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Everything posted by Radd

  1. Me too, that's an excellent picture! The SDF Macross colours for the Macross were blue, yellow, red, and white. I always just assumed it was a homage to that.
  2. Huh, I'm having no end of trouble downloading this. First it wouldn't download at all, but now I've downloaded it several times and each time it cuts off less than a quarter of the way through it. Not at the same point, seems to change when I redownload it, but still. Man. Maybe I need new codecs, but it seems like a file problem.
  3. I noticed that in the following batches of pics, in gerwalk mode and whatnot the legs are still not coonnected to the upper plate like they should be, and the arms are not correctly pushed forward in any of the gerwalk pictures. Trying to be extra careful with the new sticker/paint job? Excellent work, mind you. Absolutely astounding. This sort of thing is something I've been waiting for ever since the 1/48ths were announced. I can't wait to see even more 1/48 customs, especially those that are at least half as good as this.
  4. Because kitties are made of mew-mew DNA that rejects the macronization process, but it makes thier fur all poofy-woofy-cute!
  5. A Valkyrie would probably still cost about the equivelant as it might cost someone to pick up a Vietnam era jet fighter today.
  6. I gotta go with AgentOne on this one, there's no reason to get all upset just yet. I mean, it's obviously a copy of the famouse YF-19 picture, it's probably just a place holder for the rough. I would assume this is a rough, at least, given the quality of the artwork. People here tend to forget that a lot of Robotech fans are also Macross fans, some of them even unaware of the legal mess surrounding all of it. Some of them just not caring. If this was the final, finished, official cover, and HG was trying to use post-tv series Valkyries in it's own comics and whatnot, then there'd be more than enough reason for fans to get all up in arms.
  7. Yeah, I noticed that too. Made me wonder if it was either that Phillipines version I'd heard about...or if it is an AnimEigo bootleg, and since it's a bootleg of an American DVD set the people designing the package just assumed it would have an english audio track, and the people working at that website just glanced at the packaging and jotted that down in the site description.
  8. I'd reccomend looking into 'plan b' right now, actually. No matter how good your story is, publishers would rather pick up short stories from new authors. Names sell better than quality, unfortunately, and publishers are more willing to give the new people a small spot in a sci-fi/fantasy magazine, then a whole book or a novella taking up many pages of such a magazine. However, if you start by submitting lots of short stories, build a name and reputation for yourself, then you have a much better chance of getting a longer story printed in some form later on, and more such stories as time goes on. I'm not saying you should stop submitting this story, I'm just saying you should work on some short stories in the meantime and get your name out there.
  9. Is there any information that says this really is a bootleg of the AnimEigo DVDs? They might have just ripped off the look. It's not difficult to do. Not that I'd be suprised that a bootlegger would do so. Whether or not it is a rip off of the AnimEigo set, I don't see how it's being at all bold. I mean, at least no bolder than any bootleg. It's not like HG is going to send a crack military force into China to take out the bootleggers.
  10. That I read as a statement attributed to the people that worked on the first two Starfleet Command games. They wanted to set them in the original series time frame, with those ship designs. Paramount would not let them, apparently stating that as the reason. They weren't happy about it from what I heard. So that's why the movie ship designs were used, despite being set in a TOS-esque time frame, from the universe and game rules set forth in the TOS based Starfleet Battles game. I know several people that are huge on Starfleet Battles, and they were upset about this as well. They also wanted to use a couple TOS races that no longer make Trek appearances because the people at Paramount don't like them, and are quietly brushing them out of the Star Trek universe. I forget the race names, unfortunately. They still used those races stats, but created two new races and ship design sets to apply them too.
  11. Well, now that we have TV 1J's, TV1A's are not out of the question. Personally, I'd like to see Yamato do up the PS2 game version of Max's VF-1A. A A DYRL? style VF-1A in Max's tv paint scheme, with the grey skull squadron logo on the tail fins. I'd say a DYRL? cannon fodder is most likely, given it would be the easiest for Yamato to put out, other than a DYRL? Kakizake...but Yamato's never been very Kakizake friendly. After that I'd say GBP armour is the next most likely 1/48 accessory we'd see, given that an Elint or Super O would be such a big task, and expensive to boot. On the other hand, a VF-1D might be more likely than the GBP as next in line. After those two, then I'd guess the tv colour scheme 1As, if those get made at all.
  12. Man, very nice job on all of those. I can appreciate that too, as all my 1/48ths are decked out in Takatoy's stickers. Huh, so the FAST pack stickers are out? I may need to order some. And damn, I really want a Kakizake to finish off my Skull Squadron. More than I want a 1J, even.
  13. It looks to me like the planes were all done in CG first, then cel animators rotoscoped the CG. That, or it's just very well done texture work. Either way, I like the look of the planes better than the CG Valkyries in M0. Of course, while the backgrounds in M0 are fantastic, the backgrounds in Yukikaze look very bland, and there have been spots of very poorly done CG work for the backgrounds. I also think the battles in M0 are more impressive. I did like those in Yukikaze, though. The big thing about Yukikaze that leaves the most to be desired is the characters. None of them really grabbed me. Like everyone says the main character acts like an angsty putze through most of the show. The blond guy was allright. No other character has stood out at all for me. The story seems interesting, and the animation is flashy enough that I'll watch the rest of the series, but it's not very high on my priority list.
  14. A friend of mine believes that Those who made Evangelion took a lot of inspiration from Zeorymer, and it really shows. I'm inclined to share that belief. I'm all for shows whose endings leave a lot for the viewer to figure out and guess at, as long as such an ending is pulled off decently. I haven't seen Zeorymer in ages, but I recall enjoying the ending. I really do need to pick this show up again.
  15. I still like The Original Series decently enough. Fun and campy. The movies are where it was at, though. Especially 2,3, and 6. I don't really watch any of it anymore, though. What with the way the series has been going since Next Gen (which was certainly allright, I just hated the uniforms, set designs, and ship designs, and despised the movies) I've just lost all interest in the franchise. DS9 was an excellent idea, and not a terrible series, but the plot seemed to follow a very specific formula. New threat discovered, tension, tension, build up, fleets of starships making tantalizing appearances and then....nothing. Everything gets poorly resolved in a way that preserves the peace. Even the Dominion War seemed very laid back for the most part. Voyager was just a train wreck from beginning to it's horrible, wretched, franchise gimping end. After Voyager's end, all Paramount can do is series set in pre-voyager times, or go a route that would change the universe drastically (moreso), and that's just a big no-no to those hoping to milk the safe money. Paramount has made no secret that they do not count The Original Series as a part of the official timeline anymore and they' like everyone to quietly forget it. The man in charge of Trek has stated that he doesn't even like the shows, new or old. Enterprise seemed like a good idea, but I was just never able to get into it. Seemed to bland and old-hat. My dissillusionment with the franchise probably didn't help any. It would take soemthing exceptionally good to draw my attention back to Trek. Not something that's simply 'allright', or something that's 'good, for recent Trek shows'.
  16. The 2030's on up would realistically probably be the best time, in my opinion. No huge war endagering all of mankind into extincion (even the Protodevlin war was relatively contained. Earth, Eden, and untold other human worlds never got even a bit of it.) I'd be able to play flight sims that included the VF-4 Lightning III. Life would generally be pretty comfortable for pilots and civilians alike. Plus, being able to listen to all of the famous Macross musicians from Minmay to Fire Bomber. Plus, think about this. How many war movies are there today? How many World War II, Civil War, you name it war movies? There would probably be hundreds of Space War I movies, including 'DYRL?', tv series, tv specials, etcetera. Valkyrie and destroid toys would probably be more common, capital ships, too.
  17. I really don't see why anyone is getting up in arms about anything here. Nanashi, you always seem to claim that your sources are official books, usually rare untranslated material. In your threads you often even cite sources, but on your website you don't. I think it would severely diminish any doubts of your accuracy if you simply provided a small notice of what sources you used, teeny-tiny text at the bottom of the page. Would make everything look a lot more official. State what information came from where, so it's clear that nothing is speculation. I, personally, see no reason to doubt Nanashi's integrity on this matter, but keep in mind that even official books and documents can conflict with each other. I'm sincerely curious to know where Egan got his information, as I see no reason to doubt him either.
  18. When they say these carriers are meant to replace the ARMD carriers, is there any indication that they mean the original ARMDs we see in SDF Macross/DYRL?, or the updated looking ARMD style ships seen prominently in Macross Plus and Macross 7?
  19. Radd

    Larger Scale VF-0

    I'd like to see a 1/48th scale one. Sure, the arguments for and against them have been done to death, but I personally would like one, especially seeing that the current alternative is the 1/100 version. Admittedly, though, I would only buy two of them. The 1S and the 1D. I have plenty of shelf space for them, and they'd still only be about the size of the old GI Joe F-14s, and a lot smaller than those nice looking WWII planes they've got down at Walmart right now.
  20. I see no reason for Kawamori to redesign the VF-1, I mean, look at the line art of it side by side with the line art of pretty much any other VF. It fits, it's nice, it's not broken. The only thing that dates it is the design asthetic, and that's only a problem if you insist that everything should be updated every 10 years to match the here and now. The VF-1 as it is would not look out of place next to the VF-0 should it make an appearance in the OVA, as it's sleek and compact design makes it look more advanced, if decidedly less stealthy than the VF-0. Even that isn't really the case given all the bulges and awkward angles of the 0. I expect if anything the VF-1 would show up looking a lot like Yamato's 1/48th sculpt. That's fine by me.
  21. Radd

    YF-21 FastPack

    My YF-21 doesn't get much play. It's a nifty looking toy, but it's not real posable. I'll transform it from one mode to another every so often, but that's about it. As things are, it's been standing (quite easily, in fact) in battroid mode next to my monitor for the past several months. My 1/60 DYRL? Max 1A tends to keep it company. The M+ toys are nice for something a little different, but they're not great toys. If you don't mind a display piece, by all means pick up the improved 11 and 21 (My 11's hips are as sturdy as ever, they fixed that quite well).
  22. I'm dissapointed, but then again I like large scale toys and perfect transformation. Still, I'm hoping that Yamato continues to milk the idea of two lines. One for casual collectors, and one for those that crave size, accuracy, and detail. For those still arguing against 1/48th Plus/Zero/VF-X toys, stop raining on our parade. You don't like large toys, don't buy them. Some of us happen to like large scale toys and are more than happy to shell out for them. Some of us like the idea of a line of large scale Valkyrie toys, highly detailed and all in scale to each other. If you don't like that idea then you're quite welcome to the smaller 1/60, 1/70, and 1/100 lines.
  23. Me, personally? I think SDF Macross' music is far and away better than Robotech's. Quality-wise, and appeal-wise, it's like Comparing DaVinci to Matt Groening. That's my take on things. Lots of people prefere Matt Groening's artwork to DaVinci's. It has a cartoony appeal, and caters to the masses. It's simple and easy to understand. Catchy, even. But could you honestly say that Matt Groening is a better artist than Davinci was? Can you say any of Groening's doodles of the Simpson's or his other works are better than Davinci's famous works? Then as to what is preferred goes to personal preference, and a lot of that is under the cozy warm light of nostalgia to make it look all the better in comparison. I'm not such a nostalgic person, though, and I like all sorts of music, including the classical variety. I think real instruments do better at orchestral works than synthesizers, and I can appreciate the much more complex and meaningful orchestrations presented in SDF Macross And this is only the BGM. As for the vocal music, Macross wins my favour hands down. Reba West's warbling doesn't even compare. I hated it when I was a small child, I hate it all the more now that I'm older. I've only compared the original SDF Macross to Robotech's Macross Saga, as that's all you can fairly compare, but as for other Macross soundtracks, I've always loved them. I'd say Macross Zero has the weakest OST so far, but even that one has a couple tracks I enjoy (such as The Life Song). Macross II's vocal music was pure J-Pop cheese, but it was catchy. The BGM was incredible, though. From the BGM orchestrator of the Tenchi series, whose bGM I've always admired. Macross Plus had an all around excellent score, though I prefer both Mari Ijima and Humming Bird to Yokko Kano's music. Don't take that the wrong way, though, as it amounts to saying I prefere a wonderful steak dinner to a meal of fine lasagna. Back to SDF and Robotech, though, I find I simply cannot listen to Robotech's music anymore, as I'm constantly comparing it to the SDF Macross music, and it just doesn't hold a candle. If it was from a different show, not at all related to SDF Macross, I'd probably be able to enjoy it for the simple, 80's synth-cheese that it is, much like how I enjoy Vince DiCola's Transformers arrangements (though even those feature slightly more complex arrangements), but since the Robotech OST is essentially a replacement for the original SDF Macross music, I find myself thinking of the same scenes, and longing for the superior music. However, since many people can appreciate such things, and let such nostalgia colour their view (I'm guilty of it at times, myself) I can hardly begrudge anyone who preferes the Robotech OST. Still, I can't quite wrap my mind around it when someone claims that the Robotech OST is superior, stating this as fact.
  24. Really depends on the series. I like the original SDF Macross uniforms well enough, all of them, but I think the DYRL? designs greatly improved upon the originals. Especially the flight suits. I love those flight suits. Flashback 2012 continued with great crewman uniforms, and had an interesting take on the flight suits that I could appreciate, though I still prefere the DYRL? suits. I think the Flashback flightsuit is underrated. One thing that sticks out about the flight suits for me is how they almost look more like modern space suits, it gives them a pioneering feeling that fits perfectly with Flashback. For Macross II, I thought the uniforms were kinda 'meh'. Not bad at all, but not good either. I can take them or leave them. For Macross Plus, I loved Isamu's flight suit, as it was so similar to the DYRL? flight suits, but didn't like Guld's. However, after all this time the YF-21/VF-22 flight suit has grown on me immensly. I'd still take the DYRL?/Isamu flight suit over it, but I like it none the less. I dug the naval uniforms from Plus a lot, all of them. Macross 7's uniforms are kinda both ways for me. I love Max's uniform, and the officers uniforms in general aren't to shabby, but they look more like they belong on a civilian cruise ship. Of course, I believe that was Mikimoto's intent, as the military presence on the colony ships should look more friendly than those in purely military roles. Puts the civilian's more at ease with the constant military presence. Grok? You can also see that these uniforms are direct decendants of those we glimpsed in Flashback 2012. I think it's a nifty touch, though I do prefere the Plus style uniforms. VF-X and VF-X2 had excellent uniforms all around, naval and pilots. Same with M3. So, overall I really like the uniforms in Macross. Even when I don't prefere them, I think they fit their role remarkably well, and Macross' uniforms have always stood out from most other anime, to me at least.
  25. "Why would you DO such a thing!?!?" "Because it's coooooool."
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