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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. while debating who will be the Final Cylon in the BSG discussion thread, I proposed the idea of a Pool with 12 members each throwing in 10 bucks for their prediction on who it will be. Well, this isn't the Pool, this is the POLL As I mentioned in the BSG discussion thread, my votes on Tom Zarek
  2. yeah, I remember them saying it was love missing from the equation, I was just trying to make a joke about how much of a Ho Ellen Tigh was As for Cally, I think her "I hate Cylons" actually translates to "I hate Sharon/Boomer" because she was jealous of her relationship with Chief. Cally's like the Baltar worshippers except that she's a 1 person cult who's altar is Chief Tyrol. I think she's gonna flip her stance 180 when she finds out he's a cylon "leave Chief alone!!!!....he's a cylon but he's under a lot of pressure, if anyone has a problem with him being a cylon you'll have to go through me!!! Leave Chief Alone!" HAHAHAHAHAHAHH kat.... *groan* "Where you at Starbuck?" Man, what if it turns out to be someone who was a dead non-main char that we've forgotten about...like Billy? God I hope not, I found him more annoying than Cally and would be pissed if they made it him just for the sake of it being someone no one would have guessed. So for the pool, I figured everyone involved could just paypal the $10 to the winner once it's revealed. In the event of ties, we'll just divy up the pot among the members with the correct predictions. Sound ok?
  3. oohhh...you know uminoken, I was considering her also but the funny thing was, Boomer was the first to get preggers with a human, so if Ellen was she definitely should have been the first give birth to a hybrid with the way she slept around k, i gotta get some shuteye, but i'll check this thread tomorrow for more takers on the pool i think we should limit the pool to 12 people, ya know to keep in theme with the 12 cylon models thing
  4. I'm not sure uminoken I just came up with the idea but haven't really thought too hard of the rules, what do you all think?
  5. WOOHOO!!!! who will the 7 others be? It's almost as big of a cliffhanger Agreed Kai, it is part of what makes the show awesome. So, currently we have Chowyunskinny - Tom Zarek Kaitheforsaken - Gaius Baltar Fatalist - Tom Zarek Uminoken - Ellen Tigh Mog - Laura Roslin any other takers?
  6. LOL, I guess we can discuss the particulars if 10 other people besides you is willing to throw in on this pool I guess the fairest way though would be to split the value of the prize by however many ties there are
  7. well the idea of us trying to convince each other of their predictions for a TV show is kind of ridiculous, so I'd like to propose a ridiculous idea let's start a pool on who we think the Final Cylon is Winner gets to choose one of the following as the "I Told You" prize They are each about 120 dollars so if we get 12 people to put 10 dollars down on the pool.... whaddya say? Are you fracking in?
  8. well to counter your counter, I think Zarek has played a far major role than Tori or Anders thus far If I remember correctly, it was him who planted the idea of settling New Caprica to Baltar. It was also him that appointed Roslyn as Vice President and then relinquished the Presidency to her by stepping down. Settling new Caprica was pretty pivotal in establishing the Resistance who's major players turned out to be 4 of the Final 5 And putting the prophetic dying leader who'll lead the fleet to earth back into power is not minor at all. Advantage.... Zarek
  9. I'm gonna have to go with some Dark Horses for my guesses on who the 5th Cylon is. 1. Tom Zarek 2. I think it would be funny, and kinda cool if it was Dirk Benedict somehow. With it being the Final season, it's his last chance to suck up his pride and try to finally jump on that bandwagon and make his name barely relevant again. Nobody took fools for their Duckets like the OG Starbuck
  10. Are you referring to Frank and Sons when you say "the booth at #730"? otherwise, I have no idea what you're talking about or is "the booth at #730" the name of some new fancy toy boutique store? new online retailer maybe?
  11. I don't think that was another ship, if I heard correctly it was some unused area of the Galactica which I think is stretching it a little bit. How could the crew not know about that area? Haven't they done a head count of all the civilians on board? Hmmm, that's strange, about 30 people disappeared from the civie headcount.... *shrug* I thought the Raptors with the top mounted missile pods were pretty dope
  12. yup and it was pretty cool loved how the ark got embedded in the mountain at the end
  13. LMFAO when it ships to you just wrapped in just green paper and tape, and not inside a box with bubble wrap or peanuts even after you paid about 40 USD for shipping and it arrives looking like a soccer team had used it for kicking goals during practice
  14. Yeah I can't remember his name either, but maybe it was this guy
  15. its on page ten of this thread eh, i'll just repost it here
  16. chowyunskinny

    Thunder Hammer

    that's like the Macross equivalent of Chappelle's Tyrannosaurus Rex egg "That's the most Baller Shi#t eva!!!!"
  17. cuz a dog is a fan's best friend least 1 of the 3 companies finally put the handles in the right spot in cycle mode
  18. don't know if anyone posted this better pic of the Beagle prototype. I got it off a link IXTL posted in the Soul of Chogokin Thread
  19. I think it looks good except for the Arishikage symbol being on his uniform. In the old Marvel comics it was a tattoo on his forearm. I hope he has his trademark uzi also.
  20. Yeah, Bandai's Tamashii Web Soul of Spec is at the top, Soul of Chogokin is the 3rd one down. If you click on the link next to the green arrow it takes you to the Section for that Subline It goes chronologically from most recent to oldest, so the first items in the line would be on page 1
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