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  1. Hmm, I found that one 4chan /m/, don't go there unless you're blind or illiterate.
  2. "Confirmed" and "4chan" don't exactly go together... Nadleeh Akwos is new equipment for Nadleeh to increase the effectiveness of the TRIAL system. But since VEDA was hacked, that equipment became useless.
  3. Confirmed on 4chan, it's the Nadleeh Akwos. It has a Gundam face on the shield that detach and becomes a sword. FV
  4. I doubt Seravee would strip again to became Nadleeh, AFAIK, Virtue strip to became Nadleeh in order to use the interface with Veeda, but now Veeda is gone. About Cherudim, I think the tail is the shield. BTW, if any of you had been to /m/ at 4chan lately, you will find fan drawn Gundam O.O which will be fit perfectly as Sumeragi personal MS.
  5. Found this on 4chan... Is it the same line? Are these model kits? Btw... Think I saw VF-171 in the card in the left part of the photo...
  6. Welcome to the Macross Frontier News Thread Previous threads: News thread I News thread II News Thread III News Thread IV Notes and Guildlines This thread contains spoilers. Don't say we didn't warn you. Please limit your comments to the contents posted in articles, websites, or news reported in this thread. Please keep talk of mecha to the Mecha thread and story or episode talk to the Episode thread. Do not cross post. Please remember to post pics as attachments or use a 3rd party image hosting service. DO NOT link directly to image boards like 2ch's image forum or 4chan.org. This thread is for promotional materials only (magazine articles, commercials, website updates etc.). Please do not post any links to episodes or full soundtracks anywhere in the forum. Useful websites MacrossWorld's Macross F Page MBS' Macross Frontier Website Macross F/Frontier Official Website Macross Official Website Translation Tools: http://www.excite.co.jp/world/english/ http://tool.nifty.com/globalgate/ http://linear.mv.com/cgi-bin/j-e/sjis/dict http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~jwb/cgi-bin/wwwjdic.cgi Image hosting services Flickr ImageShack Photobucket
  7. Criticism? Wasn't this the thing internet is about? There is always 4chan for that: Sheryl end: /m/ bitches Ranka end: /m/ bitches Altodies end: /m/ bitches Sky end: /m/ bitches Basara end: /m/ rejoices, then bitches FV
  8. Just saw a fan decal of a naked Ranka Lee straddling a heart shape that says "Hard-On!"on a car (possibly of Chinese make). It has a logo that says "Chinese Mango" pasted over the Macross Frontier logo. Strangely arousing. Not safe to post here so I won't. Found on 4chan.
  9. The 4chan post is, as others have pointed out, a complete fake. So, no...please DON'T hold your breath.
  10. I just listened to OST 2 and it was estatic. @Sptize The song in Sheryl's charity concert is there. It's titled Yousei (track 10). There was one track I was hoping it would be released in OST 2 but didn't. It was a military march version of Zero Hour and it played at the end of episode 16 (Ranka Attack). There were a couple of tracks also not included in OST 2 but someone posted the link in 4chan. Here are the songs and links:
  11. heres a wallpaper from 4chan that i thought was cool =]
  12. Indeed you're right about that. Yet I get the impression people here only think it may be a hoax, when it's most definately a hoax. It was a 4chan user trolling. The guy who posted it probably can't even read japanese, and hoped to sucker a few others who can't either. That's part of the daily routine there. And well, given that we even have people here thinking there may be a chance of truth in it, I'd say he was successfull.
  13. Well... If the movie fares well we may have a dvd release earlier than you think... with the obligatory fan-subbed version just later... Btw... Though I find that 4chan plot kinda interesting... I must confess that it sounds like a big old style trolling hoax to me...
  14. Seriously, I should really just ban any crap from 4chan...
  15. It would be nice if someone who understood Japanese could translate that for us. 4chan is about as trustworthy as a bag of bricks.
  16. Direct copy paste from 4chan, take it with a bucket of salt.
  17. Interesting and informative, but I think you missed my point. I'm not talking at all about the show or Kawamori's techniques. I'm simply lamenting the fact that this forum, which usually rises above stupidity like 4chan-isms, has completely been overrun by "Kawamori trolling" at every corner. No matter what people's opinions of the show are, I wish they could discuss them in a way that doesn't just spout out tired and annoying internet memes like "Kawamori trolling."
  18. I am guilty of using the term once. Yeah, 4chan ruins you for life On the other hand, Kawamori is explicitly toying with the audience, to unprecedented levels. Even Evangelion was more an exercise in direction, very kubrick-like, and its purpose was not always to be pleasant. Macross Frontier does not bail out on the fans instead. They have in common a postmodern approach. The key word to know here is metanarrative. A metanarrative is a grand scheme where everything is explained. This can be also considered a positive quality in writing, but the excesses of such kind of stories, which abuses of coincidences, can be easily ridiculed. The scene with Bilra is an example of that. It mocks fans expecting to see what happened to megaroad-01, which by ludicrous chance could have appeared in the story. It is to be noted that with a postmodern approach there is different emphasis on the story. The revelations of underlying metanarratives (these grand schemes of explanation) are diminished in importance by explaining them in few seconds and having characters not always being particularly impressed by them. This is not a case of bad writing, just a different aesthetic, although unluckily it's not for all. Hope this satisfied you FV
  19. And you haven't seen 4chan Although there were still people with the right amount of enthusiasm (spoiler because of language) FV
  20. I saw it posted on /m/ 4chan, not a place for ppl with virgin eyes and stable mental condition.
  21. No Bilrer is Densha Otoko and Galaxy Anonymous is 2chan (More like 4chan) , that would make Hermes .
  22. I've been looking into this. It looks interesting. Any suggestions on which rip is the best. I grabbed Fabulous for now since it actually mentions it's res. Any 1080 rips out there? Looking on 4chan, someone got a heck of a hack job in the latest episode...
  23. oh, you want stories, I've got stories. and there are more disturbing thing's on 4chan than /b/ if you can believe it. also 7chan...
  24. You've clicked on the b/ thread didn't you? Never go there. The stories I've heard about it makes me wary of even approaching 4chan itself.
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