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Everything posted by no3Ljm

  1. I agree. The only orange colored mecha I thought that works ok for me are from the Gundam series. DeepStriker, Kyrios, and Powered GM. Knowing that there's already orange colored Valk such as VF-1D and VT-1. I agree. Look what he did to me on that Kaneda Bike. Hehehe.
  2. Cool collection, Mechinyun. Surprise to see the Tamiya Porsche 959. Is it still in working condition? All I can say is WOW! And WOW to you too sir. WOW also goes to you Saburo.
  3. Hahaha! We should call Spanner here as well. He's Filipino by heart. He's curious about Ube.
  4. How come HLJ doesn't send out delay notification email? Weird.
  5. The link now is not working anymore. But earlier when you click the lowest price, the page will refresh and it will say besides the item title "Damaged Box".
  6. Delayed once again? Looks like my VF-0S will be shipped without this baby. Just wanted to take advantage on saving some shipping cost. Photo wise, they're the same old ones been posted on Evolution Toys website.
  7. Thanks Abbadon! That's what I told myself too when I bought my first Hikaru valks. And look where we are now.
  8. Just pull from the thigh intakes outward from the metal hip joint.
  9. Thank you sir! By the way, did you open yours? That thing is big and heavy. But I love it. Better than having Yamato SDF-1. I mean, price-wise.
  10. Sorry sir. Not yet. Been a little busy over the last weekend.
  11. no3Ljm

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Nice update David. By the way, not sure if this has been asked or anything. And I'm not sure if I'm going to get one of the Valks upon release. But would it be nice if they will include Walkure 'small' figures with its designated Valk like Mikumo riding on top of the Delta02.
  12. Hahaha! How I wish right now I can do it sir. After paying big loads of money on that Kaneda and Bike. I should probably sit this one out even if it has a 'new' box. And spent the rest on the upcoming PO's. But for that Kaneda and Bike price, it's really worth it. Better than the current Yamato SDF-1 price point I should say. Yeah. No one knows if they already started unless Mr.K or Arcadia posted some photo tweets. But for now, it's safe to say they probably starting it to meet the February release. If Feb is still inside your 60days PW timeframe then I guess it might be able to make it.
  13. For me, I really don't mind if HLJ takes time to mail the stuff as long that if there's problem with the item afterwards, it's easy to talk to them than deal with the other stores that ships you the items fast once it's available but give you 'we can't do anything if you live outside Japan' excuses if the item is broken. Just my 2 cents on this which online stores to use and the pros and cons that goes with it. The more important thing too which store you buy is that 'I secured one and I'm happy now'.
  14. Don't worry. I'll put a GPS tracker or else you might send yours instead. Hahaha! Imagine me, receiving a smaller Kaneda's bike after I sent the big one. Hahaha!
  15. Great purchases everyone! Not sure what's the exact price without the figure. But by basing it on what's on eBay for used Kaneda figure, I might say the bike and cowl cost me like $670. And they're all unopened. Don't worry Saburo. Patience is the key as always. I hadn't thought that I will own a set because of its current price, but I just got lucky I guess, since the seller also lives near my wife's workplace so the only problem I need to face is to squeeze that money in order to buy it. Hehehe.
  16. Huwaw!!! Love the photos Saburo. By the way, when can we do some photoshoot on my Kaneda's Bike?
  17. no3Ljm

    Macross figures

    Hahaha! That's nothing compared to growing up back in the Philippines. The moment I openend my eyes, I've been surrounded by big size religious statues.
  18. Hmmm... should I put it back in my cart once again? Looking back to my 2 VF-4G's.
  19. Thanks Seti! I can't resist the last price he gave me and he lives near to my workplace so he save some shipping cost too so I grabbed it. Now I'm really going to ignore the upcoming DX Delta line. Hahaha!
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