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Everything posted by renegadeleader1

  1. basically its just press the triangle button for melee attacks and hold R1 and R2 and press square to do the god/shining gundams finger attack.
  2. How about "Chairman Moe's magic wok"? sorry I watch too much simpsons
  3. this has probly been said but Alien: ressurection and Starship Troopers I have never seen so much screwed up in my life!
  4. I've never noticed before but Sound wave reminds me of the Summoner/Thor from battletech. lol guess there goes another battlemech into the hole of no return.
  5. I like Agent Aika I like Najica blitz tactics I like Megami Paradise BUT This sounds too smutty for my taste kinda like Playboy's teases(najica aika) to Hustler's raunch(this)
  6. I've read TROTK, and to be honest the whole scouring of the shire chapter was pointless. Tolkien used it to extend the book he didn't want to end and tie up the saruman loose end. Personally I'm glad to see it go. any ways its going to be on the EE anyway so you guys shouldn't bitch so much.
  7. LOL! they should make a game where ALL the different services have to duke it out for supremecy. The air force would have to be handicapped, though. An F-16 against an M16 is a tad unfair. I take it you've never heard of a patriot missile battery?
  8. As long as it doesn't torch the San Fernando valley I'm happy.
  9. yes these places exist they're called black market weapons dealers. for just $500 dollars american you can get your hands on a stinger missile launcher wich is a hot mover these days.
  10. Well, you're not missing much. - The animation quality of Crash is inferior to eps. 5-6 of BGC. - Due to her commitment as a rock singer, Kinuko Omori stepped down as the voice of Priss. She was replaced by J-Pop singer Ryoko Tachikawa. As a result, Priss' character gets screwed up and she betrays us by becoming an idol singer. - No GENOM here. Not even an explanation of what happened to the corporation. Of all the animated incarnations of BGC, Crash is the weakest. At least it's still better than Adam Warren's poor attempt at doing a BGC comic. What happened to Genom was this. At the end of the vision episode, the american boomer designer was arrested and turned states evidence that Genom was making illeagal combat boomers. Rosenquaritz(SP?) the head of genom was arrested, while the company for the most part was broken up and sold to several other companies, Notably the comapny that was designing the new A.I. in bubble gum crash. Genom still exists but in a form nowhere the mega corp it was. This was one of the reasons Nene thought the nightsabers were breaking up. Linna was a stockbroker, Priss got her singing contract, Sylia got her revenge and was now focusing on her clothes/lingerie shop.
  11. I kinda liked the newborn alien... well only after it was first born and does to the queen what it took Ripley half of aliens to do. It was hilarious watching the queen getting its head ripped off.
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