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  1. Hello, few pics of my new building, a VF-1A Valkyrie. The box art : Building will be quite simple, only few updates thanks to parts taken from this : No main issues for the building till now : More work to come on the desk : Wings will be set in open mode : Let's have a quick look : It seems that it looks like a Valkyrie uuuh ? the paint will be probably a us navy inspired, with a heavy weathered grey camo. Thanks for reading me.
  2. Spent about three hours getting this thing painted up..and hour to take off the masking TAPE... REALLY !!! HAPPY with how this turned out! Would you like to see the development shots of the masking process!
  3. Hey guys! I was going through Toy Ark and was going through the Macross section and then I saw this. http://news.toyark.com/2009/05/13/new-macross-frontier-148-vf-25-other-models-announced-1271 It would have been cool to have seen them released, but it looks like they where actually TRANSFORMABLE! I mean why didn't Bandai release them!? And if you look at the other pictures, why didn't they release Klans Rare? It would be cool to at least have Klans Rare or at least the 25 or 27. Not sure if anyone else posted something about this awhile ago, but I just want to know what made Bandai change there mind. I mean I know about the Renewals, Other projects or stuff but it kinda bugs me that they just dropped it...
  4. Latest addition to my completed collection. A 1/72 scale VF-11B Thunderbolt, from Hasegawa, plus a 1/72 resin booster set from the Club M release of same. The Club M release also came with the Super Packs, so that's why I used the boosters on this one. As usual, more to be seen here.
  5. Old school kit, with new school tooling. This is the Bandai rerelease of Imai's old 1/72 Regult kit. Even though it has new tooling, it's still an old school kit. Be ready for a lot of puttying and sanding!! Since the Zentradi didn't know anything about maintenance, I wanted to make this look like it's been in action a few hundred more cycles than it should have been. More to be seen at the regular place.
  6. Hello, Here is a review of the superb ES-11D "Cat's Eye", (too) shortly appearing in the 10th episode ('Blind Game") of the original Macross serie. So far as I know, the kit has been originally casted by John Moscato, and now reboxed by Neptune Models. The box : What we can found in the box : The assembly guide, composed by a dozen of sheets in colour : The totallity of the pieces : The fuselage, about 25 cm long. The fittings seem very good : The cockpit, good level of detail : Clear parts : Details : Folding wings options : Landing gear parts : Thruster : The radar, made in a single piece of resin : : And the decal sheet : Thanks for reading Regards,
  7. Hello, here is the Comanchero from Neptune Models, cast by John F. Moscato, that I have just received from Starship Modeler : http://starshipmodeler.biz/shop/index.cfm/product/2860/172-comanchero-attack-helicopter-macrossrobotech.cfm The box art : One of the seats : The front and rear cockpits : The blades : The weapon bay (I will probably close the doors), where 2 missiles can be stored : Tha area below the main rotor disk : The decal sheet : Regards,
  8. Warning, heavy post, constantly uploading images... Hi my friends, long time no posting, this time I will share with you 6 months of my life, originally intended for a contest, but didn`t finished it on time. Inspired by a Japanese magazine, I decided to make my own version, it cost me money and above all, so much time and effort, but it worthed, the only bad thig was my poor skills in photograph (cell phone) and the absence of a light box...I added many details, almost 300 round bolts and many styrene rods, and of course I damaged the styrene with many items. The next top secret pictures were taken when one of the last reactive armours were set to a VF-0 valkyrie to go to battle against the anti U.N. forces, whom haven`t stopped their attacks on the last days, giving no time for repairs, we`ve been forced to use it as it came back from it`s last mission...barely a couple of hours ago, we hope to hang on until reinforcements arrive...from...only God knows where...
  9. Actually, I finished this last week, but my computer died, and couldn't get around to uploading the pics until now. Heard horror stories about the decals on this one, but I never had any problems. Just kept Mr's Mark Softer and Setter close at hand. I had originally planned on having a standing Nora next to the plane, but unfortunately instead of carefully bending her, I broke her. Guess I should have use actual boiling water, and not just very hot water. As usual, more can be seen here.
  10. Wow, two completed builds on the same page! Guess a heavily cut work schedule was good for something! Here's the latest addition to my collection. A 1/72 scale VT-1 Super Ostrich resin kit from Yellow Submarine & Club M. Yes, it's a bit dated compared to the Hasegawa's, but it's still fun to give these old kits a little love. Besides, I can always use more practice with resin. The Minmei figure did not come with the kit, it's one from Studio Starforge. As usual, more can be seen here.
  11. AcroRay

    Valk Bits

    From the album: Personal Macross Kits

    Parts of the Imai 1/72 VF-1A variable kit, getting their clearcoat.
  12. Yay! A Messiah kit that doesn't suck!! More can be seen here. OK, this kit did give me some trouble. The decals are not up to Hasegawa's usual standards. Had a lot of them not stick very well. BUT, it still blows the Bandai monstrosity out of the water. On a side note, funny how the first day after my job ends, I finally finish a kit....
  13. 2013 wasn't my most prolific year, but I neves stops to build kits. This is my last model, the Hasegawa's Elintseeker. Not much to say, always is a great pleasure to build a Hase kit. About the weathering, I prefer not to make it in fighters, I like to see them in pristine condition. In the last picture, I tried to get the same angle that the Tenjin drawing. Thank you for watching!
  14. It's been over fifteen years since I've done a commission (they helped put me through university back in the day) so it was with some trepidation I undertook a very special request from a member on this board - a pair of VF-4s! One was to be Skull Squadron battlewagon we're all familiar with, and the other a souped-up Max version with custom decals, weapons and other accessories. Presented here are the two results - built from the resin kit that has been offered here a couple of times. I do like the kit - it's a relatively easy build, but it may be beginning to show it's age as there aren't many straight lines and symmetry is a challenge. Never the less I'm pretty happy with the overall result and the client is as well - he's graciously allowed me to post these pics up for you enjoyment. As of now these birds are very securely packed away to be sent off. I will be sad to see them go. I couldn't resist putting Max and Miriya together in one bonus shot. Thanks for looking!
  15. Hi everyone !! Last night, while taking another look at Tenjin Hidetaka's Macross art works, specially to the VMFAT-203 Hawks VF-0C flying over a Daedalus picture, I started to entertain the thoughts of kitbashing a VF-0C and/or VF-0B from the Hasegawa VF-0D and VF-0S kits available. As you may know, VF-0C & VF-0B productions were discontinued long time ago due to being both limited editions, and to find a kit at an affordable price nowadays is nearly impossible. Have anyone of you guys (specially our modelling masters or the ones that have the VF-0S or D under the belt) thought about this idea before ?. How complicated could be ?. Any additional or special work besides frankenstaining two kits ? Any references or previous topics about this subject ?. Any comment will be highly appreciated. Cheers !
  16. Hello MW! Hopefully nobody minds if I just start up this thread to capture my progress as I delve into the scifi genre a little more and give my newly acquired Macross models some love. I started the Hasegawa Spacewolf model in 1/72 back on the 'What lying on your workbench...' thread and figured I would give it a home of it's own. The Hasegawa kit, for those interested, practically falls together. It was a headache free, simple build that would see little weathering or preshading as I intended to display it in a cross over scheme as a Macross realm prototype. Purists may hate it, and Harlock fans may shake their fists... but I just had to do it. I mean, come on! - the decal sheet sports skull squadron markings! Here's some pics of my build so far. I meant to keep this build light and easy, but I still needed to resolve how to arm it with a large calibre gatling gun as promised in the other thread. I resorted to casting the barrel end of the riptide kit from Games Workshop/Citadel and it fit really nicely on the sawed off intake trunk. I chose the red/black scheme as a bastardization (I've come this far right?) of the orange test schemes we see in history. I figured the white decals will really make for a striking contrast once they're applied. I shaved all the elongated aerodynamic bits off the wing tips and rudders. That aspect of the kit was cool and all, but didn't appeal to me. The burner can and gatling gun received a light gun metal finish and eventually the whole model will have a panel line wash with promodeler product. The cockpit area will remain black, with no fanfare or extra detailing via paints. At this scale it's a bonus to have knobby things included but once that canopy is installed you can forget seeing it from inside my display case. I chose this tamiya yellow green for my interior coatings, like the WW2 chromate used in that period. I felt it was fitting as so much of this aircraft feels inspired by the planes of the age. I did the landing gear in the same color and then washed the items and bays with citadel's badab black wash thinned with plain old water. It settles nicely and is a worry free detail aid. Under wing hard points are intended for big, clumsy looking drop tanks. I intend to attach some Macross goodies once they arrive in the mail and I've had a chance to duplicate them. Enjoy... C+C welcome. modelglue
  17. Hello guys. This is not my best year, and in part is because of this kit. I'm having great problems with the adherence of Laquer Paints on resin kits, mainly those that were made in Japan in the 80's and 90's. With Moscato Kits instead, I never had adherence problems, and obviously neither in plastic models, like Hasegawa. I lost entire weeks because during the masking, the tape toke off all the paint. It was a dissaster. Fortunately, you can't see any of these problems in the pictures. So please enjoy it, I didn't! Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com
  18. The wait is finally over! (for those of you who were waiting)
  19. Newest build completed! A 1/72 scale VF-1A Valkyrie, in Gerwalk configuration. This is an old Imai kit, so I did a few modifications, alterations, and additions. As always, you can see more here.
  20. Some of you (hopefully) noticed that I recently got the book VF Modeling Manual. In there, they give a description on how to do a recessed vernier for your 1/72 kit. As I am building an old Imai Gerwalk now, and trying to pep it up a bit, here's what I did to make the vernier. Start by getting yourself some 5 mm plastic pipe. I'm using Tamiya. No special reason for it being clear, that's just what the hobby shop happened to have in stock. Next, take the part you want, and drill a 5 mm hole (obviously, on the Hasegawa kits, just remove the original casted vernier area. Cut a small piece of the rod. I did around 4 mm long. Then, smooth out the rough edge. Now, here is where I'm deviating from the Modeling Manual plans, since I've got some extra parts from Jasmine Models lovely VF-1 PE set. I'm using the round pieces in the lower left. Glue the round piece onto one end of the short tube. Draw a mark on the tube for how far you want to insert it into your kit. You only want to go 2 mm or so. Put it, and glue it. Once the glue has set, trim off the excess, and sand it flat. Put on the top piece, and you're finished! (actually, wait to do this until you've primed and painted. much easier to get the inside black with no cover) Now, if you don't have the PE set, use a small disk of plaplate (5 mm, natch), and a small strip over the top of it. You'll also want to get a circle scribing template (probably around 6 mm) to go around the outside of the hole.
  21. Finally finished another one! 1/72 scale Strike Battroid from Hasegawa. Pretty much a straight OOBB. Went with the Hikaru version, since my regular VF-1S Battroid is Roy's. Few more shots can been seen at the regular place.
  22. Looky at what I just pre-ordered!
  23. Does anyone have any suggestions on some general basic reading, guides, or links on how to get started with Bandai 1/72 snap together models? (And how to not jack them up royally) Even little tips would be appriciated. IE: tab cutting the different varieties of plastic, surfacing, minor detailing, decals, preservation, ect?
  24. What I was hoping to be the last kit completed in 2012 actually turned in into the first kit for 2013. Oh well! Pretty much a straight forward build. Used pilots from the weapons set, and a Jasmine Models PE set. And as an added bonus, 98% of the Macross kits I've completed so far.
  25. Here is my latest completed work. Hasegawa's 1/72 VF-11B Thunderbolt from Macross Plus. Cockpit Detail: And with this kit finished, I have finally completed my Macross Plus collection!
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