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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. 1/72 VF-25G Super Messiah coming Feb 2016. Y3800.
  2. You can check and compare Jenius' reviews for both Arcadia's YF-19 and Bandai's VF-19Adv on Anymoon.com. As for the DX YF-19 displayed on last Tamashii show, everything were all 'for display' purposes and that's basing on some of the item cards displayed beside the product. They're still no 'official' release announcement for all that were displayed there except for those that already been 'announced'. Esp now that they're probably going to concentrate first on the upcoming Delta DX figures. Any maybe somewhere in between those Delta and Hi-Metal R releases, they will finally announce the DX YF-19. Let's hope for the best and success of all the line so that everything they shown on that event including the 1/35 VF-1J will get produced.
  3. Cool. Good to know that it's solid, Jenius. Looking forward to your review.
  4. Agree. But do NOTE also that Arcadia Online Web Shop probably or will only caters who lives locally and not international.
  5. Let's just hope that this will be a succesful release.
  6. I understand. And I'm not starting something or anything here. I'm just saying that I don't think Arcadia is charging that much just because they've included the free stand. From what I remember Arcadia initially released the YF-19 for about Y34000+ back in 2014. So an increase of somewhat -Y1000 ever since. And I remember Japan had this tax increase or something since last year. Anyways, hope that clears some misunderstanding.
  7. Thanks too Saburo! I'm happy that the package got there safely. Enjoy! But... I miss them already...
  8. I'm not sure where did you come up with the Y5000 stand? The stand is not even worth for Y5000. Both Aracadia and AmiAmi posted the list price for the YF-19 as Y35424. HLJ posted theirs for Y32800. But both AmiAmi and HLJ are selling it discounted. No stands included. They have what you call it distributor's sale price. Arcadia is just giving away 30pc of stand for free from their online web shop. Same thing with the VF-4G earlier, Arcadia is giving away free Gunpod included from their online web shop. Hope that clarifies something regarding the stand.
  9. Hahaha! Reading this kinda feels like the Evolution Toys' VF-2SS is kinda cursed. Hehehe.
  10. Hahaha! That's true. That's why I cancelled my VF-4G so that I will have budget on the VF-2SS Faerie SAP. Good thing I already have two. But I still want to have a new Arcadia VF-4G box.
  11. Nice! You got it from Arcadia or HLJ? Just follow what you heart tells you.
  12. Yeah, but if you decide on checking it atleast you know that it can be remedied by 'toothpaste'. If I have extra time tonight, I'll try to figure it out if I can push the pin back in so that it will not have any contacts again on the canopy. Or will see if I can just add Tamiya tape in it. Will post pics soon.
  13. Wow! Didn't expect that the VF-1S 1/48 box is bigger than the Arcadia. Hehehe. What's the one in bubble wrap?
  14. You have two, yes? One in Battroid and one in Fighter mode? If so, keep it that way for your peace of mind.
  15. Probably he's just 'lucky' coz he's always panicking based on the clip. Hahaha! Will try this since I don't have Tamiya Rubbing Compound. Thanks guys!
  16. Yeah, with the size Xigfrid has posted, you can get a Styrene Sheet from any Hobby Store for it.
  17. Didn't notice that earlier. Hopefully it will fit the gunpod in it. Also, would it be nice to have another option as well on the legs armor like Nexx. Because after this Faerie release, I doubt that I will continue this series with Nexx.
  18. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    Nice. And welcome to the boards, asianed.
  19. Up to now it still says 'non-scale' on the item card besides the figure.New photos from TagHobby.
  20. Here's the Team Vermillion in action!
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