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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. I guess its styled after the original sdfm sdf-1 which was also blue-white. That macdonalds sign on its front looks weird though.
  2. I don't think the carriers in the glass picture are Guantanamos. They have a bridge superstructure to the left that the normal Guantanamos don't have. Besides a lot of other details don't match up.
  3. There are some relatively cheap ones on ebay though but ultra-rare. I got mine for 65$ from some japanese guy. A bit bit more than it would have cost from HLJ, but much less than the 80-90$ the chinese want. No, thats Micro Klan piloting alto's VF:
  4. I am a bit afraid though that Battle Galaxy would end up simply being too purple. At least Nora has some black parts and a more varied design. Battle Galaxy in ship mode is just a big slob of plastic with large unbroken purple surfaces. Think purple VB-6 monster in shuttle mode.
  5. I guess the OST 3 will include all the remixes and background music we heard as insert songs like the remixed sheryl song when she flew michels VF, Vajra Aimo full version, all the bobby stuff and all the remixes from the previous singles. Though filling 2 full CDs... maybe the second cd is just karaoke tracks.
  6. Nice list you have there, though I think the VF-171 series would go more like this - VF-171 Standard= regular release, - RVF-171 Standard= toy show exclusive - RVF-171EX Luca=mail-in - VF-171EX Alto = regular release - VF-171EX standard = mail-in The entire RVF-171 and EX line is problematic though as it would require a lot of retooling to get the super pack and EX pack attachment points into the mold and the RVF-171 is just too different to the standard VF-171. I think standard VF-171 is most likely and even then only in 1/100 form. Bandai as an extremely profit orientated company likely ditches the line as the cost/return ratio is likely only close to even. After all they only built the Hero Valks for their major cashcow Macross 7, and didn't even bother to make a VF-11C or Battle 7.
  7. i wouldn't want it too long as size isn't everything, especially with limited display space. Maybe 20cm long or so would be nice. I am not a big fan of it's design anyway. Those legs are just atrocious, too splayed out in ship mode and ugly nozzles. I would gladly buy a 30cm Battle Frontier and Galaxy though.
  8. While perusing all of macross for more reference pics of the Uraga I noticed that the carrier Isamu is stationed on isn't of any class I have seen yet. Sort of looks like a Guantanamo mixed with a Uraga, is there any data on this one? Seems to be quite a major player as Isamu's entire fleet seems to be made up of them, and it makes an appearance in M7 aswell. [Edit] Noticed that they share some characteristics with the old ARMD carriers, maybe they are just those modernized versions that are always stated to be replaced by the Uraga. [/edit]
  9. Macross 7: Dynamite shows us that you don't have attach the fold booster to use it. You just need to be in close contact with it and it links up wirelessly.
  10. It's not that bad, however it is mostly just mashing the fire button and waiting for the power bar to go up, haven't found out how to pivot up or down in battroid mode yet. It's only selling point is that you are going to fly all those super obscure valks that never made it into macross. Mostly all those advanced valkyries like the VF-3000, VF-9 or VF-14. It works quite well on an emulator aswell.
  11. Damnit so much stuff to choose from and so little time, money and space. Can't decide between going all out on the models, the 1/100s or the 1/60. And a mix of them won't be any easier to decide on. Still rooting for the models, however longevity of those is still a large question mark, but they just look so much better.
  12. Btw is there a poly limit for Homeworld 2?
  13. Depends on if Birler gets all the replacement money + markup back from NUNS. Then he could just as well be Birlers favourite pilot. Logistics and maintenance personnel still hate him though.
  14. Here is my unfinished model of the Ugara. Still needs a lot of greebles and the underside needs some fixing, but I just can't find proper reference pics. Oh yeah, smoothings groups are fuxored. [Edit] Completely redone model. Still only 1700 polys.
  15. Rofl, I love that picture! Roy doing a face palm is priceless.
  16. Yeah but Luca isn't in Kindergarden anymore. And he breaks dress code for his school anyway, or did you ever see anyone else wear shorts at Mihoshi?
  17. Thats two too many rocket pods. I guess he just vandalized two other regults, stole their rocket pods and replaced the thruster hardpoints with them.
  18. Don't forget that the NMC has upwards angled shoulders, that would make the midsection of your NMC look less bulky. Otherwise your doing an awesome job, especially for a mostly one man job.
  19. What is it with Luca and shorts? Who would wear shorts to a wedding?
  20. Looks like Freespace with all the fx mods. Btw I was working on an uraga model myself, maybe I can finish it in time.
  21. I think Mylene actually rejected Gamlin in one of the later episodes, stating that she respects him but just likes Basara more. Even though I can't understand how she could go after the most asexual guy on 7, who has shown no interest whatsoever in women vs. the guy who actively courts her.
  22. Damn, I could redecorate my room with all those no step and warning decals on that Monster. Anyway, is that a new 1/100 Model or is it a reissued Monster toy with Frontier decals? I thought Yamato can't make frontier valks or this just a costum job?
  23. Could be the cooling fins for the three-star island. The one in M7 trailed one long ribbon.
  24. The only real difference I could see between Frontier and Galaxy, except the colour of course, is in the head and shoulders. Galaxy has two gigantic rail cannons ala SDF-1 for shoulders while Frontiers are more like Battle 7's. Cruiser mode of both ships should look pretty much the same, except that Galaxy has larger frontal armament and a weird looking bridge on it.
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