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Everything posted by logos

  1. I see Overdrive now has the Alto Armored parts up to: http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/produc...roducts_id=1441 Does anyone know if there will be problems with the first gen Alto VF-25s and the Armored parts? I just picked one up and was wondering how you tell the first release and the second release apart? Oh and $110! I could buy another VF-25 for that price! God I hate these web exclusives.
  2. It's Friday and I'm bored and I ate too much steak for lunch so......because I can.
  3. Decaled my VF-11B. Here are a couple of shots. If you want more check out the Strike a pose thread.
  4. Finished decalling my VF-11B. Wasn't pleased with all the decals included in the box so I used some of the ones that came with my 1/60 VF-1s. Lighting wasn't the greatest so they are a little grainy.
  5. I sure hope they put off the release of the Elint until the fall or something. After buying a VF-11, a VF-22, VT-1 and a VF-25 my wallet can sure use a break from Macross toys for awhile.
  6. Try using a folded straw like I mentioned before. I don't have to use my nails that way. I only wish that I had thought of it before I had scratched the paint on the nub in my failed attempts to get it to lock.
  7. Started decaling mine at lunch today and I have to say that the tampo printing sucks. Not that it isn't good quality but there isn't enough of it. Then to make matters worse the sticker sheet that comes with it is pretty bare bones. I really hate that the VF-1s which are half the price have much more tampo printing and a better decal sheet. They could have at least put the Jet Intake warning on as they have with ALMOST EVERY OTHER VALK THAT THEY MAKE! Right now I am raiding my decal sheets from other 1/60s to get the decals I want to put on.
  8. I had ordered from them before but I don`t remember getting an email like that before so I thought it was weird. Oh well thanks for clearing that up then. And yeah I was holding out cause I figured Overdrive or Hobby Search would be cheaper too. At least I have it ordered through HLJ now.
  9. Yeah I'm worried about that locking tab on the fuselage wearing down as well. It's a little soft right now so I hope that doesn't turn into sloppy mess later.
  10. It's a little loose because it's removable and the mechanism it uses. It does not fall out on mine but it's a little tricky to get it in a position that I like in fighter mode.
  11. I ordered it from HLJ this morning and they allowed me to use SAL shipping on the VF-22. That's good cause considering where I live SAL only takes a couple of days to a week longer than EMS (well that and I don't get a tracking number). HLJ won't be confirming any of the VF-22 orders until tomorrow though. This was the email response to my order: Thank you for placing an order with HobbyLink Japan! This message is to acknowledge that we have received the order below: Logan *** Northview Road Apartment **** Yorkton, SK ****** Canada Telephone Number: 306******* Item Code Description Qty Price -------------------------------------------------------- YMT00168 VF-22 Sturmvogel II Gamli 1 18800 Shipping Method: SAL Payment Method: Credit Card Please note that this order will not be entered into our accounting systems until May 13 . At that time, we will send you an order confirmation message with your customer ID, order number and other information. Seems a little fishy (but maybe just a time difference issue) and after hearing about how things where going with Overdrive I am wondering if things might change tomorrow.
  12. I see Overdrive is selling it but they are $30 dollars more expensive than Hobby Link. Damn now I wish I hadn't held out through the pre-order. Oh well at least I can use SAL shipping with Hobby Link.
  13. Finally got mine today! Here are my impressions: Good - Easiest to transform yet (IMO)! I only needed the manual to figure out the gimmicks. Experience with a YF-19 will defiantly help on this one. - Fighter Mode is solid - Battroid Mode is solid once it is transformed (except for the back) - All the gimmiks are awesome. The Panels that slide out for Gerwalk let it feel nice and solid (well as solid as Gerwalk can be) and the panels that come up to cover the "collar bone" in Battroid is nice. The tabs that slide up next to the shoulder pivot are nice too but I don't really see the point of them. - I love the cockpit cover. Something to note. If you have big hands like I do take a 1cm dia straw (typical Mcdonalds). Crush it and fold it in half length wise so it's kind of springy. Lower the cockpit and tip the toy so that the lower heat shield slides "down". Take the straw and insert it underneath the heat shield as far as it will go (don`t force it!). Use the straw to help you grip the shield while you are pulling it into the "snap" position. Works like a charm. - Decent head articulation. - Good leg articulation. Once you pop those hip hinges out a bit you can get some pretty decent poses with the legs. Does the 007 pretty good. - Magnetic leg fast packs are great. Make sure to get the nub in the slot up front and it's nice and solid. Not the slipper mess the VF-0 was. - Back fast packs clip in nice and solid and stay there. Love how they hide the attachment slots on the toy. - Nice pilot sculpt. - Rear tail fins hid nicely. - Forearms have limited rotation. - I like the springy feat. We`ll see how they hold up though. - Small box! Yes! maybe Yamato is finally learning! Bad - Rear landing gear suck. Almost impossible to get out. - Cockpit mechanism is a bit finicky to get back into `proper` fighter position but it works. - Gearwalk is very back heavy. When leaving the arms in fighter position, it is almost impossible to keep it from falling backwards. - The folding mechanism for the rear "backpack/wings" seems a bit light. I would have preferred these hinges to be diecast considering how floppy the plastic hinges are (I get the as it reminds of the arm hinges of my VF-1s). If there was some kind of lock for each of the rear sections this probably wouldn't be a problem. Only time will tell how this stands up. - The folding mechanism for the arms. It's made of thick plastic so I think it will stand up well but its another piece I wish was maybe diecast. It's nice and thick though so I don't think it will be a problem. - Detail on the fast packs is only OK. I think I have been spoiled by the Vf-1s. They could have at least let the nozzels on the back packs move! - Heat shield is impossible if you have large hands. - Nice to have the chicken hands for simplicity sakes but for this price couldn't they have at least done a couple of anime hands? - Arm articulation is down right attroicious! I checked and the arm doesn't even bend to a 90deg (it`s close though)! Forearms pivot a bit but not much. I would have traded that pivot for better elbows. Shoulder articulation is Ok but not great. Again I think I have been spoiled by the VF-1. - Shield dosen`t stay on to well but it might just be me. I also just can`t get it into a position that I like. - Tampo printing is disapointing. They could have at least put the "Warning Jet Intake" on. Besides the YF-21 this is the first Valk from Yamato that I have purchased that didn't have it. Looked at the sticker and it's going to require allot of trimming to make it work. Again I think I have been spoiled by the VF-1 1/60s. Final thoughts: All in all I like the VF-11B. It does allot more things right than it does wrong IMO. Fighter mode is nice and solid and the Fast packs attach extremely well. The only real grips that holds this toy back for me are the stupid rear landing gear (you`ll never get it out without scratching the paint), no adjustable nozzles on the fast-packs, and the lack of articulation in the arms. I can see why the very good transformation mechanism for the arms might be the reason for this but not being able to go past 90 on the elbows is almost unforgivable at this price point. I have 3 favorite valks. My VF-1J, YF-21 and VF-0S. It`s better than my VF-0S but not as good as my VF-1J and dosen`t compare to my YF-21 except it`s almost as solid in fighter mode. It`s now in my top 4 but considering the price I can only recommend a person get one. It`s defiantly worth having one. If this comes to repaints I think I will pass unless a Ravens comes out and maybe not even then. PS: I wish that the fighter had come with the Rocket Boosters instead of the fast packs. As it is now I don`t see anywhere you could attach them even if they did bring them out as a separate option. Edit: Getting it from fighter to battroid mode can be tricky as you have to remember to slide some panels and stuff. Not to bad but not as easy as it was to get into battoid from fighter. Also added note about a lack of tampo printing.
  14. Anybody hear if Hobby Search is going to be getting ahold of these? I would order with Overdrive but I don't want to pay for the preorder right now.
  15. Some of you's guys are funny! And I'll be the first to admit to being a bit biased but Bandai vs. Yamato......but you guys relealize it's like listening to those sucky 12 year olds on game forums comparing xbox's to PS3's. Or even worse a North American car forum! - Pricing. Check around people! Just because you found a toy for $200 on one site dosen't mean you won't find it cheaper somewhere else. I found my Bandai VF-25F on Hobby search for $120, even the super pack ones where cost less than $180. The same thing goes for Yamato. I got my YF-21 from Angolz for $175. It was still a sticker shock but after getting the toy I would gladly have paid $200+ for it (IMO yes it is that good!). Also you can find vf-1 1/60s for like less than $80 on sites like Overdrive. FYI I know some of you don't like the legs on the YF-21 but we all can't live in that anime magic world where everything is line are accurate and if it ain't the toy should never have been made! If I have one fault for the VF-21 it's that the ratchets in the ankles just aren't strong enough to hold some poses properly. Otherwise I think the toy is bloody brilliant and I can't wait for the VF-22 Gamlin! - Bandai VF-25s. What can I say....I like it but I don't see myself buying another one except maybe a Luca. Sure it's durable and has a great weighty feel in my hands, but it lacks in the detail, accuracy and gimmicks that you usually get from a Yamato (yes Yamato have been less than stellar on the durability front). I don't hate the Vf-25 but I'm not gogo over the Bandai version either. This one is definatly more a toy than anything else. As an adult collector that hurts because lets face it, our toys go on display within about a day or two and we visit them once and a while after that. I think providing poseable AND non poseable hands is a nice touch on Yamatos part (something I thought Bandai would learn). It pleases both crowds. Yamato's solution is better (IMO) because I am not constantly searching for hands everytime I transform the thing (and they hide in the forearms when not in use). I would like the VF-25 more if I didn't have to search for those bloody karate chop hands everytime I wanted to put it in jet mode. For those of you who say otherwise see how long your arms stay pegged in with the gun hands attached. Also I thought I would hate the peg needed to attach the gun in fighter mode though but it really doesn't both me (well until I lose the bloody thing ). It's not elegant but it works. I give the VF-25 props on being a great toy but it lacks everywhere that means something to me as an adult collector, from the shitty molded pilot in the cockpit to the crapy head lasers, turtle necks, bottom afterthought tail fins, junk rear landing gear (the front is fine!), completely exposed cockpit in batroid mode, fiddly gerwalk mode and horrible stiff and fiddly shoulders. I just wish it was more. Anyway I didn't give up my first born to get one so I forgive and display and play with it like the pearly white storm trooper that it is. Warts and all. So get one. It's worth having at least the Alto and don't hold your breath on Yamato getting this license anytime soon. - Yamato breakages. YES THE VF-1S Roy has problems with shoulders and some of the latter releases do as well. My VF-1J and D do not. They are durable as hell and I would say they are almost as durable as my VF-25F. My Roy has cracked shoulders. I got the replacement arms from Overdrive for $16 bucks. They are still sitting in a plastic bag as the old ones have yet to fall off. Worried about the 1/60s? Just don't buy the VF-1S Roy and maybe the VF-1A Hick. YOU WILL BE FINE! As to all the other ones well..........life sucks and then we die. They are getting better if the YF-21, the latter Vf-1s and the tough as a mother fartin brick Destroids are any indicator. Yeah my YF-19 and VF-0S are a floppy mess. I still wouldn't part with them for the world. I'll hold judgment on the VF-11 until it shows up next week but right now people are being positive. Both the Bandai and Yamato's have their problems but both companies have showed us they can make great toys. It seems like Yamato and Bandai sit on other sides of the fence when it comes to Macross toys. One treats it like a display piece (which is what a $100+ toy really is) and the other treats it like a durable toy (even if it's like the red headed step child to their "other" line). Finally if you don't own the toy think twice before spouting your mouths off about it. People in this forum turned me off to the VF-25 until I finally broke down and got one. Now that I have one I wouldn't have any problems telling anyone who wants one to get ONE. Now if I really wanted to bitch about something it would be my 360 getting 3 red lights just as the Fallout 3 Brotherhood of Steel expansion comes out..............now that makes me mad!
  16. The most problems with the arms on VF-1 1/60 V.2s happens with the VF-1S Roy. The rest seem to be mostly fine. I have no problems with breakages on my J and D. If you have breakages you can order free replace parts from Overdrive (plus a shipping and handling fee). Here is the link: http://www.over-drive-inc.com/macross_parts/ The VF-1D and the June release of the VT-1 are definite buys. As to others get a VF-1J. Word of warning it is like storm trooper white (I think it's cool though). I have both Destroids and they are awesome. Defiantly worth picking up! Again I will remind people that Overdrive is having a sale on Vf-1 1/60 V.2s and Destroids here is the link. So the next couple of weeks is the time to buy any Valk that came out before the D. http://www.over-drive-inc.com/store/defaul...t=1a&page=2
  17. I have: VF-1J (Hik) VF-1S (Roy with Strike parts) VF-1D Going to get: VT-1 VE-1 Will get after I purchase everything else this year (if I have enough money left) VF-1A (Max DYRL or TV not sure) VF-1A (Kakizaki DYRL or TV not sure)
  18. logos

    Yamato stands

    Cool. They are supposed to be able to attach to one another. Have you tried that yet?
  19. Got my VF-25 DX today so I figured I'd share it next to a V.2 VF-1J 1/60.
  20. Anyone notice the VF-0D in the background? TO bad the scale is too small for my taste.
  21. logos

    yamato's next move

    Come on guys piloting a valk and playing the guitar at the same time?!?!?! In allot of ways Macross 7 is a travesty and only, we with our Rose colored glasses, can justify to ourselves that it was "good". We are like Homer and the flying barbaqued pig. "It's still good! It's still good!" Too anyone else it's gone and clogging the drain pipe. Marcoss 7 Pros Valks Music (although it does get fricken repetitive after awhile) Max and Mira - they saved the show for me. I was more interested in what was happening with them than that f&$k-tard Basra! I mean Gamlin is more bad ass than him and he's supposed to be the weenie suitor we don't like. Space colony concept Battle Frontier Some good space battles Some good comedic moments Max and Mira (yeah I said it again!) Macross 7 Cons EVERYTHING else. I mean there are quit a few parts in the series that are almost too hard to site through. It is truly only for Macross fans. I'm scared to show it to some people so I don't turn them off to anime! Speaking of which (and to get back on topic) I wouldn't mind seeing some Proto-Devlin mecha. At least in the GNUs I bet they would sell well considering we're never likely to see Yamato to go to the expense of a 1/60 of them.
  22. I don't see the smiley face thing but to each their own I guess. Oh and just so you know the red visor piece does have a cool feature. If you get some decent lighting and look at it from the bottom it kind of looks like the zaku monical sensor.
  23. Graham you said that the VF-11 came in a smaller box similar to the Vf-1s 1/60s right? I sure hope so cause I just finished cleaning up my boxes from the hidden corner in my office and I now hope that Yamato has learned that bigger is not always better. My collection is not very big (yet!) but man are those boxes starting to pile up!
  24. http://www.yamato-toys.com/dev/movie_006_y...l?infolnk=index There's a thread started on the toy page too.
  25. If you guys haven't already check out the Yamato TV thread: That VF-22 is just looking sweeter and sweeter. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29880
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