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Everything posted by logos

  1. I think it's a little to close to the Max and Mira and VE-1 releases. I wish they kept it to one item per month.
  2. .......... ............. :lol: I feel the same way. I don't know anyone to leave them to who would appreciate them like I do so might as well have my "Macross Army" buried around my ashes! Plastic beats clay any day!
  3. Sweet. :) :) :) :) :)
  4. Hobby Search has the VF-1S Low Visibility up for pre-order. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10094154
  5. I have had no problems with Hobby Link - http://www.hlj.com/ Hobby Search - http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/ Overdrive - http://www.over-drive-inc.com/ Right now my favorite is Hobby Search as they are usually fairly price competitive with Hobby Link and Overdrive and you can earn points through them for discounts on future purchases.
  6. Thanks Vi-RS! Anyway I see that Hobby Search has the Max and Mira up for Preorder. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10094147 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10094150 Needless to say I Broke down and ordered them.......god these next few months are going to suck.. VE-1 VT-1 VF-25 Ozma Armored VF-1J Max VF-1J Mira VF-1S (low viz) - the only one I am not ordering although I wish I was. EDIT: Hobby search has it up for order: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10094154 I think my wallet just said you should get a second job.....
  7. I have not found them very helpful when it comes to replying to an email. When I ordered my YF-21 from them it did take them a few weeks to fill the order as they where supposedly "searching" their stock for it. If it doesn't ship by next week I would be really concerned. Keep emailing them with a threat to cancel and they'll respond eventually.
  8. Overdrive offers free replacements. They do charge a small handling fee and shipping though. Still it's the best service we are going to see outside of Japan. As to the crotch hinge I have no problems with it anymore. After that animatic/pic that some posted here a while ago and seeing that you have to swing the legs to get it in and out I have no problems. If someone remembers where the link is to Yamato for this please repost it. I think it will help some people to see it again. To get back on topic I can't wait for these to come out. It's currently a toss up on whether I should cancel my VF-25 Armored Ozama to get this......... so many toys this year so many tough decisions!
  9. But like a 1/2000 SDF-1 is it really practical? Don't get me wrong if they brought one out I would buy one being the sucker that I am but unlike my 1/60s I wouldn't see myself buying more than one.
  10. logos

    What do I want?

    VF-11. You can always get a VF-25 latter. Hands down it's better in every way except possibly durability. Besides if you really want a VF-25 wait for the armored Ozama to come out in September.
  11. You forget we live in the era of remakes. How long do think it will be before someone gets the "bright" idea to remake the Macross TV series? They have done it with other anime. Crap look at Gundam and how many times they have rebooted that show....and not always for the better........Seed/Destiny=UGH!
  12. Ok I'll take it to the gutter on that one........ .........or a Devil's Threesome!
  13. Damn. That sucks. This is $180+ why again? Oh well when I have it in my hands, hopefully, by the end of next week I will probably not mind.........
  14. Which probably explains why he doesn't move the head at all in any of his posses as well. As to the visor I think its the double lip but the lighting and angles of the pics makes it hard to make out If you look at this image it kind of looks like there is a double lip in the visor here although I could be wrong.
  15. Well as soon as Hobby Link or Hobby Search or Overdrive put these up for preorder I guess I'll get them. Now I just have to figure out how I will pay for them......
  16. Oh and Micheal Bay.........after seeing Transformers how many people here think he would make a Macross movie? Bo-Earns! Those movies wreck my childhood and if I am going to see Transformers 2 I am going to have delude myself that I am seeing just seeing a giant robots movie to sit through it. I could forgive it if it at least had a good story but nope.... Good for the masses maybe not good for the inner fanboy/girl. Robotech and Ghost in the Shell movies are already supposedly in the works. Transformers makes me wish they never get past the "planning" phase.
  17. Before you rag on it to much a bi-pedal robot would have allot of advantages in the field. Think of all the obstacles that a human on foot can navigate that a tank never could. Something akin to Patlabour or Battletech could be in the future. Right now I think the only reason it's not being done is you can't combine the agility with speed on even the small robots they are making now in the labs. 10-20 years from now when the software, computer hardware and sensors are at a point so that you could make a robot move as good as or better than a human you will probably start seeing military applications. The US DARPA agency is already working on exoskeletons and have working prototypes. http://singularityhub.com/2009/06/11/army-...rhuman-strength youtube- FYI SARCOS just got bought out by Raytheon. Transforming robots.....cool but not practical. What are you giving up in weapons, armor and powerplant so that your plane can transform into a robot?
  18. .................are you being serious or trying to make a joke??????
  19. Ok just a couple of points to agree apon: - A Gunpod should be included with every valk, I don't care if they are not supposed to have one. I want one for display purposes in batroid mode or if I want to display it without the fast packs (yeah I know that will probably never happen). - Misa needs to be in one of these valks.....please Yamato. By the end of the year we should have 4 VF 2 seaters.....I don't care what anyone else says about the line but the VF-1 1/60 2.0 line is a total success in my books. Almost every cannon valk we could want and the price is under $100. The only thing that Yamato needs to do now is release the armor packs and a Valk that includes Misa or even Claudia in some way. Maybe a Pineapple salad special edition VF-1S???????
  20. Mine shipped EMS yesterday so hopefully I'll see it in 2 weeks. And yes it does take 1.5-2 weeks for me to receive EMS shipments if I'm luck so all you lucky bastards that get your shipments in under a week .....still from the pics that hobby search posted I am a bit excited to receive it.
  21. And then a month or 2 after that you have to pony up the cash for a VE-1.......wallets really going to get nuked then.
  22. OK now I feel a little dumb. I never noticed that nub on the adapter I use for my YF-21.................sorry I ranted somewhat. I'll have to figure out a way to use it in battroid then.
  23. Well I have a YF-21 but I use the stand for it it. If I had an Sv-51 I would be using the included stand for it. It's just dumb couldn't they make 2 extra plasitc pieces (considering the price) so that I would work with Yamato stands? Just Fu**'n DUMB!
  24. Another Valk I will have to preorder......well at least it's not as expensive as the Ozma VF-25 armored I just had to cut from my budget........ why oh why did they have to start talking about turning my apartment complex into condos....... didn't they know that would screw with my toy purchasing!
  25. It's like all Manufacturing nowadays. If you don't want to risk getting burned don't buy the first run. There is so much pressure to get it out the door that there is usually never enough QC done. Yamato's really no better or worse than everyone else. Even the almighty Bandai is pissing people off here with the problems on the VF-25 and it's super packs. ie. Crappy paint, parts that don't want to stay clipped on, etc. Personally I am just glad that Yamato is now offering a replacement parts program through Overdrive.
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