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Everything posted by Anubis

  1. A YF-19 just sold for 285.00 It was about 130 or 160 and some zero bidder skyrocketed the bid to 250+, to which someone actually sniped to win at 285. So as a result now the 19's will be more expensive than ever.
  2. Designing the legs so inaccurate is ridiculous. Why couldn't they design them to move apart like it's supposed to be? The MA mode is horrible. The shield sucks. The arms don't even tuck. Was it that hard to make it like the HGUC Zeta? Like everything else about Destiny: It's like they're not even trying anymore.
  3. Very impressive effort. My wallet will cry though. I'll pick up one though.
  4. I'm still waiting for a Soul of Chogokin Eva-05. It would be uber-sweet. I applaud the effort on Kaiyodo's part though. Won't beat the SOC but it looks like a good figure nonetheless. I still have their Eva-05, hard core Unit-01, and Sachiel on display.
  5. I bought the regular edition, and used the extra money saved towards Land of the Dead. I'm more careful now about special editions. I very rarely actually watch the extra stuff, so buying SE's all the time in a way was throwing money away. I used to buy the SE by default. Now I look more carefully and see if the extras interest me enough. In Batman's case the regular edition was enough.
  6. Bandai did say they were going to push the Zeta merchandise along with the movies. They're sure to continue milking the Destiny cow for a while too. How much more probably depends on how well the batches sell. I wonder if the crappy ending impacted model kit and MSIA sales any.
  7. The VF-1S plush doll. A certain person here has that and scores of other hard to find stuff. The Macross helmets are pretty scarce too, which said fellow has as well.
  8. Great movie. Battles were very well done. Actually very cool of them to offer bittorrent downloads for the movie themselves. The CG is top class. Some funny moments, some meh, but everall worth checking out.
  9. The Blue Destiny looks good. Real good. THe GM ground/-79G would look great from this example. If we're lucky they'll do a GM Sniper/EZ-8 as well.
  10. HLJ has the Nu Gundam and the 0017-b Red Zeta+ in stock. Nu Gundam Zeta+ Red
  11. Connery will always be the best true Bond.
  12. I think there's potential. You don't want a Brosnan clone, and the series could use a little something different. His delivery as Bond could end up being an interesting difference. I'll reserve judgement until I see it. He has to be better then Timothy Dalton at least. Remember those two. There could have been worse choices. I'm sure they screen tested him a lot and saw potential.
  13. He was shown alive in Seed again as the captain of the Eternal. Out of the blue, there he is alive, and part of Lacus's faction. He has the ship blast out of the dock. They have him talk to Chairman Zala and thanking him for the opportunity or something, and then steals the ship. Andy was crippled as shown and Aisha was killed, but he told Kira he didn't blame him for it when Kira spoke to him surprised he was alive. After the war he was part of the group that migrated to Orb to live in psuedo hiding. Kisaka commanded the Kusanagi.
  14. At least the dead prime only wasted a Hasbro instead of a Takara. Anyone check the prices lately? Looks like now that the stock dried up pricing are going up a lot for the Masterpiece Primes. I saw Swerve once, but the box was really beat up. When I was still buying them I found Tracks only once and then never again. I found Wheeljack a few weeks ago and picked him up. The only alternator I have now, just because I adore the Mustang and decided I liked Wheeljack's scheme better than Grimlock's. Sold all the others a few months ago. I usually have better luck at Target than anywhere else. One of the big reasons why I stopped was 1) the declining sculpt quality from a lot of the newer ones, and 2) it's too annoying and hard to find the damn things. I don't want to have to hunt so much. There's too few in circulation. The problem has gotten steadily worse with each new batch, and then they go and pull the stunt they pulled with Decepticharge and Swerve and deliberately make even LESS then the pitiful number they already produce of the other ones. It was also takig up way too much space for me, and I've been scaling back my display collection some.
  15. But that shoudl be regular Freedom An HCM Pro Psyco would be a great end to the stream of Zeta suits. 336661[/snapback] That's what I want to happen to Strike Freedom. Either that or pose it palm-cannoning Kira through the cockpit. Dismemberment is more dramatic though. Still not buying it though. The GFF Double Zeta didn't transform so I could see them doing the V without combining. I probably should get an F-91 at some point too.
  16. LOL wish this guy had done the writing for the series. You get to see what Kira’s real motivation was AND we see Athrun finally teaching something to Shinn 336602[/snapback] This guys writing may actually be better than what aired. The Lacus idol one was funny.
  17. Here's how I would pose it, except that I'm not buying Strike Freedom. Some V gundam stuff would be nice. I'm not really into GFF but that might be good. The -79G would be interesting too. A Gouf Flight Type I would still like to see very much, that I'd definately pick up. For HCM Pro I hope they release the Char's Gelgoog and Zeong to finish that set off. A Psycho Gundam in HCM Pro might be cool too.
  18. Here's a custom Masterpiece dead Prime from ebay. link
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