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  1. This was something I whipped up in another thread for someone so I thought I'll post it here and start my own thread of wallpapers since I'll most likely be creating more later. Enjoy. P.S. Requests are more than welcome. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/uploads/post-2-1098220089.jpg
  2. Hello, I play a game. That game is stellaris. It is 4X genre game and you can select or make one country and play on a galaxy. It likes real-time Civilization series. Anyway I make Macross mod. That name is Macross S. The goal of this mod is to embody the Macross worldview in a game called Stellaris. To this end, we are making the most of the various functions supported in the game to make the mod. It is the link : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1106707984 This mod support like this Include SDF Macorss~Macross Delta series Empire & species : Zentradi, UNS, Windermere civics : start with zentradi traits : 2 species traits, 5 admiral traits, 3 general traits name lists : Zentradi, UNS, Windermere loading screens : 15 Macross loading screens added portraits : 79 UNS portraits & 23 Zentradi portraits & 11 Windermere portraits ascension perks : 5 acension perks Stratigic Resource : Fold Quartz tech : 11 techs army : 2 armies building :3 buildings edicts : 11 edicts Ship Components : 13 components Weaon : 11 weapons I will add other functions like -supervision army -Spaceships : SDF 1, UNS ship, Zentradi ship, etc. -In addition to this, if you get a lot of suggestions from me, I would like to make additional ones.
  3. Digital sculptures of the legioss from mospeada for 3D Print and assemble. all comments are welcome! my page for more: https://www.facebook.com/ermax3d/
  4. Warning: I know that this has some kind of 'fusion' flavor to it due to the abomination at the bottom, but hopefully it passes since it has most of the original series design in it. I'm posting this just for fun, but let me know if this is not allowed for this board. Ok so I got a pen tablet earlier this year and I have been working on this on and off over several weeks. It's not polished since I'm new to digital art and yeah, I did trace over screenshots to make the work faster. My main goal was to just get it done as practice for familiarizing myself with the pen tablet. Most of it was done on Medibang Paint with resizing done via paint.net program. I got the idea after I saw some Macross comic art in the miotd site, but those were in Japanese and I couldn't understand them.
  5. What do people think? Many artists are doing retro 80's sound nowadays, so it does have it's appeal?
  6. Where do you think Macross can go next after the second Delta movie hits theaters? What can Shoji Kawamori even tackle in a future story? I mean the entire question why music carries such power has been answered in full thanks to the fold receptor concept tying everything we previously knew, and the Protoculture will almost certainly remain a complete mystery. For me personally, I'd like the next protagonists to be complete music haters, for the story to feel far more inclined towards the mecha like how Delta leaned towards the idol side. The music naturally would need to be there, but I'd rather another SDF arrangement, where music becomes important roughly halfway through the series rather than from the start like 7, Frontier and Delta were. Preferably do something like a major "opening up" arc where the protagonist realizes his bullheadedness towards song. Adress the question of the New UN and the growing corruption. If it is in a reasonable timespan, bring back Berger and Epsilon. I want that fella's motivations cleared up beyond the usual "war brings profit" stuff I've seen all too many times in fiction. Like why is he even interested in Protoculture stuff anyways?
  7. Not sure where to put this. For those who's interested, there will be a live Macross Modellers 5th Plamodel Contest show over Youtube on July 3, 2021 at 6pm JST.
  8. Just saw this on Reddit. Looks like a bunch of stuff was filed last week and Harmony Gold is taking legal action vs Tatsunoko, but for what? https://www.open-public-records.com/court/california-23006746.htm Please nuke this topic if this is listed somewhere else already I wonder what it is they hope to accomplish and what the possible outcomes could be O_o
  9. At the end of today's Walkure concert, we got 3 announcements: 1)New Macross tv series in 2018 2)'Superdimension Films' 35th anniversary project this year. 3)Walkure concert in Bluray and DVD. UPDATED: added links to ANN articles http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-01-29/macross-gets-new-tv-anime-in-2018-35th-anniversary-project/.111595 http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2017-01-29/macross-35th-anniversary-includes-vr-concert-planetarium-projects-in-2017/.111598
  10. VF1_construction_2002251800A.mp4 VF1_construction_2002222100_1.mp4 VF1_construction_200220.mp4
  11. Hi there! I recently completed a minor lifegoal, and figured out a relatively clean way to run a Macross-flavoured RPG. If you'll excuse an act of flagrant act of self-promotion, this homebrew can be found here. This is based around The Mecha Hack, a minimalist ruleset itself based off 1st edition D&D. If you want to run a game, and not spend an excessive amount of time on paperwork, I can recomend it and the other "Black Hack" related games. Cheers.
  12. Apparently after the Robotech RPG Tactics debacle and subsequent loss of the Robotech/Macross IP from HG, Strange Machine Games now has the SDF-M/RT IP and has released a new RPG using their Advantage 6 (AD6) system. I have a copy and so far I like it. It isn't hard to make adjustments to run SDF Macross games, just change some terminology. An ebook copy can bought at RPG DriveThru. I'm strongly thinking of making some fan supplements for the RPG so GMs and Players can run games within other eras of the Macross canon (yes even the alternate universe of Macross II). Of course none of the RPGs mechanics or components can be published in the fan supplement except for stats and components not in the core book. Robotech RPG by SMG So what do you guys think? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Edit] General Review: I've analyzed the game after a run and mostly theory play, the game works mostly on the narrative style rather then simulation. Although there are various optional rule that allow for more simulation style play and high legality modes. The general mechanics are: Narrative > Conflict > Resolve > Narrative. Most RPGs operate or are supposed to operate in this fashion. Robotech by Palladium attempts to use a more direct direct approach to Simulation leaving the Narrative to abstract conflicts with some conflict resolution conducted with the use of skills. Much like how D&D works, the characters have stats that represent the physical and mental capabilities of the character. Skills and combat are derived off of those stats. This a stat derivative simulation where the data drives the character. When is comes to combat everything has a large number of damage points to represent the material health of an object. Although in Palladium there are some system consistency issues, largely it is ruled by the Mega Damage system and concept where a certain material cannot be damaged unless the weapon also deals mega damage. This, although not ideal, is fine for simulation of large advanced vehicles and assets. The biggest complaint with the mega damage system is number bloat for damage which tends to bog down the flow of game play. The other complaint I often hear is that Palladium is that resolution of conflict, especially in combat in where large numbers of combatants are present, aren't handled too well. The refers to swarms, as seen with tens of battle pods. This leads to numbers bloat and upkeep bog down during combat. Many shortcuts have to be created by the GM to resolve such battles. In Robotech by SMG, the system is much different. The game is described as a hybrid of narrative and simulation conflict resolution. There isn't any attribute stats to generate, as it is assumed that you are generally competent in the role you are playing. You are a hero after all. Instead of a series of derived stats there is a skill system. These skills are derived by the role the player has selected. Level of competency with in skills are regulated by a simple priority system. This ranges from Specialized, Focused, to Versatile. These skills are used for all conflict resolution. The two types of conflict are Social and Combative. The system, at first glance, seems very simple, especially to those who are used to such systems as D20 and Mega Damage systems which are very simulation based. The system is designed to handle conflict resolution at a quick pace preventing choke points where upkeep bogs things down. This accomplishes many things: allows players who aren't familiar with the system to quickly generate a character, prevent people from becoming disinterested when bog down occurs while waiting for their turn, and maintain flow of the story and game. Combat in A6 Robotech is much like how the narrative role play works. Damage is more system function oriented and complete destruction of vehicles don't always happen. It comes down to what the character is doing or how they are behaving that dictates if they parish or not. This is the narrative aspect. Where as the system damage and structure points are a set of indicators to dictate the condition of the vehicle before it can no longer engage in the conflict and limps away damaged. The combat system has a few optional rules to increase and decrease lethality and also rules to make the game more narrative or more simulation based. You can pretty much say that SMG's A6 system is a middle ground between Palladium's simulation style Mega Damage system, and Mongoose Publishing's Paranoia which is solely a narrative system. I often compare A6 Robotech (A6 being the system that Strange Machine Games [SMG] uses) to Paranoia because of the narrative element and conflict resolution. Although, Paranoia's conflict resolution is handled by the whims of the GM and dice rolls are largely superficial. A6 Robotech keeps structured elements as seen in simulation based systems and unites it with narrative role playing. I have game-mastered many games in Palladium's system and in Paranoia. I personally like how this game works. It can feel over simplified at first, but the depth is created by the players though the system of skills, traits, career, nature, and stress which all guide its narrative play. I feel the system really fits with the Macross story narrative, and beside the nomenclature difference which is easily corrected by a GM that knows the pure Macross canon, can easily run games that have a genuine Macross feel. Overall, it doesn't matter what system you use whether it is Palladium, Advantage 6 [A6], or whatever system you want to run your game in, how well your game is played is up to the GM.
  13. Hi! here is my build of the bandai 1/200 kit (re-release of vintage imai kit) I am planning to make a diorama base for this one, still not decided if it will be an interior or exterior scene. I remember some time ago I saw a pic of one of these on a diorama base standing near a cliff with trees around preparing to shoot aiming high, but never found the pic again.
  14. Hi folks ! Just passing by to introduce you a very ambitious mod called "MACROSS Univers" which is supposed to cover every opus of the franchise at its term. For now, it is still a WIP status and the first part of the mod is progressing very well, but let's take a step further into details if you don't mind ^^ First of all, I'm not the original modder, that guy is named "cooper59" on this forum, and you can contact him for more informations or simply use this thread just as we will do to keep you informed about how the mod is progressing. The mod is planned to be released by generation, the first one is almost done and right now cooper59 is having a hard time with A.I coding and I'd like to take the opportunity to ask the community for help. If someone skilled enough with coding and with plenty of time and passion for the Macross universe like us, might be up to give some advices or even be recruited to help us to achieve this project, he/she would be welcomed onboard. A good understanding/speaking of French would be a bonus ^^ MACROSS Univers is available on steam workshop, you can find it here : http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=581220784 The first part of the mod will cover both the serie and the movie "Do you remember love" KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS MOD IS STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS. IT HAS BEEN RELEASED FOR TESTING PURPOSES. A lot of units are missing, only a few are available in deathmatch mode, no skirmish vs CPU support yet. Here's a little trailer to give you an idea of what it looks like, have fun and see you soon ! Edit : As you may have noticed, there is no description for the first updates within the logs, but it is about to change. First, I would like to detail how we are going to proceed. So, each update will start by a "0" and thus, until the final release which will most likely be "1.0" and should change again after that... The second digit represents the generation being developed at the moment, and the last part of the designation is the step-by-step evolution for the generation being developed. For instance, right now the mod has the current status "0.1.10", so this is the 10th update for the 1st generation. Here's the mini roadmap (subject to changes) 0.1.xx => Macross TV show & movie 0.2.xx => Macross+ & Macross7 0.3.xx => Macross Frontier 0.4 is under discussion for Macross Delta implementation 0.5 Going to BETA 0.X Fixing bugs/balancing > 0.1.10 - Fixed an issue with "ARMD cruiser" and "Oberth destroyer" building process > 0.1.09 - Added the ARMD class for carrier and cruiser > 0.1.01 => 0.1.08 - release of the mod under testing protocol - Add various units without A.I for deathmatch *SDF1 version TV show *Spider Bug *Lockhee SF-3A Lancer II *Northrom QF-3000E Ghost *Stonewell Bellcom VF-4 Lightning III *Shinnakasu VF-1J Super Valkyrie *Nupetiet-Vergnitzs *Quiltra Queleual And here's a little sum up of the situation : To make it short, cooper is definitely the brain of this project, he manages the models rendering, scripts edition, animations and FX/SFX integration all that kind of stuff that make my eyes crossing in only few hours On my side, I'm an "Ad Hoc" paintbrush and as it, I take care of movie making and test the mod before any update on steam (that's right I've got units to play with that you don't ^^). I also try to save cooper some time, for instance right now I'm isolating and gathering the maximum of sounds from the Macross series to build a sound data bank for him to quickly integrate SFX. The sad part is that both of us aren't skilled enough in coding for now and from here we have two options...either we can get into it, but not now because of the models priority, or, and it would be the better, we can find a nice and AI-skilled person already used to deal with those problematics. In the first case, it might grealty increase the delay since cooper would have to start coding from scratch :/ He is already in contact with people who might be helpful but beyond that I'm afraid I don't know that much about where it goes, I guess we'll see. See you guys !
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