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Everything posted by Javabean

  1. I thought ebay bans all KO auctions now, like they did for tranny toys.
  2. Nice! Love the long landing gears at last....shud hv done it for the VF-25 too!
  3. Hi General! I've been thru the same as what you had. Welcome to the club ! I got a feeling there's gonna be a green VF-27 release soon as well
  4. Damn! I got the 1st fan racer so-called exclusive that came without pilot & a shabby white box that looks like my local post office parcel box. Now Yamato is going to do a normal release with a new Hikaru pilot, design & box?
  5. It all depends on individual's preference. I myself hv no prblm with glossy look as real aircrafts are glossy too, as we hv discussed this before. My issues with VF-25 is the short shopping cart landing gears & easily wear off marking
  6. Yes, looking good too. We should expect Millia release soon this Nov although i expect my dealer will probably consolidate & ship together with Max in Dec.
  7. Yeah, i think we should move on & think about what other new stuffs coming in 2010.
  8. Not strangely but instintively Beside 22S & 11C (maybe 2 for me), still got GBP-1J coming too...yes, Dec is really gonna tough!
  9. Yeah! That's my new toy for Xmas/2010 Booo... 1/2000 SDF-1!
  10. My sentiments exactly! The M&M looking good man!
  11. Not really....i heard fm Macross forum here....can't really rembr who said that actually. Beside Quarter, I think I can get a 2nd VF-11C now...hehe!
  12. Well, I will buy me more tranny toys & maybe now Macross Quarter which I pass earlier on inorder to get this supposely $500 SDF-1.
  13. Yes full of errors. The picture tell us its a two seater 1A.
  14. Am I seeing it right? 210,000 yen?? My god! And yes, I do feel my Wave SDF-1 rather cheap now
  15. Not forgeting TV VF-1S Roy Focker!
  16. Awesome displays! Hell man, all of us really need a room by itself to house all our toys. I know i need one myself
  17. Hi Vi- RS, Where are you base? Toyntoys is my regular local dealer & of course still in business & the show room at CSC. Their website is fairly updated. In fact you can see both low viz & the new VE-1 on it. As eyesonme78 said, contact them at shop@toyntoys.com or 65 64386806.
  18. VE-1 arrives my local stores tdy! Notice there is no more open flap cover for you to chk & choose yr valk before buying. The last being the VT-1. Is this some kind of cost saving by Yamato?
  19. I got the 1st reissue Isamu YF-19 & one of the prblms fixed is the gunpod alightment on fighter mode, which is straighter than 1st issue. Other than than, loose joints here & there are still apparent.
  20. After seeing this pics, definately changing my mind to wish to get it!
  21. Notice the pilot helmet hv been painted yellow instead of early prototype Max blue.
  22. Oh i was thinking Yamato might just retool VF-19 gunpod for VF-19Kai musical instrument-like gunpod (not sure if that is guitar?) Yes, I forgot the head & speaker shoulders are completely different design. Lets hope for its future release since we are seeing some M7 releases
  23. Graham, Is this one that you mentioned some time ago of a repaint of an existing model, with retools on the gunpod? (I thought that gonna be VF-19 Kai)
  24. I'm getting 2 pieces! The date mentions a Nov release, going to be expensive mth
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