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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. whew! thanks for that info... sorry for jumping the gun with the rant... blame >EXO< for that!
  2. 8 eps only? at the rate they're going, i was expecting this to be like Avatar-Airbender or SW-Clone Wars and have 20+ eps a season. life lesson? que sera sera? when translated to our local language, is actually considered a bad trait...
  3. same as in the last episode, the last 2-3 mins. were the best part of the ep. I hope the writers come up with edgier or maybe funnier side stories for episodes that are gonna have them... moby dick and ferngully didn't exactly keep me on the edge of my seat.
  4. I just transformed Rand's ride back to bike mode. I can't decide which is harder, transforming to armor mode or back to bike mode... but definitely satisfying once you lock in everything together.
  5. but be careful with that locking tab for the folding front fuselage part. other than that, transformation is worry-free. EDIT - i just checked paypal's current currency exchange rate for the JPY...
  6. me too... hope they come out with the Armored version right away.
  7. since there's no separate Bandai SRC thread, i'll post this here: here's something that might make me get into the Super Robot Chogokin line - Bandai SRC Solar Aquarion - due out Dec. - JPY5040\ ...although, those ginourmous feet are kinda turning me off.
  8. haven't been following this... so, who's that new guy playing Superman? doesn't look Kryptonian at all... looks Italian. and what's with the costume... looks "scaly"
  9. lookin' good! i really hope they don't use ball-jointed ankles for the VF-17... aside from getting loose, it's ugly esp. in GERWALK. hey Graham, please tell Yamato to go back to ratcheted ankles for the VF-17...
  10. i wish the DYRL? helmets were scaled to the same size as this and priced the same...
  11. i was hoping somebody had done it with the included display stand. i'll just have to try it myself this weekend. yep, armor mode. i can actually push the back part of the seat in all the way, it just doesn't want to lock in place as shown in the instruction manual. it's not really a big deal since it's hardly noticeable. needless to say, i am loving these and it's amazing when you fully appreciate the ingenuity of the perfect transformation design. I hope somebody will mass produce the Rook/Houquet version.
  12. I just got a Toynami VR-052T Rand yesterday... after reading comments about this being a little bit sturdier than the Scott/Stick ver., i decided to get one to transform to bits whew! it took me more than an hour to transform it and get everything in place... a minor complaint - the seat on mine doesn't seem to want to "snap" in when pushing it in under the gas tank. (sorry for the blurry pic) I also got a new display cab to display this and the VR-052F, which I will be keeping in bike mode. BTW, has anybody ever done that wheelie pose while pointing the galant outward using the stand? I don't wanna stress out Scott's red jumpsuit trying for that pose... this pose -
  13. I was actually hoping it would be better that AFFC. Good thing I decided not to start reading it yet (same reason as Dobber). this what I hated about what happened with the Sword of Truth series after the 6th book. (btw, TV adaptation looks like shiet compared to GoT). And this is also why I didn't bother starting the WoT series until after the end was on the horizon... just slap a "New York Times Bestselling whatever" on the book, rake in the money and keep the readers hanging. I might just wait for the rest of the books to come out before I continue reading this series... good thing there's the new Thundercats series
  14. very nice... like most have said, this is how you reboot/remake a classic 80's cartoon. i daresay Cheetara is HOT in a cute sort of way, esp. with that voice... the owner of the voice is damn HOT & cute too! did it explain anywhere explicitly why Lion-O should be king instead of Tigra? bloodline thingy? or is it just as simple as Lion-O being a lion and Tigra a tiger? their quest for the book of omens pretty much guarantees this series won't become episodic too soon if at all.
  15. i'm gonna watch this a little later... with all the positive feedback, i'm kinda excited, like when i first watched the Transformers on TV back in the 80's
  16. to match their Zolan-style ears? anyway, I would like them fins to be removable as well.
  17. a 3-sided standard acrylic display stand costs about the same as a box of Ferreros here... with the latter I can at least have some of my fave chocolates here's my small collection of DYRL? merchandise on display:
  18. pssst... he doesn't know that MWF stands for Macross Whiners Forums...
  19. ha! my pyre will be made up of my toy collection...
  20. wow! how the heck did you fit all of that into 2 detolfs!?!! cool, man. although i'm worried about that MH Klan on the flexystand, what with all the stripped paint complaints with the clear tips...
  21. true that!... plus collecting these toys and the qc issues that come with it whether out-of-the-box or after several years can mess with your psyche whenever you think about how much they're worth. sometime last year i decided to not think at all about how much these toys cost me and what they're current worth would be... made me happier with what i have.
  22. the cream colored hinges I got from Graham are a perfect color match to the VT-1 SuperO. The ones on the VF-1D are a little darker.
  23. hey... don't rain on the guy's parade... it's his first valk toy after all... i have the armored VF-25F and it's still sealed inside the box ever since I bought it, lol... i might just sell it one of these days...
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