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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. well, i could try, but my camera phone cant go macro enough to work. however for people who are having trouble finding something thin enough to do the hayao fix, I used part of what I think u call a ziplock bag in the US. i took the rounder part, cut a small bit off and Superglued it to the GP handle. worked like a charm!
  2. They're never going to tell us all the stuff they plan to bring out. Graham, they'll tell. Us, nnot so much However G, can u ask them for some pricing details? How much is the Ghost on its own going to be. Does it come with the missles and parts to attch it to either the 0A or 0S, or both (Since the attchment point versions of the conformal tannks will be different colours.) How much will the FP set for the 19 be, and if it really IS the quivilant of $60 usd, what are we getting for the money? Those questions seem fair, dont u think?
  3. ...and now ive made the gunpod fix work as well. Hayao has the best ideas, and now my 19 is perfect! Huzzah!
  4. Scream Man

    VF-0S MAX

    Thanx guys, but lonewolf, could u pls unquote the images?
  5. Yeah looks great man. What colour did u use? It seems a rather dirty white, which is quite cool. The black head doesnt QUITE suit though...
  6. Much obliged all Some great responses there
  7. So i know that the VF fighter series is based on Overtechnology. I think roy mentions at some point early in Macross zero that they use a special material to make the 0's, which presumably means the ther fighters have a version of it. Whatever valks are made of, they can survive a fair bit; battoroids crash through buildings and do commando rolls with no hassles whatsover. Hell, even just the act of walking would shake a normal airframe apart! These planes also can reenter Earths atmosphere with no additional heat shielding, or at least they can by the 19 series (And Im sure Hikaru deos it in macross when he saves Misa). But weapons shells go through valsk like butter. i mean missles, bullets, laser canons (Or whatever it is Zentradi shoot) all tear valsk to pieces really easily. So what is it that makes weapons tear through a valk like paper, but lets it survive most otehr blunt force trauma and heat related trauma with no hassles? What the hell are these things made of? and whats the Ammo made of?
  8. as opposed to tthe Hikaru 1J that appeared in the opening to every episode?
  9. hey I tried out the fix on tbe rear wheels on my 19 and it worked perfectly! just used a pinvice drill to put a few small hles in, used a knife to carve out the material, and moved the whel over. worked like a charm!
  10. some nice stuff there Hatori. makes me wish i had a bigger area to display valks! ditto to u redenham
  11. Scream Man

    VF-0S MAX

    Well, I decided today to work on the Wolfpack valk. again sorry bout the crappy photos. Basically just painted a lot of the grey stripes red, applied the wolfpack stickers. Ihad a spare wolf logo, so i cut that out for the heatshield logo. worked out pretty well i think. So there we go.
  12. i use a lead pencil with a very thin tip. works fine. do a little rub over with soemthing (Hell i use an erasor) to get any smudges off and its fine. Ive played with all my valks since i panel lined em, and they are fine.
  13. the enigma scheme is basically an urban camo one right?
  14. Scream Man

    VF-0S MAX

    i really dont get on well with decals. Ive tried a few times to apply properly, and despite some practice and the help of a friend whos a big model maker, Im yet to aquire the knack.
  15. I know i will. Its a gorgeous toy. i like the experimental schemes Yamato has been doing; I have to get around to getting a stealth and i love both of the Low Viz's i own.
  16. Scream Man

    VF-0S MAX

    Ive been hesitant to do white, because painting on white always looks really streaky and bad. I suspect UIll do a sort of hyprid; the black stipes get painted red, as do some of thebgrey. Im trying to decide if i want to paint the heatshield or leave it dark grey; it would stand out more on the 0A than on the 0S. Ill try a hand at it later today. Actually, i kinda cocked up the stickers a bit so i could use a fresh set of WP markings (hint hint). Also; now that anasazi has stopped doing custom stickrs, is there anyone else out there doing them?
  17. Scream Man

    VF-0S MAX

    Well thank u all i use a pacer pencil with .05mm nibs to do my panel lining. Works ok on most of the surfaces. As for Max sr; not necessarily, though Max would only hacve been 15 when M0 was set. Im pretty sure he was 16 wehn he first appears in Macross. Also it was just an easy custom to do, I really didbnt think of it logically in story terms Well, this was such a hit ill have to put a bit more effort into finishing the Wolfpack scheme on my 0A! And now im a bit more motivated to make that Low Viz 2 VF-1 varient Ive had in the back of my mind...
  18. Scream Man

    VF-0S MAX

    Im flattered that u guys all seem to like it n all. anyway heres my VF-0S Max. I basically just tooka Citadel Blue paint and repainted a few bits to make it look different. I then gave it a Max Jenius pilot name sticker. Im after ome numbers in the same scale as the M0 ones, ideally saying 331 on a white background similar to the zeroes. well, and some the size of the tail and leg fin markings with clear or black backgrounds. But whatever... Sorry bout the lousy pics, I took em with my phone. Cept this first one, which is what made all the requests for pic sstart: im glad u all liked it.
  19. i only have a crack in one shouldr, and it isnt a severe crack. and its on the 0S. Inf act its on the OS that had thepins fall out of the chest section when i first bought it. good toy really. im honestly a bit afraid to take it apart, but i could send the whole plane Alex... edit: Actually I cant. I glued mine closed as well. Sorry man.
  20. yeah. Im going to get some more pics of it... and the Kare Kano is my wifes. i read the first couple and sat through His and Her Circumstances (The anime adaption) before i wanted to beat them both to death, and quit.
  21. the 1/60's had a few advantages, but the 1/48s really overshadow them.
  22. since people are showing colelctions of stuff NOT Macross here... That was the room as of December 31st 2006.
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