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Everything posted by DarkReaper

  1. If we grow immune to radiation then maybe. Otherwise all the lawyers would rip you a new one, if someone coughs on the plane.
  2. It also had that support thingy-mabob under the fuselage. So model it is.
  3. Quite simple, one kilogram is equal to a force of about 10 Newtons in earths gravity field. So if each VF-27 engine puts out 1377000N then that is equal to 137000Kg, so each one of the four engines on the VF-27 puts out as much thrust as both engines on the VF-22. If for some reason the Kilonewtons given are based on Frontiers 0,7g (6,85 m/s^2) then the equivalent mass is even larger at 201000Kg. By the way the formula is F=m*g, F is Newtons, m is kg, and g is 9,81m/s^2 on earth
  4. Yeah, wasn't Max supposed to be a ladies'man like Michael? I wonder though if Klan still is a virgin. If she hasn't found a male macro-Zentran then I guess she still is, noone would approach her in her micro-meltran self.
  5. Isn't an Inertia Store just a large gyroscope flywheel? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Control_moment_gyroscope
  6. Infact without inertial dampening everyone and everything not tied down inside the macross would have been smashed into the nearest bulkhead as soon as the macross would have started any combat maneuvering. I just guess that they haven't managed to make them small enough to fit them into a VF, as they still feel the g-forces as seen in the constant grunting in all the Macross Plus dogfights. However when Isamu put the engines on full throttle while under the influence of Sharon his head was relatively gently pushed into the seat so there has to be a reduction somewhere along the line.
  7. As far as I know a fusion reactor is more mass efficient as it extracts 17.56MeV/He4 but a fission reactor is more volume efficient as it extracts 211MeV/mole. A mole of U235 is far denser than a mole of Deuterium and Tritium so an U235 store should occupy less volume than a Water tank for any given Energy amount. So in a VF where the volume available for tanks is at a premium, maybe fission would have been the better way to go, except the radiation issue of course. Damn, I should really get back to studying for the electrodynamics exam tomorrow instead of posting random pseudo-science bullcrap on a forum.
  8. Meh, both aren't exactly beauties and as seen with the YF-23 against the YF-22, looks don't always win against cost.
  9. Not to mention that any metal bending that will occur will likely just jam the bird shut when it tries to transform
  10. So I guess it just pumps you full of testosterone and painkillers when you disable the limiter, so you don't even notice that your lung is beginning to crush your heart and your neck is going to be snapped by the now 100kg Helmet. Anyway with those g-forces they better have arm locks and neck braces, because I don't think anyone has enough muscle strength to keep his arms from flailing about in those planes, especially when you have lived your entire life in a 0.7g environment and have skinny arms like alto. I mean seriously, some of the lame super nerds in my semester have more muscular arms than him.
  11. The VF-27 has more thrust than the 2nd stage on a Saturn V, 5.5MN vs 5MN for the saturn. Still gets massively beaten by first stage though, 34MN is a long way off. With that sort of thrust an empty VF-27 can accelerate at 45g, enough to turn any human into pudding, the VF-25 can only accelerate at a slightly bearable 38g which is still way above the human limit. At max combat load of I guess 40 tons, the VF-27 still accelerates at 14g and the VF-25 at 8g, but thats where the super pack comes in. The VF-1 fast pack has 1200KN of thrust per engine, the VF-25 super pack has 4 with I guess a minimum of 1200KN per engine so that adds another 4800KN for a combined thrust of minimum 8040KN, assuming that the VF-25 super pack engines have twice the thrust of the old VF-1 fast pack it now has an estimated 12840KN of thrust available. At max combat load the VF-25 can now accelerate between a minimum of 20g and an unbeleivable 32g. For comparison, a VF-19S at 40 tons can only accelerate at a comfortable 4g, a VF-1 Super at 72 tons can also only accelerate at 4g. If we were to assume the VF-25 superpack engines have increased in thrust proportionally to the VF-25 engines, then the superpack produces an additional 33,8MN of thrust, about as much as a Saturn V first stage catapulting it to a ridiculous 92g of acceleration. So with that absolute overabundance of thrust available, why do they still improve the engines? It's already far more than a human could ever hope to handle, and unless the economy benefit of having the engines run on idle most of the time is worth it, then I see no point. I guess that is why Alto was so surprised about the moves Brera is pulling. While he may have a comparable plane he could never ever hope to come even near it's limits and survive, while Brera just soldiers on. The YF-21 already could kill the pilot on raw engine power, now imagine how guld would have looked with 12 to 30!! times the thrust available.
  12. Dude, it's a toy, not a model. Of course it comes painted. At most you will have to apply some stickers.
  13. The engine stats don't give a proper unit of force. 1620K of what, Kilonewtons? if that is true each engine produces more thrust than both VF-19S engines together. And whats the difference between a super fold booster and a normal fold booster? The standard one and the new fold quartz enhanced one? The VF-25 can mount it aswell.
  14. So they harvest the raw fold quartz from dead stars, asteroids or whatever and then refine them in their stomach to pure fold quartz, just like we refine stuff to Vitamins...?
  15. I guess a 2008 rendition of the VF-1 would look pretty much like the VF-0. What UN Marine has made is what the Lamborghini Reventon is to the Lamborghini Murcielago.
  16. Well, transfering memories and stuff is no problem, after all there has to be a physical presence of it in the brain, and if beaming is a perfect lossless process it should work. However the problem is continuity of the consciousness, and that I guess is something that can't be physically described and belongs more to the fields of philosophy or meta-physics. [Edit] Then again what happens when you die on the operating table, was there a breach of continuity? Is continuity preserved as long as your brain isn't brain dead yet? Of course, the matter that it still is the same physical brain will play into it, but the beamed brain also is supposedly the exact same brain, with the relative position and (quantum) state unchanged to pre-beam. That opens up another problem though, if there is the ability to create that exact copy out of information packages or energy, what stops you from creating that exact same person twice using stored energy. Is there a fundamental difference between the energy you received from the original person or the energy you used out of some mass storage or whatever? According to quantum physics every particle down to the subatomic state is indistinguishable from the one next to it, and only the fermi and boson laws tell us how they behave, as two fermi particles can't exist in the same quantum but bosons can. So energy is also indistinguishable and can create matter though Einsteins mass-energy equivalency. So if there are two persons out there that started from the exact same seed (think artificial random nrs.) at t=0, does your conciousness split up into two simultaneous parts, does your simultaneous existence cancel each other out sort of like fermi's law in macro-space, is there still your unbroken conciousness in the first beamed person but the recreated person somehow has a seperate but identical consciousness. Which law would decide where your consciousness ends up in. Is it like shrödingers cat where you exist in two simultaneous but different quantum states, disintegrating as soon as you become conscious of your other self just like Wile E. Coyote needs to be aware of the drop before he drops? So I guess it could be mathematically disproved by contradiction but that opens up another can of worms. I could rave on forever about this stuff but I guess it's impossible for a conscious mind to objectively understand it's own consciousness. [edit2]Oh yeah i forgot that Heisenbergs uncertainty principle will surely have something to say in the possibility of perfect reproduction, but as you can accurately measure the eigenstate of any given system and that eigenstate accurately describes the system at the time of beaming, as the process of beaming has returned every particle in your body back to its eigenstate, then accurate reproduction of that same accumulation of eigenstates in the new body should be possible.
  17. Was it ever established that it really transfers your conciousness? Because it is also argued in star trek beaming that your pre-beam self dies and a new you is recreated on target. Everyone outside as well the person after-beam would never notice a difference, but your own conscious existence is in effect dead.
  18. So Frontier is its own city-state like monaco, just with a better army.
  19. Yeah, maybe the colonie fleets have decided to become seperatist and installed their own exile government or something.
  20. How does the turbine work in that single engined VF, it has to split in the middle for the battroid to work, and unless it has super-tiny turbines in each of those skinny legs it's not going to work.
  21. Yeah but will you as a costumer willingly buy the old unfixed version if you can have another box with a huge V2.0 sticker on it? Have you ever seen a PC game in store that had it's version nr. printed on it?
  22. I don'get the whole premise of using top of the line vf-25s in that movie only to digitally alter them into VF-0s. You would have to change so much on those that it would be easier to just CG the whole thing.
  23. That looks great! I think you should go for a scorched rock and soil look for the '99 Ataria though rather than the muddy look.
  24. I wonder how much hair gel he uses to get that hairstrand so firm. Frontier must have an extra island just dedicated to gel production.
  25. Heh, he even wanted to go straight to a love hotel on his first date.
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