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Everything posted by chowyunskinny

  1. Watched that episode as well. Anyone else get the feeling that the mystery blue car is going to end up becoming Blurr?
  2. Saw it for the second time tonight and it was just as good. In addition to the minor nitpicks mentioned above, there was the part when the 10 Rings were water torturing Tony. At that point he hadn't built the arc reactor and was still using the car battery. Wouldn't that have shocked the crap out of Tony as well as whoever was dunking him lol? Regardless, the movie still rocks and as much as I'm looking forward to the Dark Knight, I think this movie set the benchmark pretty high.
  3. Oh Yeah! That's right! K, well he's due for one from one of his own crew. Or maybe from one of Baltar's Acolytes for good measure He didn't just find out. That was like 6 episodes ago. And starbuck came back 5 episodes ago. No break Pyramid boy, 10 more laps!
  4. Something I've been wondering about... Isn't it strange that the Cylon numbering system for the Seven Known Models skips Number Seven? Number One - Brother Cavil Number Two - Leoben Number Three - D'Anna Number Four - Simon Number Five - Doral Number Six - Six Number Eight - Boomer/Athena Fracking Weird ...awesome ...awesome I'm really not liking Anders. He did so much waffling this episode: Actually I'm not really liking Tory either. Out of the four revealed they're kind of meh to me. Give me more Batshit crazy Chief Tyrol. He should be building a robot dog named Muffit or something, none of this jumproping stuff. And come to think of it, when was the last time you saw Tigh get decked in the face??? That shi-iite used to happen all the time. He's about due. For no good reason, someone should just pop out from off screen and pop him one. I've got a fever and the only cure is more Tigh facepunches. Glad to see from the previews they are going to revisit the importance of Hera, which was my pondering from last weeks episode
  5. So in anticipation of buying the Animated figures when they are released, does anybody know which Bulkhead (Voyager or Leader) or which Prime (Supreme or Deluxe) will be in proper scale with the other Deluxe Autobots (Bumblebee, Ratchet and Prowl)? Man the scales are confusing especially with Voyager Blitzwing being bigger than Lugnut. What's up with that?
  6. I don't know man, I still love the show but I think the writing has become a bit disjointed. For example, seeing Helo and Athena both aboard the Demetrius made me wonder, "where the hell is their kid and who's watching Hera?" Back in Season 2 when she was conceived, she seemed to be (at the time) an important part of the story, being the first offspring of a Human and a Cylon. Her lineage was made less unique when they made Chief a cylon because his child with Cally was a hybrid as well. Last thing I remember with Hera was she was on the basestar and had a tummy ache or something. I wonder if they are going to come back to the importance of Hera, or Chief's kid or if they kind of just dropped that storyline because they wrote themselves into a corner. Maybe they'll flash forward and we'll see an older Hera who has embraced her cylon heritage and renounced her human side and Nicky has done the opposite.
  7. Speaking of Animated, did anyone else catch the last episode "Mission Accomplished"? It was bad ass We got to see a Ironhide Cameo. And the Undead Starscream scenes rocked! Loved how they kept showing his persistence and time after time Megatron just decimated him. It reminded me of the old Dragon's Lair cartoon where they would show the "What If" ways Dirk would take a dirtnap depending on his choices. The shards of Allspark seems like it's going to be a race to collect the pieces, kind of like how it was a race to find protoforms in Beast Wars. All in all, I'm really really liking this show and can't wait for the toys. But Sentinel Prime is a punk. I hope Megatron extinguishes his spark.
  8. yeah, that was obvious, but my point was, in a previous Episode, Juliet said the perimeter barrier was used to keep smokey out of the compound. In one episode, they brought down the perimeter barrier, got inside and reactivated it and smokey couldn't get inside the compound In last nights episode it looked like Smokey Manifested from Within the compound From the Season 3 Episode "Left Behind": Kate and Juliet continue to the barracks; however, the monster returns. They take off running, and come upon the pylons. Kate jerks Juliet to a stop, says they cannot go through them. Juliet reaches into her back pocket, takes out a key, and unlocks the cuffs. She then runs to a pylon, enters an access code on a key pad, and they run across the barrier. Juliet jams the setting into the red zone. The monster zooms in and bounces off the barrier. It roils and rises, making awful noises, and is unable to pass through the fence. Then it quickly shoots away. Juliet admits that they do not know what it is, but they do know it does not like their fence. Kate asks about the key. Juliet says she was left behind, too, and by people she knew and trusted. She hoped that if Kate thought they were in it together, Kate would not leave her behind in the jungle like they did. Kate unlocks her cuff, and they continue on. So maybe the smoke monster is sort of like how the Natives of Skull Island know how to summon Kong and they leave a person as Sacrifice to appease the beast. Maybe it's like setting a rabid pitbull loose from it's leash to go attack someone and then running away back to the house and slamming the door before it comes back looking for more stuff to bite after it's mauled what's in front of it.
  9. F-ing WOW Tonights episode was Crazy So much crap went down, I thought it was one of the best episodes this season. One thing I was wondering about though, I thought they established previously that the perimeter barrier system was designed to keep the Smoke Monster out of the housing area. When Ben unleashed it, it looked like it was coming from within the housing area. So Widmore was the owner of Dharma?
  10. my buddy sent me this website that explains the Last Supper picture is like one of those Mad Magazine fold in pictures and that it reveals the final cylon *read the speculation at your own risk* The BSG code - The Last Cylon
  11. For some reason, when Boomer kissed Cavil, I could not stop thinking of that scene in Big Daddy where Adam Sandler meets his ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend who happens to be super old "He has a four year plan" "Oh yeah, is the plan to not die? Have fun playing with his old balls" HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH
  12. Maybe optioning rights to popular anime is like the collecting baseball cards among the Hollywood rich and famous. They're not actually going to do anything with the rights, it's just for bragging rights. Tobey Maguire - Hey Leo, I just optioned Robotech... Leonardo Di Caprio - oh yeah, Tobey? I acquired Akira yesterday Tobey - damn, I hear Spielberg got the rights to GITS Leonardo - that just leaves..... both - NINJA SCROLL Leonardo - I ran into Ashton Kutcher the other day. He told me he bought the rights to Naruto....What a Loser. Doesn't he know that Ninja Scroll is far superior Japanimation compared to Naruto. Tobey - Actually, I hear it was Demi's idea. Leo - Hey you want to hop in our eco-friendly electric cars and go to pinkberry and then go do some pilates?
  13. "You know what, Eugimon, if you want it to have 37 pieces of flare, like your pretty boy D-Stance over there, why don't you just make the minimum 37 pieces of flare?" sorry couldn't resist an Office Space nod
  14. Big Bad Toy Store just made the 1S available for preorder for: $154.99 the price is kinda crazy to think about considering some of the 1/48's they have in stock still are only 10 bucks more, but that's without Fast Packs. 1/48's they have in stock with Fast Packs are about $200, so...
  15. I'm sure one of the local MW custom masters like Jung or Kurt could do something just as nice or even better
  16. Lookin Good! Thanks for the heads up Canuck I'm sure charger69 will come through with some high res pics for us soon
  17. The previous awesome post was sponsored by Massengill
  18. so a few pages back in the main BSG discussion thread, I proposed the idea of a "Guess the Final Cylon" pool. We are looking for 12 members with a buy in of 10 dollars to stake their claim to who they think the Final Cylon will be. 12 members times 10 dollars = the price of 1 of these 4 "I Told You" prizes (no these are not the Hasbro Titaniums they are the Diamond Select statues) At the end of the season when the Final Cylon is revealed, the 12 people in the pool will Paypal 10 dollars to the winner. If there happens to be multiple members with the same correct guess the jackpot will be split amongst them. I'm counting on the honor system among you to be good for 10 bucks. As far as the winner using the funds to buy a Galactica ship, that's on the honor system as well. Unless we want one person to collect the funds and then purchase and ship it to the winner. Let me know what you think. So far we have the following members participating Chowyunskinny - Tom Zarek Kaitheforsaken - Gaius Baltar Fatalist - Tom Zarek Uminoken - Ellen Tigh Mog - Laura Roslin We need 5 more Are you in? who will the 7 others be? It's almost as big of a cliffhanger p.s. if you said you wanted to play in the main thread but I didn't see it, PM me and I'll add you to the list.
  19. It's funny that you mentioned that because this would be a perfect time to do a Shameless plug for my buddy's first Writing Gig for IDW. It's called The Reign of Starscream and it's a bit of a Prequel, but mostly Sequel to the Transformers Live action movie. The link I posted is a 5 page preview of the first issue. The story serves to tie up some loose ends in the movie, like what happened to Barricade and why Megs said Starscream failed him again. It also serves as a prologue to what Starscreams up to post movie. You can see my buddy's interview here and read about what's in store for this title. It's out at comic shops on 4/30
  20. here ya go: Yacolog 8 Yacolog 10 Yacolog 11
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