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Master Dex

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Everything posted by Master Dex

  1. I used the .ass file and just finished watching it. Beware some people these subbers dropped the f-bomb, a number of times... Other than that this all made a lot more sense! The jamming is called a D-pulse burst and it affects navigational controls. When the ships lift off though the jamming stops hence why Alto can fly again. The VF-27 is apparently unaffected by the D-pulse burst. It seems Grace detonated the Dimension Eater in order to destroy the 33rd and kill Sheryl with the purpose of spreading hate, most likely for the Vajra as before saying that she said let the fold communications be their guide (referring to how the Vajra ships know how to get to Frontier) and then she seemed to sarcastically wish the people of Frontier luck. The Zentradi before dying referred to the explosion as an unknown fold dislocation (or fold fault as I'm sure more detailed subbers will correct it to) collapsing. Hmm seems stars aren't the only thing that make big bangs when they collapse. Mikhail definitely hitched a ride with the Vajra ship folding but Alto isn't shown to have made it into the fold so I wonder how he gets back. Maybe the LAI booster survives the explosion and he uses that. It seems Sheryl made a point of not telling Grace she was leaving with Mikhail to look for Alto and Ranka so Grace seems to have thought Sheryl was still in bed sick while the planet was being eaten, so I bet she'll be surprised to find Sheryl alive later on. Also Grace's instructions to Brera seem to indicate Grace wasn't planning on dying because she told him to return and wait for her orders (I think return means return to Frontier). Ok, there is my tangent of understands and beliefs based on this episode, I kept it all in from earlier and waiting until subs, so I could explode it out here. IMO, this episode is DECULTCHA!!!
  2. Finally! Hmm.. Kei, are they new to Frontier subbing? Probably similar to Chihiro as far as speedsubbers go, so it shouldn't be too bad, but I need a sub and they are out so I'll take it.
  3. This is all I've found on the site. On his specific Macross page (where the 2 ARMD pics and the shot of the attacker backside come from) there are 3 images that don't load so I don't know what they are. They could easily just be the two other shots of cruiser and attacker I linked to up there, but they may be others, who knows.
  4. It is difficult, but it is the right thing for me I'm pretty sure. Thanks for the words, of course "in my experience there's no such thing as luck" (I like that quote). Bandai would probably make a pretty good Q-Rau, or Q-Rea for that matter.
  5. The Shinsen subs make it easier to understand, there was a disease infecting the hydra that made them crazy like in ep. 10. Most likely this is related to the V-type infection.
  6. It might be the last time actually. We know there will be new opening and ending songs eventually and this episode is officially the half way mark so it could be next episode with a new opening and ending.
  7. Ah, your British, I wasn't expecting that. Yeah, America must have liked it a lot though. I prefer metric like I said but I still use Imperial in my life because I was born with it and learned it first. However metric is becoming second nature to me, especially since in space even America uses metric and my future career will involve designing spacecraft.
  8. Ok... I downloaded it hour and a half ago.. I watched it... here are my thoughts during the climatic points of the episode: "WTF!!!!! HOLY SHI...!!! WHA!!!!" My head is racing trying to process all of this, I have read everything in this thread so far, so I'm not out of the loop, but I just can't speculate, there is way too much to guess. I'm waiting for subs, no guessing for me (at least no posting of guesses from me) until I see subs... Get here faster Subs!!! (jk, I am patient to let subbers do their jobs well, I am just wanting them lol).
  9. Well on the site if you follow it back to the main page he list his real name and his alias of Wolfmage.
  10. I once thought about doing a fanfic for Macross. I used to do fanfics a long time ago for other animes but I stopped a long while ago. I had a very interesting idea for a Macross fanfic that involved time travel and 3 pilots from 3 different eras of Macross history (1 from SW1, the 2nd from 2035, and the 3rd from 2059 or 2060 in the current Frontier time). Had to do with a very disgruntled Zentradi who figured out how to modify a fold drive to fold time so he could change the events of the Zentradi's first encounter with humans so that culture didn't change their race so much (he is one of the few that isn't phased by music as much). It ends up with the 3 pilots being plucked from their own times and ending up at the Zentradi's destination, Earth in 1996 where he plans to change everything before the arrival of ASS-1 and these pilots are the only 3 on Earth that can do anything about it. Alas I have never found the will to write all of this down, maybe I will someday.
  11. The wing engines don't look like they have thrust vectoring, but with the main engines doing that I don't think they need to do it. All that just goes to prove the age old mantra: "If you put powerful enough engines on it, it will fly." This is true even today, take the F-15 for example, the thing can fly with its main wings blown off, its engines are that good.
  12. I agree, the hands are not designed to fold in or slide away, they just tuck in neatly for fighter mode. I've seen enough pictures and studied enough of the underside of the 25 to tell that is most likely the case. I study underside pics like that because I am in a never ending quest to understand how transformations and stuff like that work until I know for sure by having it in my hands or seeing a detailed transformation. I spent a lot of time before I finally decided how the arms of the VF-25 fold away in fighter mode, it really is simple it turns out, but I made it hard before I figured it out.
  13. Besides the stabilizers on the wing engines I don't see any more vertical stabilizers (granted I did forget about the ones on the wing engines, but that aside). We are thinking the same thing I hope, by vertical stabilizers I am referring to fins that (commonly) run perpendicular to the main wings (often with Valkyries and newer jets today the vertical stabilizers are more slanted).
  14. Like I said a number of pages back, the WTF-1 is the final cylon! *dramatic chord*
  15. I posted all that SDF-1 art stuff in the fanart section as well, so it is represented in the correct place as well as here.
  16. This sort of came about during the WTF-1 discussion and sent me looking for good pics of the SDF-1 Macross while we were debating things about it and whether it is what we see in ep.12 of Frontier. Doing some image searches I happened upon a nice CG rendering of an ARMD. The site it was attached to was apparently that of an artist who does all types of stuff and included was renderings of the ARMD and SDF-1 in both cruiser and attacker mode, all these pictures are liked below. The artist, who appears to call himself Wolfmage is very talented it seems. However this is where it gets interesting. I browsed through his site to see if he had more stuff. He does a lot of things but nothing else from Macross, however when I stumbled into his CG animations page and found he had an animation of the SDF-1 transformation from cruiser to attacker and it is amazing! The link to that below is a link directly to the download, which comes in a .avi file that will play easily on anything if you have divX or some such proper codecs (shouldn't be a problem for anyone here). ARMD over Earth ARMD underside Attacker mode backside Attacker mode with pretty background. Would make a great wallpaper if it was bigger. Cruiser mode with nice backdrop. Again would be nice to have a bigger one. This one is the download link to the animation, Love it and enjoy: TRANSFORMATION!! I couldn't resist. Thanks to Wolfmage whoever you are for making such good looking renders.
  17. I did think of that I just thought it was relevant here since we were also talking about the transformation bit as well. I know that is where it would go normally.
  18. The VF-1 didn't have missiles at all except for being stored on the wings and the VF-11 never had missiles without a super or armor pack. The VF-25 is a lot slimmer than the VF-19 and 22 models and I had belief that there may be small missiles hiding somewhere but I can't see where now that line art fails to show a good place to put them.
  19. Ok this is slightly off topic but it is related to the SDF-1 so I'll put it here, mods can tell me off if they think this shouldn't be here but I think it is fine. Since people seemed to fine that blueprint picture I found interesting, I went it search for more interesting pictures (just for my gallery really) and I came across some really cool stuff. Doing more image searches I happened upon a nice CG rendering of an ARMD. The site it was attached to was apparently that of an artist who does all types of stuff and included was renderings of the ARMD and SDF-1 in both cruiser and attacker mode, all these pictures are liked below. The artist, who appears to call himself Wolfmage is very talented it seems. However this is where it gets interesting. I browsed through his site to see if he had more stuff. He does a lot of things but nothing else from Macross, however when I stumbled into his CG animations page and found he had an animation of the SDF-1 transformation from cruiser to attacker and it is amazing! The link to that below is a link directly to the download, which comes in a .avi file that will play easily on anything if you have divX or some such proper codecs (shouldn't be a problem for anyone here). ARMD over Earth ARMD underside Attacker mode backside Attacker mode with pretty background. Would make a great wallpaper if it was bigger. Cruiser mode with nice backdrop. Again would be nice to have a bigger one. This one is the download link to the animation, Love it and enjoy: TRANSFORMATION!! I couldn't resist. Thanks to Wolfmage whoever you are for making such good looking renders.
  20. I don't know really, like I said I just found it. I get the impression that the person who made it was thinking of it as 'the ship from Robotech' though, however that shouldn't change its design at all.
  21. It has tailfins, what it doesn't have is vertical stabilizers. I was always specific to saw vertical stabilizers.
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