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Everything posted by pud333

  1. I think this is the big thing at play. I think you looked at it from a different point of view than most people. I think most people, like myself, viewed it just as an accessory. It couldn't be looked at as a stand-alone toy, in and of itself, or reviewed separately like that, since you wouldn't, for example, go out and buy Optimus Prime's trailer on its own, and be content with that, you know? What would be the point? No one would buy the Sound Booster on its own and not get the VF-19. The review is solid in terms of looking at the merits of the Sound Boosters as is, but it's the overall package that really matters. I do agree it is unnecessarily complicated for an accessory that, let's be honest, doesn't even stay attached very well. If one were to try to "play" with the VF-19 with the Sound Boosters, they'd find the Sound Boosters fall off easily. I would have rather had Yamato focus more on sturdy perfect transformation attachment, than on unnecessarily complicated ways to open and close things. I think most people were willing to forgive the MSRP because of how awesome this thing looks completed. Full disclosure: I HATE Macross 7. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I have tried multiple times over the years to watch the show, but can never get past the first few episodes. I can't do it. People say it gets better, but I call BS. I think an ridiculous show. But I got the VF-19. And I got it, even though I preferred the look of the Blazer, solely because of the Sound Boosters. They made a McDonald's toy look killer. That's what sealed the deal for me, and I do not regret dropping all that money on a toy from a series I absolutely cannot stand. The only thing that makes me annoyed about this toy is the fact that it comes from an Anime I hate.
  2. I consider a 7 / 10 a worthy buy. Maybe because I don't see any valk as being perfect. Even the SDF-1 I wouldn't give a 10 / 10. It would get a 9 / 10. 7 / 10 is good but I do see what you mean. Maybe get this one on sale instead.
  3. Fighter mode looks boss. Because of how matte the finish is on the solid black, tampo prints would have been nice. Just a bit of shiny to make it pop here and there. Ah well.
  4. pud333

    YF-19 leg cracking

    I don't have a YF-19. I desperately want one, but I don't have one because of all the horror stories. I hope Yamato revisits that valk.
  5. That seems strange. Even on the product page, EMS should be cheaper than 2900 yen for 1 1/60 VF-1A... I know they're just estimates, but still... Might want to flip them an email first. I bought a Yamato Stand with a 1/60 VF-11C and freight came to 3200 yen EMS. Maybe HLJ-Clause put a few extra lumps of coal into the package.
  6. The ankles on mine are perfectly fine. Still fine after multiple transformations. However, it's definitely fair to say they should be made more durable considering the importance of the joints. The 19 is still leaps and bounds more impressive than many of Yamato's previous offerings.
  7. The price of the SDF-1 was pretty steep, so to add those battle damaged parts on top of a completed SDF-1 would have been ridiculously expensive. More so.
  8. Only the battle damaged version does. And that's a version you have to put together yourself.
  9. Thanks for the info. I suspect if there is to be a bundle, it won't happen until after April or whenever the Super Packs are released. To announce a bundle now would undercut the Super pack release, as well as the release of the VF-25S in January.
  10. No tampo printing? WEAK SAUCE! I still want one though.
  11. Got my VF-11C in the mail. Three days even during Christmas time! EMS and Canada Post for the win!
  12. Weaknuts. Sorry to hear that man.
  13. After seeing those pictures, I no longer mind the purple canopy. Woo!
  14. Did they tell you how long the suspension was for? Maybe there's a suspension "schedule" on the website that shows if there are mandatory sentences for various suspensions...
  15. I'm guessing they're not getting large, or even small restocks. It's more like a few people cancelling their preorders, is what I'm thinking.
  16. Did a second order. Got Max and Kakizaki's TV valks to finish the Vermillion Squad.
  17. QFT. Easily in my top 3 Macross pieces of all time.
  18. VF-11C has shipped! YUS! If I'm lucky, I can get it on Friday.
  19. I am so in love with my VF-25F, that I really think that even if one is paying close to full MSR, it's worth it. But I can see why some would hesitate to pay the full 14,000 yen.
  20. Yeah, that purple kind of reminds me of a deluxe Transformer or something.
  21. Yeah, it seems odd to have that feature if they can't be stowed in the legs properly with covers placed. It's like, why bother if it's not done properly? Anyway, I am still really liking it and that fact doesn't bother me.
  22. I like it now too. I was very cautious about it, but the more of these pictures I see, the more I realize I need one in my collection. 2012 is gonna be one EXPENSIVE year.
  23. Sure you can fit the box under your jacket as you sneak in? Good purchase man. Welcome to the club.
  24. Nice of HLJ to do that. Sucks you can't get a replacement though. I don't know of any place that has any stock left except eBay. It's either that or you might have to wait for a reissue.
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