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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. well I do have several MIB action fleet e-wings and TIE defenders. I checked the price guides each one is around $400 each!
  2. personally I was kinda disappointed at this show the story sucks at least what ever was on the screen that might one day be a plot. the main character is a prick that I wish would die from the first 20 seconds. This guys loses two RIO's and he doesn't give a crap. the animation while a step above vandread the CG still doesn't go well with cell shaded. they need to lose the high gloss.
  3. already been done a hundread times over. officially by robotech.com and by guys here. http://www.robotech.com/infopedia/sizecomparison/
  4. setting the record clear on star wars tv stuff. two ewoks movies caravan of courage battle for endor both are about a family that gets stranded on endor and have adventures. (note most of the family gets wiped out in the second movie.) 3 star wars cartoons droids ewoks and the new clone wars mini episodes one animated tv movie Droids: the great heap (esentially a pilot for the cartoon.) EDIT: like most people I forgot(or am trying to forget) the holiday special.
  5. I find it funny so many of you gave hateful remarks to the show then turn around and sing its praises after its dead.
  6. god I feel cheated with that movies ending. I wanted to see F-14 and A-6's take on zero's, val's and kate's.
  7. Not every one has the patience of budda my friend. And the way you guys aact I'm surpised he hasn't taken many more jabs. Turnabout is fare play, you gave lumps he gave you some back don't whine about or cry he's not playing fare just suck it up and move on.
  8. As a Red Sox fan I take offense at just the mention of that.
  9. Apparently the reason people hate FF 7 and 8 is because they weren't fantasy enough with cars planes spacships and the like. Personally I liked the sci-fi feel and thats what drew me to FF in the first place. of all the FF I've played I would have to say 9 sucked the worst, its pathetic compared to all the other FF's. second would be FF4 rereleased. The difficulty really hurt what would have been an alright game. If you don't like fighting millions of random battles and battles you can't win don't play this one.
  10. good mech and jet anime Venus Wars Vandread Power Dolls(mecha very similar to armored core) Starship Troopers(original anime good luck finding it) Area88 Exo squad(not anime but good) 801st TTS airbats(check out the USAF thunderbirds cameo) VOTOMS(you must get this)
  11. a point and a question. First of all the story in AC4 isn't about you. Its about how a kids life is affected by a fighter pilot (yellow 13) you eventually shoot down in the second to the last mission. He is not Mobious 1 you are. The narration you get is from a letter the kid sent you at the end of the war. Now as for AFDS does it have the vietnam era A-1 Skyraider?
  12. I've said it once and I'll say it again... NO WAY IN HELL I'LL PAY OVER $30 AMERICAN FOR A TOY. Theres just too much hentai and porn for me to buy out there
  13. The overall design of those vehicles reminds me alot of the ones from STARCOM.
  14. the Spartan from Macross doesn't have any arms just two missile pods.
  15. If your new to anime there are three anime titles you simply MUST get! Agent Aika on two discs from U.S. Manga corps Najica Blitz Tactics on three discs from ADV Megami paradise on two VHS from a company I can't recall right now.
  16. It would be cool if it dispensed the DVD's by popping them out with the second mouth the alien has.
  17. underated fighter- F-16 Fighting Falcon. Despite all this new talk of next gen fighters like the F-22 and the JSF people forget this thing is so manueverable it makes pilots black out. Its a good attacker too. Underated Attacker- F-111 Ardvark. Few people even remember this plane but this attacker took a heavy toll on Iraqi ground forces during the first gulf war and is the plane that dropped more bomb tonnage than any other fighter or attacker and had the highest accuracy too. Underated Bomber- B-52 Hustler- the oldest planes in the USAF and one of the longest production runs(what are we on the K model now?) While prescision bombing can do only so much the B-52 is always on call to shock and awe with saturation bombings. Trust me nothing is more demoralizing to ground troops than to watch a squadron of 12 of these giants unload. A vietnam war relic still usefull today. Its said that when the last B-1 and B-2 bombers are retired a B-52 will be on standby to carry their crews home. notable mention- A-6 Intruder. Despite it going into retirement it still was and is the navy's heaviest bomber. Proof its still needed is apparent in the afgahn campaign were due to lack of attack aircraft they outfited S-3 vikings(anti-sub) with bombs and missiles. EDIT:just did a search of the web. Its good to know the ardvark still has a home. The RAAF(austrailia) is still using them.
  18. Kurt I know this is a dumb request but could you pose the gouf holding up the gun and giving the finger. ever since I heard of the master grade series I've wanted to see a MS giving the finger.
  19. it could fly. There are planes of its size out there, Notably the A-4 skyhawk. a major question would be how long could it fly. an plane of its size can't carry that much fuel.
  20. I prefer Veronika Zemmanova, Zdenka Podkapova, Pamela petrokova, or Vicca and Nikita. (BTW, due to obvious reasons, I can't post any of thier pics or fanpages here. Just do a Yahoo! or Google search. You get the idea.)
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