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Major Focker

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Everything posted by Major Focker

  1. hung around on waryas after the show and now they're showing bras that work purely on suction, no straps no nuthin. amazing thanks to morpheus and kresphy for that cool WMP thingie and wolfx for getting this thread started. oh, and tsuchiro for getting me off keyhole just in time!
  2. wohooo! got on waryas just in time. didn't even know WMP can do this
  3. trying keyhole tonight, but don't have the japanese language pack installed. can anyone point me to it ie. how many channels from the top or bottom?
  4. i'm with you on that one. but between the rising missile counts on the valks, the artillery monsters, and the planetary bombardment capabilities of the ships, the niche for a tactical bomber is shrinking, making it unlikely. but regardless what logic they come up with, i want 'em, and hopefully someone finally makes a toy or model out of it!
  5. and here i thought it said: Michel: oh, what's this on my back? am i dreaming? Klan: you're damn right. and when you wake up, i'm going to slap you in your battroid for dreaming such nonsense
  6. i kinda thought ranka's pet was deliberately placed in Frontier by either grace, leon or brera, so they would know too. unless it's the red vajra that nested in one of the islands that pooped it there
  7. ahh... thanks. so it's PPB. the first B in PBB threw me off. thought it was particle beam baton or something
  8. i thought too that would be most likely. but preview also showed a shot of a shocked alto, so it might be someone dearer. all we know for now is that there will be two. edit: actually if you squint hard enough, there might be three. gasp! klan?!
  9. i'd probably settle for one alto w/SP and one ozma w/FA. but if they will be released with both SP and FA (like the v2 VF-1 set with super and strike) then i'll probably wait for that. i suspect i won't be able to hold out though..
  10. mike: wow, that's a minefield! dreamweaver: you're right, it shouldn't have been a surprise. now she reminds me someone. sigh..
  11. whoa! whoa! whoa! sheryl sleeps in the buff????!!! <wipes drool> i wonder if this entry stems from the pool scene where she was asked why she seems to have had a lot of free time lately, presumably from reduced number of gigs. edit: oh, btw thanks for that new entry. i was understandably distracted her sleeping habits.
  12. wow, that's a lot of work on priming and fine sanding. can you use oil wash to panel line directly on the alclad? or do you need to clear coat first? and if you clear coat after panel line and decals, how does it impact the metallicness?
  13. you better brush up on those bra, er...., brera dodge moves then anyway, next blog entry pretty please?
  14. i thought i read somewhere that mikhail was zolan?
  15. party pooper! i ought to shoot down that valk of yours with slingshot panties! anyway, that blog entry got me thinking about this interview i read of a hollywood actress who also had rather surprising answers to everyday stuff. can't remember who it was though. in any case, that lead to another thought about who could portray sheryl in a live action movie. audrey tatou because she's quirky and she's french? not sure she looks close enough to sheryl though... well, i don't want to hijack this thread so that's just my 2c. maybe someone will create a thread later on this and perhaps other characters.
  16. gotta love that girl. her perspective is so refreshing. no wonder there's at least 5 avatars of sheryl on this page and 4 in succession right before this post.
  17. thanks for that. i think you got a point there. don't know why, but i'm suddenly getting a laserion vibe from that head design.
  18. among the many valid concerns about pre-ordering, this just had to pop up... now i have to go see a shrink before i pre-order. but seriously, what's stopping me from pre-ordering is not that it's still months away (some sites don't charge you until it is shippable), nor the price (seems reasonable enough for me), and definitely not the looks (which is already fantastic in the latest bandai pics despite the similarities to kermit which i think i can deal with given some therapy). rather, what i am considering is how they will be released. what got me thinking was this preview from the last episode we know that bandai will have vanilla releases of the VF-25 as they can get it to market the fastest. we also know that a prototype super pack is being worked on. we still haven't seen any protos of the armored pack but given that alto apparently will have one, increases the likelihood that bandai will make them. question is, how will bandai release them? A) vanilla alto, then alto with super, then alto with armored pack B) vanilla alto, then a super pack add-on and an armored pack add-on (like the ghost pack or the fold booster), or both could be in a mega add-on pack C) alto uber pack ala the new VF-1 1/60 v2 with fast/super packs of course there could be other permutations, but these are probably the main ones. obviously i prefer C to save on shipping, but will happily take B if that'll mean i can have at least a vanilla 25 sooner. the possibility of A sucks, and is mainly what's keeping me from pre-ordering, or heck even ordering it upon release. i realise this may be jumping the gun, but perhaps some of the bandai collectors can enlighten us on these possibilities. i myself have no clue how bandai goes about their releases.
  19. well he is a rookie afterall (and brera is an exceptional fighter and presumably more experienced). but yeah i score this 2-0 brera. alto still seems pretty talented though, and he was pretty distracted. try a flight or space sim game ( i recommend freespace2) and you will find that when you're not on a simple search and destroy mission and minding other stuff (like defending a convoy), you get locked on more often.
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