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Everything posted by regult

  1. That would be "regultgasmic" and around 50 inches across ?!
  2. two observations: 1) camera phones take wonderful pictures these days! 2) the model is superbly built, makes the RVF-25 look very "real" (I can only dream of building a model to such standard one question: does the RVF-25 still transform? one request: can we see closeups of the ghosts?
  3. from the picture above it seems the VF-25 and the Q-rea are the indeed around the same height, the cannon at the back protruding a bit over the "head" but overall the same fuselage height...making it a really tiny Q-rea!
  4. :lol: I knew somebody would come up with a lineart to model comparison and blast the crap out of the prototype/sample....just didn't know it would happen so quickly, in the same page! The Q-rea, whatever its shortcomings, is still looking good! There are not open cockpit pictures this time!?
  5. Where did you get this size from? so far the intel we have suggests 125 mm, 12.5 cm...so it is 2 cm smaller than you suggest. I'd be happier if it was around 15-20 cm...or 1/100, what's the "real" size of a Q-rea anyway? Liking the metallic sheen they applied, it's quite subtle yet it is there. Really think the VF100s look lame in the paintjob area.
  6. looks like the VF's are all painted, at least with some sort of clear coating w/metallic sheen. I now really regret having bought so many VF-100's...they look like ass too, are very expensive and mostly unpainted cheap looking plastic. the Monster if exciting, but I am sure we'll soon find it needs tweeking. Where's my Q-rea?
  7. yet, if you already have the G, you can always borrow it from it as Alto did in that said episode, or better said, micronized Klan entrusted the rifle to Alto after being shot down, yet again... I am not very convinced that the armored F is a must, and the rifle is a good excuse to buy it, but I don't need a whole new kit for the rifle I already own. Ozma's unit wore the armor most sorties, while the F only used it twice at most (??).
  8. that's what I mean, I am not sure they're going to pull a new toy for the Macross 0 franchise for the time being, not even a VF-0D for that matter... anyway, i'd prefer they take on the VF-25 and subsequent Frontier toys, V 2.0 style, CAD design, fine panels, locking tabs, anime accurate, but NO self-exploding parts please (for any macross lines)!
  9. Extras?? Super Alto - Removeable Super Parts, gun pod, knives, alternative set of hands Klan's Q-Rea - Opening cockpit with Klan figure (amputee?), open hatch to reveal missiles I think this is a draw pretty much...no reason for the Q-rea to be more expensive (unless it is really bigger?? )
  10. Are the overdrive replacement arms for the VF-1 V2.0 a real solution or only a stop gap that will only crack anyway? In fact, the problem is not so much the arm but the "L" shaped piece of plastic that cannot bear the force of the metal rod in its socket. Focker and Ichijo both blew up, already got a replacement for the latter when the Focker decided it was it's turn...talk about sth. annoying! Would using smaller diameter metal rods really solve the problem or is it the type of plastic they're using? wouldn't the arm become much looser if the metal rod is thinner?
  11. I have the feeling Yamato had enough with the SV-51 for the time being. They are liquidating stock at very low prices here in HK (and in Japan? look at prices on HLJ) and I don't think there ever was a real re-release of the Ivanov version. The Nora one is also a 50/50 situation, the original design is mostly responsible for the toy's problems, I think. The VF-0 was also a tricky thing with those self-exploding arms and suspicious used ones lurking around...how many arm replacements can Overdirve handle??? Mac 0 valks look so freakin' cool that we bought them despite the known issues, but those are definitely not fun toys to show off and play with, so I am not sure there is a non-macross-fan market for it as there definitely could be for the VF-1 (hence V2.0) which is so easy to transform, is solid and is quite distinguishable even to the casual macross viewer. Also, Mac 0 was never as popular as SDF right? The VF-0D is pending, but if they can pull that one with no major flaws, they could definitely make perfect arms for the earlier A and S versions!
  12. The black one is not from Macross Plus, it is supposedly from Macross7. Wait, did you really mean to ask the question or was it a joke? Anyway, as many people said already, I'd like a m&m, actually I'd get the millia custom red VF-22, even though I think a lot of anime magic was put into the transformation and the toy has small feet and long torso in battroid (makes a beautiful fighter tho)
  13. Nice figures, but this über chibi cuteness is dizzying..."how chibi can you go?"
  14. Really? can open hatch and see a Klan inside?!?! the Robot Damashii thingy is only 125 mm as stated, Klan is very small there! If the stated 125 mm height turns out true, then these toys will be slightly smaller than their 1/100 counterparts, which stand at around 140 mm w/o head laser, the VF-100s fighter mode length is 190 mm. I would like to see the Robot Damashii Queadlunn stand at least a bit taller than either VF-25!
  15. another toy I want to have...I am now regretting having purchased some stuff that wasn't great after all, like the VF-100s partsforming flimsy stuff. I so want the Q-rea!!!!!!!! or the non-transforming VF-25 Supermessiah.
  16. Lolicon, so when did you use the first one? as David H, I realized Tamiya clear coat says "do not spary on decals or stickers" and I refrained from using it, but http://www.hlj.com/product/GNZB-516"]this seems to be oil based too?! I understand the topcoat is water-based and is safe on decals. Is it really safe to use Tamiya clear coat on decals despite the warning? I presume there is an acrylic/water based version I overlooked?
  17. The Q-rea shown IS the Damashii release and not the 1/72 model...but it sure is pure win. Thanks guys for the feedback regarding clear coating, decals and panels. Experience and feedback is always welcomed!
  18. It does capture that "San Francisco look" from the TV series! but really, as somebody already pointed out, some orange lights would make the illusion even more convincing. It is quite amazing that the 1/72 model looks so comfortable within a 1/87 environment...even in the anime, the Valk did look quite tall in Gerwalk mode. I am quite sure the same model in a 1/72 environment would look a lot smaller than it is usually shown on screen. Maybe the VF-25 needs to have its measures retconed
  19. thanks guys, what about panel lines? I have used Gundam Marker GM01 and GM02 both "oil based" for panel lining, and heard some enamel paints would "diffuse" the already dried panel accents. Does that happen with Mr. Hobby or Tamiya rattle cans?
  20. Sorry for insisting, but seems people like to use Mr. Hobby 1) How does this compare to Tamiya (Gundam) rattle can paints? 2) Can we use Mr. Hobby safely on those brittle decals, after they've been settled with sth like Mr. Mark Setter? 3) What's the effect of enamel based clear coats on Gundam pens (or should we chose to use enamel based diluted black/grey paint for panels?)? I think many of us who ventured into model assembly with these Bandai kits are not expert "traditional" builders, at least I don't own an airbrush, putty, future, a large collection of paints. I plan to clear coat the model because fiddling (let alone transforming) will definitely destroy decals, otherwise I'd leave them bare.
  21. regult

    What do I want?

    I am so sorry you don't know what you want to buy. After much pondering, I honestly think you should give up, send me the money and I will get some stuff in my want list.
  22. Finally we get a Queadlunn toy, and its a Q-rea! The Supermessiah is also a nice choice since there are no toys of it yet.
  23. In's Point maybe? I saw the pair, VF-1A and VF-1J Max and Hikaru liveries, both come with a clear stand, but in a cheap looking package consisting of plastic trays glued to a cardboard back. To me they looked a bit lame, compared to publicity photos. paintjob was fine, but the white plastic looked a bit transluscent and the heatshiled revealed a lot of cockpit. I was tempted to get the VF-X (?) special livery VF-11B instead but I didn't: keep hoping for Regult or Queadlunn releases...
  24. So it seems, little olive-shaped led balls superglued with blobs of modeling clay. Man, it's hard to pass on this, and I missed a few chances to get it already. Anyway, don't have time to do them justice, so it's a matter of buying for the sake of feeling the heft of plastic or waiting for the right time to buy it and actually build it.
  25. I was just wondering why there was no more follow up on this. "Non-transforming" is ideal for the Q-rea! but I guess it's going to be VF-25F, S, G...not so fast on the VF-27. Please no more VF-1s!!! off topic: saw in a shop in Hong Kong the new GN-U VF-1 Max and Hikaru versions. they come in very cheap looking packaging (not sure what their technical name is: you get the vacuum-formed tray, glued to a carboard with a hole to hang in the shop, no more actual "box"). The figure itself is unremarkable, sculpt does not look as fantastic as the promotional pictures, the 1/60 looks better in battroid. Paint and plastic also looks cheap compared to earlier GN-U toys. The good thing: they come with a transparent stand by default, but comes at a hefty price.
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