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Scream Man

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Everything posted by Scream Man

  1. I'd go for a 1/48 VF-1 as well. Its the defining mecha from macross, its awesome in all modes, easy to transform and durable enough to play with a bit. the 0's are great but a little more fiddly, and the 19 is a dream, but not as integral to macross as the vf-1.
  2. dont we already know we're getting a solo ghost fighter? One would assume it comes with all the misles and stuff to attach it to the 0's. Id be stunnd it if didnt. The minor issues with the 19 arent a deal breaker for me either. i use a tiny dab of blutac to keep the gun straight in fighter mode, and the loose wing sits where id have positioned it in battroid anyway, so no big deal there. All in all shes probably the finest work Yamato has done on the Macross line. I prefer the 0's asthetically, but tecuhnically the 19 is a home run.
  3. dude, shes an alien! i wouldnt trust her either
  4. for me the shows i remember as a kid that were anime esque were Astro Boy and Speed Racer. I was born in 79 BTW. Astro Boy was the big one when i was relaly young, and it was when i got older that robotech, Voltron and G Force all came onto my radar. Also I think RT gets a lot of flack from us Macross fans; its true that its not as good as the original series it was based on. But at the same time, it was far froma bad show. as a kid i thought it was amazing! I was such a huge Max fan. It's fun to jump on the "Hg sucks" bandwagon, and they did do a lot of things wrong. But Id say 80% or more of western Macross fans started as robotech fans.
  5. Ive not seen all of Mac 7, but why did max n Milia split anyway?
  6. the accents dont sound Australian to me. But then ive not seen it in a VERY long time... On a semi related note, whats the recent English dub of macross like? Ive been thinking about getting it once its released as a set...
  7. cool review Graham. i didnt know no one had shwon picks witht he olfpack markings I can try n get one with my phone camra, but i cant guarantee how clear it will be. i also painted the grey stripes to red on my wolfpack oA, so it wont be totally what u want to see.
  8. mine was like that from the get-go. Theres a screw just below the joint, but i dont think thats ging to help...
  9. Scream Man

    Please Read

    checked over what I have 0S #1 - crack in left shoulder socket 0S #2 - what looks to be a rubber washer sqeezing out of right shoulder socket 0A #1 - returned when left arm shattered at bicep, and right shoulder had cracks. 0A replacment - seems fine at the moment 0A #2 - also seems fine at the moment. i think part of the problem is thatt he shoulder is a joint u HAVE to put a fir bir of pressure on when u transform. U basically pull down on the arm to get it to shift round for G and B modes. I plan on waiting for the next 0S to come out (The infamous v2) and iof its in good shap, Ill get it. and Ill get the shin with ghost, though i really hope the issue has been fixed on it
  10. Me too! fantastic toy. Its lighter than i expected. i mean was everyone else surprised by how light it is compared to evena vf-0? A great toy, and one of my favourites. 2 thumbs up!
  11. i agree on the babying toys thing. im staring to see some wear ion my vf-1j Max, my first 0S is developing cracks in one shoulder, and my second 0S seems to have a bit of rubber starting to come out of one shoulder. Its things like that that make me worry about the toy. and at such a high price, its hard to just go 'Ah well, Ill buy another"
  12. Do they have flight sims in the original Macross series? i mean i assume they do, but are they shown?
  13. None for me till the new year I suspect
  14. $4050 Aussie. roughly $3200 USD But that ioncludes the old 1/60 and 1/72 valks i sold on.
  15. im thinking of saying to Yamato USA "Ok, Ill pay for this one to go back, and u send me a brown one when it hits. I dont care about the colour, I just like the design.
  16. if the gunpod is to thin, shouldnt it wobble more, and not sit rigidly at an odd angle?
  17. yes but im out $100 because of their faulty product! One time i was willign to cop too, but this is the same problem on 2 seperate units! If it happened a third time, id have paid again in shipping what I paid for the first unit!
  18. i really liked this toy when i got my first one. It was fun, it looked awesome... Id never seen the anime, but i knew i liked the mech. And then the arm fell off at the shoulder. Now ok, I know this happened to several people. But the thing is, im in Australia. I emailed Yamato USA and they said send it back. ok fine, I sent it back (At another $50 postage for me) and recieved my new one 2 days ago. And the arm fell off. Now I had transformed this one ONCE, and then placed it ona shelf. not fiddled with. nothing. one transform, then straight to the shelf. Man this is ridiculous! I have emailed yamato again but since its Christmas i dont expect to hear back from them for some time. And i better get some damn compensation beyond a Garland that DOESNT have screwed up arms. If Im forking out another $50 to ship this damn thing back again i figure I now have $100 credit with them. I hope thyey deliver.....
  19. Thats over $65 Aussie! Plus shipping! Screw that Im not paying $90 for 2 shoulder pads and to leg pads! i dont want the fold that bad, and the second seat i can live without! No thanx Yamato!
  20. Scream Man

    VF-0A poll

    i like the ghost more than i used to in fighter mode. I also like it on its own. in battroid.....well its ok. certainly not as cool as FAST packs. if they release reactive armour for the 0S (Which would be cool) I hope we have the option to get it wothout an oS itself. i really only want the armour, I have 2 oS's already
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