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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. All the data in the computer was erased recently as Alto says, so he didn't get anything.
  2. I don't think his parents would know he is in a paramilitary group. It doesn't seem like something you advertise.
  3. I agree it will most likely turn out just fine in the end, but my point was that there is no good reason for anyone to complain right now. As for the head, you go right on and do that.
  4. Grace isn't trying to start a conflict, the conflict is already there. She is making it worse, making sure it will be hard to resolve the conflict without a huge war that will cost many lives. So far we have had a couple of battles and the reason for the Vajra doing this is unknown. The Vajra may look at the destruction of Gallia 4 as an attempt to destroy their hive and would suspect all humans are in on it. I'm sure LAI knows Grace took that bomb. And who said Luca's parents hate him? I never heard that before, we have never even seen Luca's parents to know what they think of him. All in all though either was of looking at it is speculation, however Grace did say she wanted the hate to spread and she most likely meant hate for the Vajra and vice verse.
  5. People are not liking the head just because it doesn't look like the animation model? If that is the only reason that isn't much to cry about I think. Kawamori seems to want the head that way but he didn't make that change in time for the show or something. Designers prerogative people, the toy will end up how Kawamori wants it, not how the fans want it. It is we who choose to go with the designer and find what is good in the design that end up liking it the most it seems. Maybe if you think it should be a certain way, you can design your own version and find someway to have it made. I'll always try look at it from a designers perspective. Kawamori can put a giant hump on the back of the fighter mode for all I care, as long as it has a purpose and he intended it to have one instead of just putting it there for no reason, I'll go with it. It may not be aesthetically pleasing but designers don't design for looks they design for use, even toy designers. Kawamori feels for some reason the head needs to be wider like that instead of the way it ended up in the show, so he is going to have the head that way. Besides... the head looks fine to me.
  6. That was intentional rather than crashing into something so the 21 had more control of its breaking through stuff, less damage is likely in that case regardless of the fact the ECS seems to do a superb job at protecting the valk.
  7. No Leon would just let them go and hate on the Vajra. It is seeming more and more like the Vajra were just angry with humans for something they did (something on the 113th fleet) and they are simply retaliating. To humans it seems like a random act of violence so we respond. Now Grace does this to spread Vajra hate. Either her goal is to have humans wipe out the Vajra, Vajra wipe out humans, or Mutually Assured Destruction. Why does Grace's faction want this? Who knows.
  8. Seriously, the first prototype pics had people saying it would be a total disaster, then some people kept faith (like me). Then we saw pictures of it getting better and all those complainers stopped. Now we just have the first colored prototype pic and just because it is going on preorder everyone is finding a reason to complain again. Seriously, this isn't the final model, calm down.
  9. One of the upcoming episodes is titled Good-Bye Sister though...
  10. Well that Vajra fleet left Gallia 4 directly to attack Frontier fleet. Lost contact with Gallia 4 and a sudden attack by the main Vajra fleet is going to seem like a very unlikely coincidence probably. They will think the Vajra were involved in the attack of Gallia 4. Also Michel and Sheryl will be arriving with the Vajra, they don't know what caused the Dimension Eater on the planet, they will probably assume it was the Vajra as well. Think about it, giant fleet of Vajra ships lifts off and then a giant dimension eating bomb goes off, without any knowledge as to who really set it off, it makes sense to assume the Vajra are the culprit.
  11. Still though she told Brera to return to Frontier and wait for her orders, so if she still had orders to give it isn't likely she went and blew herself up without have some insurance that she wouldn't die. How she is still around, who knows. One thing to keep it mind, we don't know that the Dimension Eater is truly just a fancy bomb, we just don't know what exactly it is.
  12. Agreed, RPGs always fudge extra information for the purposes of their game play. I tend to not trust them for official continuity on anything, let alone Macross.
  13. Agreed on hands. As for shield, that is what I was thinking but I think you worded it better than how I tried to say it earlier. The shield is on some hinge of some type that swings over the other side of the arm and gets held by both arms in some way to keep it in place. I too noticed originally how far off from it's native arm the shield was in fighter mode so this is the best explanation until we know for sure. You know despite that and the should problem we are having trouble working out completely, there isn't much more about this transformation I'm not sure about. It is almost saddening, I like my meticulous process of looking through screens and others pictures to try and figure these things out. I would start looking into the VF-27, but it seems pretty obvious that besides the wings it's transformation is almost identical to the 25.
  14. That is a good catch actually. Some have been theorizing the gunpod isn't stored on the VF-25's arms because in ep.12 we see Mikhails gunpod attached to the underside in gerwalk mode. Further evidence that the gunpods don't attach the arms is how Alto stored his gunpod on his battroid's leg when he went to stab Temjin.
  15. I'm still holding on to my idea that if anything happens to Ozma then its that he won't die but get seriously injured and unable to fly again, thus creating a lot of personal drama. As for Brera, I could see him sacrificing himself to save Ranka, maybe after he and Alto have fought and Brera is turned good (we know he will).
  16. I agree, this makes a lot of sense. Sort of like in Matrix Reloaded when the Nebuchadnezzar is returning to Zion the "ship traffic control" people are all jacked into seats into a VR interface where they control all the docking systems. I think it is like this, and for this reason is how he is able to play the harmonica with the helmet on, the harmonica isn't really there (though we know he has a real one for when he isn't flying) and he is only playing in in the Virtual cockpit. In the actual cockpit he just appears to be sitting there probably.
  17. The slapping is overrated really, you could have gotten Klan to step on me or something. I think that would have hurt more.
  18. It is still connected to the arm when it is back there, right under the shield in fighter mode is where the arms are hiding. That reminds me, while the shoulders of the arms have been confusing me (and Dio apparently), I have also been tackling a problem with the shield. If you follow that the elbow of the arms faces away from the bottom of the craft in fighter mode, that would mean the shield is sitting on the inner arm part there, but when transformed the shield is on the side of the arm. The only way for me to see it work is the shield swivels from the side of the arm over to the inner part and then proceeds to cover both in fighter mode. Maybe a smaller connection between the shield and the arm is folded out that allows it to go up and cover the two arms.
  19. Depends on what you want or your reasoning. I have nothing against being cybernetically or even genetically augmented. As those fields of research grow and someday such things be come available, I can see myself willing to have a few computer chips installed in my brain for various purposes. However I don't think I'll be wanting mechanical limbs except for the scenario if I were to lose one of my existing limbs in an accident.
  20. I have the special edition movie. That was my cinema for last week. You don't know how big that movie was for me. I'm a die hard TF fan. I followed the development of that movie for years since it was a rumor. I'm doing the same with TF Revenge of the Fallen. As for the transformation bit, a lot of them were fudged, but the Optimus one is more real than the others. There is an explanation in how the legs come together, it is just difficult. I know part of it comes form the cab, some of it from the back rollers, and the front 2 wheels are involved some how as well. As for the VF arms, yeah we'll figure it out. I'm sure it will be quite a day too when we finally get to handle those 25s, I can't wait.
  21. You know I just realized, your back to a Klan avatar. I believe a lot of us saw that coming didn't we? Mm hmm, definetly MisaForTheLoss.
  22. Yeah, it was the paint stripes that were causing me trouble on the arms as well... but the big noticeable thing is the backside of the arms (back of shoulder and elbow) match the underside details of the fighter perfectly so it seems to be a simple 180 flip out form the fuselage and then aligning into arm position. However the shoulder areas with the stripes and the rotating mechanism still give me some confusion. I'm just trying to take it as that while I wait until I can transform it myself. I don't always buy the ones I want to figure out unless I really want them because I have to save money (not on the job just yet.. so no income, heheh). However I try so hard to figure them out other ways. I spent so much time trying to figure out Movie Optimus Prime's transformation. I got that toy but I know by observation that the transformation is different in the movie (ex. the arms in the movie come from the hood of the truck whereas in the toy they are on the cab behind the chest). 10,108 moving parts on the CGI model and I am still confounded about how the legs are coming together on him.
  23. Your pushing it, we know he has real controls... Stupid guitar flight stick...
  24. Steaks maybe, but pineapples no. Ozma doesn't seem ready to eat the specified fruit salad just yet.
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