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Everything posted by Mechleader

  1. Anyone seen these? http://photos.figures.com/photo/1/showgallery.php?cat=2282
  2. Thanks! I must thank WM for ALL of his helpfull tips!!!!!
  3. My Elint with NO PROBLEMS!
  4. Well here is an update. This is how it is going for this model. I sanded it...came out good! I was surprised...then....I painted it. Paint took well....I was surprised....then I put it down. It fell to the floor.....wet with paint picked up all these little bits....ruined the paint. Had to go over it again. I am not suprised. Pics of finished (if it ever gets finished) will come soon.
  5. Hi, I have to air my fustration out..... Ok anyone have a model with bad karma? I have one now. Let me explain... I got this model from ebay. Hase Super VF. No box just a bag. No biggie...I'm not into it, besides I have like 5 of them already...anyway....I deside I want to build it. Overall so far it went well...Except I wanted a clean version and the wings snapped. and bad scratch marks from sanding....No biggie....I'll make it a little dirty. So I continue....I build it with wheels down. I check the under carriage and there was the problem. The base where the wheel post sits was angled off. The glue had dried and short of breaking the halves off I couldn't get it right. So off I go and get another leg from a different kit. Paint it. Glue it. Put the wash on and fix it to the body... It's at an odd angle. Why???? Because it's the leg from a regular VF...Not the super or Strike. What to do??? Go with wheels up or go get another kit and try it again? I got another kit. Guys THIS is why it healps to have multiples of the same kit. So that is where I am at now...waiting so I can sand, paint and wash again.... I just feel like this model has some bad karma. I just finished my Elint with NO problem! This one... Bad karma.
  6. Not bad. Could be worse! keep it up!!!!! You'll get the hang of it!
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