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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. I just recently bought a VF-1S Roy Focker valkyrie and I was wondering if you guys could tell me about it. Its the Japanese one not HG's Its a 1/55 It has a head kinda blocky like skyfires not much in the way of extras other than heat shield and missiles paid about $100 american cockpit doesn't open on hindge but has a peg for what I guess is half a pilot (pilot not included) metal parts wheels and legs joints What I want to know is 4 things Who made it? what can I do to customize it? did I over pay? Anyone want it for a VF-1 J,A,S, Brownie or know where I can get a brownie in Boston?
  2. simple fact U-2 isn't as obnoxious as other groups (greenday)
  3. Man what I listen to is pretty messed up. CD's I have anygiven day Johnny Cash AC/DC Aerosmith Johnny Horton Ashlee Simpson various J-pop Alan Jackson Dropkick Murphy's U2 Britney Spears Beethoven Bolero Metallica Waylan Jennings I generally listen to anything if it has most if not all the following good beat a storyline great melody I hate groups that sound like crap smashing together (anything WBCN plays for the most part) And groups that seem to have to hate someone or thing to be popular (greenday) or groups with a political agenda (greenday) or american idiots that hate war yet somehow get stuck in a warzone in africa for a benefit gig for a dictator (greenday) someone should tell greenday the election is over and they lost so shut up and deal with it.
  4. Is that Schmitzer from the zeonic front game?
  5. sounds kinda like megazone 23 but I doubt it. hmmm maybe orguss or orguss 02.
  6. You mean the one episode where the captain remembers when he first bought it or you mean when its first shown? I think he means for its battlestar galactica cameo.
  7. my op: It wasn't a total stinker, not enough to make me leave before its over at lease. Yet I doubt its a movie I'll ever watch again. At the end I was like "What the hell was that? Whats the point? Why do I feel like I wasted brain cells?" despite however good the source was this movie was just inane and boring I give it a meh rating PS: I wanted to kill the pesident character the first time he spoke. EDIT: WTF was up with the crabs? we see two get killed in the movie. One gets crushed by the alien at the begining, the other by the escape shuttle. What was the point of them? It seemed like a running joke that went nowhere.
  8. I recently saw the trailer when I went to see hitchhiker's guide, Is it me or was the shepard not in the trailer? It would kinda suck if the entire cast from the show didn't make it into the movie.
  9. the action fleet also had the cargo area tucked in
  10. I hate the new starfighter designs the new jedi fighter is a kit bashed egg the arc is a german stuka at least the classic trilogy had unique (albiet based off letters) looks and doesn't remind anyone of something else note the republic gunship was based on the MI-24 hind helicopter and the one unique ship the N-1 naboo was ugly and as effective as a poop flavored lolly pop
  11. I thought it was Griffin not Guts that was raped as a kid?
  12. Got these teeny die-cast suckers for now just because they looked cool: Where are those from? Graham I wonder why anyone hasn't said that diecast galactica looks like a squished runabout from star trek DS9
  13. I only found out about it when I saw a new Berserk box set at suncoast that said season one. I asked the guy and he said a new season was on the way. any word?
  14. Hmmm. I can't help but think a GM head would look better on that than a regular gundam head... but thats just me
  15. wow I didn't know there were people here from Mass. on macrossworld. I always figured most where from Hong Kong or cali! Anyways it looks like F/A-22's are finally getting cranked out.
  16. Renato: Thanks Yes, it's been a while... Red Devil :: Do you always foam and froth when someone has a different opinion? 10 points out of the 14 you highlighted apply to Heinlein's work. To be a fascistic society, there is no reason that ALL fourteen points must be fulfilled. 10 out of 14 is a high proportion, don't you think? Fine, it maynot be a Fascist state - but it certainly wasn't republican or democratic. And I don't really have a problem with that (nor do I have a problem with that concept of sufferage really ) In anycase, we are heading offtopic. I don't get even 10? lets see 1. is debateable 2.even though rico's family couldn't vote they still had an easy life. from what I gathered everyone did 3.this isn't as much a fascist point than it was during WWII with america and the japanese sneak attacks tend to get you vilified. 4.before the war military service was considered a joke and during the war civillians tied up half the fleet to protect earth. civilians are in power not the military 6.the media isn't really touched on in the book 7.if your state got bombed you would too ask new yourk how they feel. 9.Rico's family traded in an open market 10.nowhere is this shown in the book 12.corporal punishment is still in use in the marines and capital punishment is still thought of in extreme cases. 14.there were no elections in the book
  17. I have been bugging everyone from animerica to ADV to US Manga corps to get somebody to release that. unfortunatly tristar/columbia because of the movie have everything ST by the balls.
  18. are those star destroyers over grievious's shoulder? they don't look like acclimators the profile is wrong.
  19. IIRC the last time there was a title fight with no interference was stone cold and taker in summer slam a few years ago. EDIT: to me one of the main reasons everthing sucks is the lack of continuity between raw and smackdown, it was better with two shows a week following a story line rather than "HHH wins again" on raw to "who the hell are these wcw rejects?" on smackdown.
  20. Due to popular demand my ass! Someone needs to reword that to "Due to Angry Protests." ADV has got a bug up their stinkhole thinking they can charge and additional $3.00 when you can get other anime magazines out there for a lot less. I owuld rather have the Japanese edition anyways. This is why I never bought the mag in the first place. I'll stand by animerica mag to the day I die.
  21. Why does everyone insist in putting all the weaponry on the outside of a ship where flak and debris can damage it?
  22. Shadow Force? Reminds me of the old STARCOM toys and cartoon.
  23. not that my opinion matters but for years I've been wanting a colonial marines movie or tv series. It would go a long way to explain the situation. Note I could care less what the comics and books have to say about these questions. Why does the corporation want the alien so much? How much power does the corp have politcally and militarily? Are the colonial marines a seperate entity from say a earth system or directorate marine corps or just a militia like the 1776 colonial minutemen? What is the governing body of the united states and where is it? Is there a power struggle or civil war going on? And finally for the AVP fans did humans steal technology from the preds in the time after the avp movie?
  24. well truth is there really isn't any of the DVD's too avoid. Even the starblazers dub and changes aren't that bad. I guess it would come down to taste. Theres a movie box set out in america all subbed. They are the movie compilations of the TV series. the tone of them is very melancoly. the starblazers have all three seasons out you can buy singly or boxed by season. Thats it for american releases I don't know about bootlegs or japan only releases.
  25. -In Dr. Frueds waiting room- RL- "Hey Joss Whedon whats up? Hows that Firefly movie coming along?" Joss- "Needs more lesbians..."
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