American release it was hyped as having better animation than Akira, wich was definitely not the case, not even the same ballpark, not even the same sport!

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The current graphic novel release is uncensored. And comes in plastic wrap to protect the kiddies.

Was the GitS 2 graphic novel supposed to be censored or uncensored?

From what I've heard from some sources explaining this on the internet, she has a side business selling VR porn.

Going by the bilingual edition, they were making VR drugs not porn, when Batou interupted their session.
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I think Laughingman is the only one still doing them. In fact, the original laughingman has been replaced by his brother I think. Currently they are up to episode 19 or 20, with next promised soon .

Yep. But the last one came out quite a while ago, unfortunately. Any confirmation they are still doing them?

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I think Laughingman is the only one still doing them. In fact, the original laughingman has been replaced by his brother I think. Currently they are up to episode 19 or 20, with next promised soon .

Yep. But the last one came out quite a while ago, unfortunately. Any confirmation they are still doing them?

#20 was just out last week, after a two month hiatus. He claims he's finished translating #21 and is hard at work on #22, so hopefully he's back on track.

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The current graphic novel release is uncensored. And comes in plastic wrap to protect the kiddies.

Was the GitS 2 graphic novel supposed to be censored or uncensored?

I assume uncensored, based on the fact it has a sticker on the front saying it's for 18+.

Haven't had a chance to look yet.

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The current graphic novel release is uncensored. And comes in plastic wrap to protect the kiddies.

Was the GitS 2 graphic novel supposed to be censored or uncensored?

I assume uncensored, based on the fact it has a sticker on the front saying it's for 18+.

Haven't had a chance to look yet.

I have already bought the GitS 2 graphic novel some time ago, and it truns out they're still censored.

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The current graphic novel release is uncensored. And comes in plastic wrap to protect the kiddies.

Was the GitS 2 graphic novel supposed to be censored or uncensored?

I assume uncensored, based on the fact it has a sticker on the front saying it's for 18+.

Haven't had a chance to look yet.

There were a couple different versions of GiTS2 from what I remember, I don't think we ever got the completely uncensored version. The original version had a couple scenes of very graphic sex that Shirow cut out. Far more graphic than the stuff cut out from the original GiTS, we're talking hardcore porno kind of graphic.

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The current graphic novel release is uncensored. And comes in plastic wrap to protect the kiddies.

Was the GitS 2 graphic novel supposed to be censored or uncensored?

I assume uncensored, based on the fact it has a sticker on the front saying it's for 18+.

Haven't had a chance to look yet.

There were a couple different versions of GiTS2 from what I remember, I don't think we ever got the completely uncensored version. The original version had a couple scenes of very graphic sex that Shirow cut out. Far more graphic than the stuff cut out from the original GiTS, we're talking hardcore porno kind of graphic.

*makes note to import the japanese version*


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That's not the point.

I think they cut it all out just so they can sell different versions and make the most money, not because of morals. Fans want everything. Personally I hate censorship even if it cuts stuff out that is irrelevant to the story. (although I do understand the reasons for it.)

It's about having the complete thing. Same thing with tv shows: Completists will seek out the best, most complete version of something to feel content.

The same issue with videogame censorship: It's ok to have extremely violent images, but hardcore sex is bad bad bad! Am I the only one who finds this a little strange?

And lastly, same thing with movies: They cut out violence in the aliens vs pred movie to apeal to kids.. and as a last minute decision.

If they ever make a scary sci-fi horror movie (say like another sequel to aliens with cameron directing: and if you've seen HR Gigers art books there is some pretty disturbing dark stuff) then I hope and pray they make it as gory, violent, and adult as possible. Yes it might seem shallow at first but I want at least an R rating. That's what horror to me is. Although it doesn't happen all the time, too much censorship and toning down can be bad.

I'm still a little pissed that there is a hardcore Street Fighter: the animated movie out there that I can't see. I wish I could see everything that was cut. I heard there were 3 versions made. One was M rated, the other might be higher rated than that, and above that there was one without any cuts. (the one I want to see)


Oh and if that link didn't work just go to the homepage. Some websites don't allow direct linking and force you to go through thier site. Common sense.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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The same issue with videogame censorship: It's ok to have extremely violent images, but hardcore sex is bad bad bad! Am I the only one who finds this a little strange?

Hey, the last thing I want to see is a pixellated penis jumping out at me.

And lastly, same thing with movies: They cut out violence in the aliens vs pred movie to apeal to kids.. and as a last minute decision.

Ah... gotta love Hollywood.

"We've got this movie. It's really cool. Bunch of awesome space creatures beating the crap out of each other. "

"Ooooh, I like it. But no parent will bring their kid to see this. Gotta clean it up."

"But... Alien... Predator... excessive violence is what people WANT in this license."


Not surprised, really. This IS the same industry that sued a cable channel for not selling them children's ad space for their R-rated film.

(Nickelodeon, Fifth Element)


Of course, AVP was likely edited to get teens in, not little kids. But still...

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