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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. Hi, nice kit. Could you compaire it next to a Hase so Iget an Idea. Thanks.
  2. Thanks. I use a future and then an acryllic paint. Let it dry and then wipe with glass cleaner. the Strike is done. I will post pics of both when I finish the Gerwalk. I only used two kits for that one The Hase Batt and the Super kits.
  3. NICE VIPER! Here is mine...and it's Macross!!!! Lol. Hase Strike and Gerwalk.
  4. Nice work!!!!! Love the different paint schemes!
  5. I don't see a reason why they wouldn't release all of the VF's in Gerwalk. Think about it. VF-1S, 1J, 1A. Super, Strike, Limited edition D. Then all the Macross Zero and Plus. Clear version, special coating, decals special ones. Then the re-releases. Yes I am half joking about the last part BUT you know you and I would buy these kits. For box art, to keep or to build.
  6. BIG SPOLIER!!!!!!!! This is what happens to Darth Vader bewtween EP3-EP4
  7. Well I'm doing a VF-1 Gerwalk so once I'm done with it Hase will release one.
  8. Man That is SWEET!!!!!!!!
  9. Nice pics!!!! Good job everyone! Love the Arc 170. My Hase Strike is almost finished. Will post pics of my Hase Gerwalk soon.
  10. I saw them. VERY NICE! If I would have known I would have put m Slave 1 in.
  11. The medical driod said that Padme was medically fine. That's the cue....she died of a broken heart. I know how it sounds but that's what happened. And the Yoda fight...I guess he knew he couldn't best him and took off.
  12. Here it is: http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swbattlefro...ome.CurrentNews Looks good. Hopefully it won't be short.
  13. Hi, I saw it. I only had minor issues. Not enough of the Wookie Battle The Syfo Dyias explanation...where? The birth of the Rebellion. Major issue... It's the last one.
  14. I buy them and build a few. It's more of a time issue than anything else. I build but I horde as well.
  15. Thanks all! This is our second but feels like our first at times. Congrats to you al well 94medition. Cute! And good luck Prime! If anyone needs extra formula please pm me. I havea TON that I can't use. Sealed of course.
  16. FM 1/72 Falcon!!!! Yes!!!! http://www.hlj.com/product/FNMX-01 Thanks all!!! WM it wouldn't of come out half as goo if it wasn't for you sharing your knowledge. Thanks again. I have to post one more pic of the Slave with the Jedi Starfighter. Then it's off to work on the Hase Strike and Hase gerwalk I am working on. Then...... We'll see if I have ANY time for some others... Oh and HWR MKII NICE kits. That C-3P0 Rocks!
  17. Thanks. It took time but it was worth it. Please show us your models. This is what I'm currently busy with now. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14815
  18. Newest MW Member. Cassi was born April 5th. 6 pounds 14 ounces.
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