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  1. Since I don't own one or seen one in person or physically held one, can you smarties give me your feedback as to which of the 4 toy makers produce the best Alpha Fighter. I believe there's CM corp, Toynami, Brave and Aoshima. What are their pros and cons between the 3, QC, worksmanship, paint or tampo apps etc.
  2. A friend of mine is an awesome Prop builder so I asked him to build the H-90 Gallant and to make it Modular as a one off for me. I am aware of a project to make the Gallant for sale, however with import of RIFs to the UK, figured safer to just find a UK based builder. So with a little artistic license, Rare Earth Magnets, a Very stable and solid modular GALLANT weapon. Next step is now to find a Hard shell case for display/transport. I do have plans for a CV-3 armour set too.
  3. Didn't expect this news today: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2024-04-28/crunchyroll-adds-genesis-climber-mospeada-anime/.210275
  4. Hi everyone! I decided to make a single thread in which I can keep people appraised of my future projects, links to my previous works, a place to post your MOSCATO HOBBY kit builds, and pretty much everything else related to my works. Links to previous projects will be added to this first post over time to help you find my older stuff. 1/48 Pinky Space Crab build: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/40117-mo-suu-pii-dah-inbitoh-in-148/ 1/48 Blueberry Space Crab build: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/40692-mo-suu-pii-dah-inbitoh-in-148-part-deux/ 1/48 KING CRAB build: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/41380-mo-suu-pii-dah-goh-suu-in-148/ 1/48 BABY CRABB build: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/41380-mo-suu-pii-dah-goh-suu-in-148/ 1/48 BUSTER build: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/42190-148-mospeada-legioss-solider-alpha-battloid-kit/ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS The following section deals with frequently-asked questions. It is advised that you read this before sending me a message/question, as it has likely already been addressed. If you don’t receive a reply, it’s because the subject has already been covered here in one form or another. Please be respectful of my time and attention, and I will show you the same courtesy. Q: hey bro, you’re a really good modeler! I have an old RX-78 kit that my grandma got me a few years ago, can you build it for me? A: I charge $40/hr CAD for my work. Building even a simple plastic/resin kit to any degree of competent finish requires at minimum 20-ish hours (and usually much, MUCH more) so you’ll have to decide if it’s worth it for you. I quote projects based on an estimated completion time, and require a 20% deposit. NO exceptions. This applies to my own garage kits also. Q: do your kits come with assembly/painting instructions? A: yes! I don’t print paper instructions, but rather create .jpg files of the instructions which you can download, re-size and print as needed. This minimizes paper waste and transcends the resolution limitations that most printed instructions are bound by. Q: can you send me a copy of the 3D files you used to make XXX model? I really want to 3D print my own. A: How would you like it if I came to your place of business and asked you to work 1-2 weeks for me for no pay?… That’s what I thought. Secondly, all my models are mastered by hand, using only basic computer-generated vector templates, so there are no 3D files to speak of. Q: duuude, do you sell pre-built/painted versions of your models? A: no. Q: Your work looks cool, how much do your kits cost? A: there are photographs of all my currently-available kits, their names and prices in the PICTURES section. Please take a moment to look them over carefully. Kits come unbuilt and unassembled. Prices do not include shipping, which is determined based on the serviced used and your location. Q: I don’t see the kit I want listed. A: that means it’s out-of-production and therefore not available. Q: will XXX kit ever be available again? A: I generally take a public poll to determine interest before re-issuing a given model. If there’s sufficient demand, I may issue another run, but no guarantees. Garage kits are like wild flowers: here today, gone the next. If you really want something, grab it while it’s available because it may never be issued again. Q: how do I order models from you? A: simply send me a private message regarding the model(s) you’re interested in, along with your name + shipping location. I will generally post shipping charges for the most popular destinations publicly, so please consult that info first. The rates I quote are for trackable services. If you agree, we can proceed to payment. When making a payment, please be sure that you provide: -your full name -full shipping address -phone number (for customs) -the name and quantity of kits ordered I get a lot of orders and I can’t always remember who ordered what, so help me help you. Q: how long before my order is shipped? A: in-stock items will ship within 3 business days of the order. Pre-orders, by their very nature, imply that much of the fabrication process is as yet incomplete, and may take several weeks. If there are important delays beyond the stated estimated timeframe, I will make a public announcement. Q: do you offer combined shipping? A: yes, of course! Especially when you order several, dissimilar items. Q: I live overseas and the shipping is expensive! Do you offer cheaper shipping? A: I quote based on trackable shipping methods. There are cheaper alternatives, but they don’t have tracking/delivery confirmation. If you select this option, I assume no liability for the delivery, intact or otherwise, of your order. Q: I placed my order yesterday but it hasn't arrived yet. Does my package come with tracking? A: I generally ship via trackable service, but I don't always provide the tracking info right off the bat, simply because I have a heavy workload. Delivery times can range from 5 days to 5 months, depending on the location. If your package doesn't arrive within the alotted time suggested by your local post office, send me a private message and I can provide the tracking details at that point. Q: I really love XXX mecha, I think if you made a kit of it, it would be really popular and sell like crazy! Can you make it? A: depending on the complexity of a given design, it can take anywhere from 100 to 500 hours to scratchbuild a set of masters for a given model. The investment in time, materials and capital are significant. Therefore, I will determine for myself whether a given mecha is worth making as a kit. You are at liberty to make suggestions, but ultimately I decide if I’m going to make it or not. Q: can I go asking around to see if anyone is interested in you building XXX garage kit so that I can get orders for you to build it? A: NO! If you want to gather orders for a specific scratchbuild project that I would be working on, consult with me first! It’s all too easy to be impulsive and misconstrew terms, make bold/unrealistic promises and use verbage that can lead to very real legal problems. I’m not opposed to you doing the leg-work to gather interest, but consult with me first and I will determine the specifics that you can cite for interested parties. I reserve the right to disavow/blackball anyone who does not abide by these guidelines and assume no liability for said conduct.
  5. I'm baaaaack! And this time I plan to reissue the King Crab (Gosu doppleganger) kit, with your help. This is the biggest and most elaborate of all the Inbit kits in my line, a true King Crab! Just as with the original, it will have a translucent eye and canopy part as well as a detailed cockpit ready to accept aftermarket pilot figues (not included this time). Just like the Pinky, the kit is free-pose. Price would be $300 CAD (about $233 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required and I'd need a minimum of 10 orders to get the ball rolling on the project. Shipping prices are as follows: -$26 CAD per kit shipped in Canada or the US -$48 CAD per kit shipped internationally. Any takers?
  6. Hey all, This is me offering a third possible re-release of my 1/48 crab line of models for your consideration: the Blueberry Crab (Inbit Gamo doppleganger) As with previous offerings, I would need a 10-order minimum (payable up-front) to kick the project off. If you're interested, let your typing fingers fly! Basic kit price per crab: $205 CAD (about $165 US) -Price per kit shipped (US/Canada): $240 CAD -Price for 2 kits shipped (US/Canada): $461 CAD -Price per kit shipped (international): $263 CAD
  7. Digital sculptures of the legioss from mospeada for 3D Print and assemble. all comments are welcome! my page for more: https://www.facebook.com/ermax3d/
  8. El genio de la resina de MW, Captain america, ha anunciado que quiere intentar sacar adelante un proyecto para hacer un kit de resina del Gurab de Mospeada a escala 1/48. - Como en otros proyectos, el kit viene sin pintas y montar. - Escala 1/48, alrededor de unos 10,2 cm de altura una vez montado. - Incluye cañones de los hombros opcionales. - El precio: 100 USD cada uno. Para que el proyecto salga adelante se necesitan al menos unos 30 pedidos. El pago es por adelantado. Hay que apuntarse en el hilo en inglés: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=40117#entry1081601 Si podéis, por favor difundid el prooyecto Podéis ver algunos de sus otros trabajos en estos hilos: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35100&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35684&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33405&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=38959&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=user_activity&mid=632&search_app=forums&userMode=title&sid=4c548a28d82b4a59f3d7a98399df5090&search_app_filters[forums][searchInKey]=&search_app_filters[forums][sortKey]=date http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35962&hl= :http://www.macrossworld.com/800/cool8tor-build-of-captain-americas-172-regult-scout/
  9. Hello, Just a little topic to talk about Mospeada line art and design... A picture of original line art (not mine sorry): I'd like to add pics found on Mandarake but unfortunately, for different reasons, i don't find them... Maybe someone could put them?? Mospeada line art seems to be rare...or not (compared to some others series)? We can find some mospeada sheets in japanese dvd boxset, some magazines, artmic book, EBs... Pictures seen on the web seems always issued from same copy setting ie but not really unseen.. Is it possible, one day, to dream for a real big book ( not only a magazine) who contains all line art of Mospeada ? Bests regards. akim.
  10. Just working on some of my favorite things of macross, mospeada and southerncross. here is a video of the gallant and how it assembles:
  11. Hi! just made a video review about my build and mods to improve the kit. I hope you like it!
  12. Hello, I am someone who has been making (and commissioning) Mospeada fan art. I am wondering if there are references to uniform colors and unit insignia for the regiments in the show, or maybe planned but was not released. The only reference we got were Mars Base, the collage down below. Wanted to know if there are uniforms for Jupiter Base or other bases as well? In addition, I am curious about uniform concept art since...I am starting to wonder if Mars Base soldier had take off their suit before donning their armor since the fabric part of the MOSPEADA suit--based on their waist area--always show the undershirt, even those who aren't wearing long sleeve shirt (Houqet/Rook and Yellow/Lancer).
  13. This is what's been keeping me busy. Sucker is going to be huge! Almost 20" diameter.
  14. Not my pics. From the Wonder Festival 2019 (https://www.taghobby.com/archives/346499). My google translation says 20,000 yen releasing August 2019 (I read June though somewhere else)
  15. Hey everyone, It's been a while since I've posted any builds on this site. I think the last was the 1/60 scale drone from Macross Plus....it'll resurface one of these days! My current project a 1/10 scale interpretation of Jim's jeep from Mospeada. At this stage, it's simply a MDF mock-up. I'm hoping to finish it up by the end of the weekend and get started on the actual piece next week. I'll eventually offer this as a kit. I hope you enjoy. More soon.
  16. Hi This is my very first post in this forum. So let me present myself. I live in Sweden and has been hooked on the Macross world ever since I saw Robotech all those years back when it aired on TV. This though, is my first real model build of a macross related mecha, but I have a lot more of them in the stash. I was lucky enough to get hold of the captains 1/48 Mospeada kits. And I started straight away with building the pinky crab, clearing the work bench of all other ongoing projects. My plan was to build in some articulated joints, but my order for them did not arrive in time so I just drilled and pinned all the parts instead. I'm not going to play around with it anyway so it's no big deal. All the major parts pinned and attached in a desired pose. Some final adjustments needs to be dona att the final assembly after paint.
  17. Here I leave some images of my latest armed model of Mospeada, the Baby Crab of the master Moscato. I also made some modifications on the cannons of my Pinky Crab. Here are the definitive models! Enjoy
  18. Hi guys, some time ago I started the assembly of Moscato's pinky crab. Really a great figure, i enjoy the armed, although the paint scheme was really a nightmare to mask and paint with the airbrush. To be able to leave it articulated i add 12 points of articulation using the set of ball joint of the company hobby base. The weekend I upload photos of higher quality, the guns are drying with their last layer of varnish, so I can upload photos of the finished model in the morning. I hope you like it! regards
  19. Hello once again! Following on the success of my previous releases, I'd like to propose a re-issue of my 1/48 resin kit BABY CRAB (Mospeada Inbit Eager doppleganger) as my next project. The kit would consist of: -2 Baby crabs: one with legs & beam guns, one space version equipped with flight booster (no beam guns.). Base price $134 CAD -Price: $163 CAD shipped in the US or Canada for 1 set, $302 CAD for 2 sets. -Overseas: $186 CAD shipped for airmail. If you require a shipping method w/tracking, please contact me for specific rates but be warned: the fees are heart attack-inducing! I'd need 10 committed orders to go ahead, with payment due up-front. Who's with me?
  20. Hi everyone, long time no see! I was wondering, since there's a minor revival of MOSPEADA with the upcoming Legioss toy, if anyone would be interested in acquiring some of my Space Crab kits? My thoughts would be to re-issue the Pinky Space Crab [Gurab] to start with. I would basically need 10 orders minimum to get the project going. Update: Exo has graciously offered a 1/48 scale figure to compliment the Pinky kit, so each Crab will come with one. THREE CHEERS FOR EXO!!! Price would be $134 CAD (about $99 US)+ shipping with up-front payment required. Shipping prices are as follows: -$23 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped in Canada or the US -$45 CAD for up to 2 kits shipped internationally. Any takers?
  21. Hi everyone! I submit, for your consideration, my proposal to re-issue my 1/48 BUSTER resin kit (Mospeada Armo-Soldier doppleganger.) I will be making some minor cosmetic improvements to the neck as well as including decals this time around. There may also be a surprise included, just because. I'm looking for 10 orders to help bring this to fruition. As per with the original issue, the kit will include all three head options. Base price is $300 CAD (about $230 USD) -$338 CAD shipped anywhere in Canada or the US -$358 CAD shipped internationally by Small Packet Air For those asking why they should get this in stead of the Evolution Toy, or any other toy variant, I will let photos speak for themselves.
  22. Tell me your opinion of this excelent toy!!!
  23. Que opinan de esta nueva figura q salio!
  24. I have been working on some parts for the Toynami Alpha/Legios: new hands, a combat knife (my tribute to macross frontier) with a storage sheath, a better scaled cyclone packed:
  25. carlosap


    "I have seen this weapon before. The Humans cannot possibly understand its destructive power." - Regess to Ariel. 20170716_143411.mp4
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