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Everything posted by CoryHolmes

  1. But that did happen. Recall the three spies and their reactions to seeing the beauty pagent. And when they were inside the ship itself, they had culture shock all around. Only later on was it changed from culture shock to something "special" that Minmay had, and in Macross 7 it was discovered that it was some weird power she could tap into called Anima Spirita.
  2. That's beside the point. The point is that a captial-scale ship having hands and arms and a gunpod... is too far into cheeky munchkinism to be taken seriously in any show. And before you get started, yes, I know that Macross 7 is much less than serious and it's supposed to be cheeky... but by doing so, it drags down the rest of the Macross universe with it.
  3. if you see this as a bad thing, i agree. i like the vf-1 valks because of all the mecha in anime, these are of the select few that have a story driven, beleivable reason to transform. Hell yes it's a bad thing. The SDF-1 transforming... engh, I can see that. But I draw the line with Battle 7. A capital-scale ship should NOT have hands and fingers a gun pod. Not in any show that's related to a serious story such as Macross. Same with the Koing monster. No reason at all for that thing to transform except that it's cool. And with the construction mecha, not to mention the Elintseeker (a seperate argument, but it fits in here). None of those need to transform and do simply to make the show look cool and sell more toys/models/whatever.
  4. Except that you can't watch it with that idea. For better or for (much) worse, Mac7 IS the direct sequel to SDF-Macross. No ifs, ands, or buts. Macross 7 has become even more firmly cemented into the Macross world with the release of Macross Zero. Look at Sarah and her singing, how it causes the plants to bloom and levitates the stones. That's exactly the sort of magic that Macross 7 used on an episodic basis. Macross Zero has finally stated with totality that the magical effect of music (aka Spirita from Macross 7) has always been a part of the show, going back as far as SDF-Macross and DYRL. It's changed the role of music in SDF from culture shock to an actual, physical effect akin to magic, and some of us don't like that at all. I can't speak for anyone else, but that really detracts from SDF and Mac+ and horribly changes the universe of the show for me. It's a bad idea that I dislike intensly, and it's making me rethink my opinions of the original show (just like ANY prequel/sequel does), and not in a good way. Some people like Macross 7, but I don't.
  5. Those mini-cyclones are cool! Where'd you get the base for 'em?
  6. Yeah but the majority of us were just goofing around. If that's just "goofing around", remind me to stay away when you're really mad. I mean, c'mon people, you go out of your way to come up with new and insulting ways of slagging a show that some other people (such as myself) rather enjoy. Is there any wonder why some tend to take offence? I can't speak for any others, but I was very close to leaving MW for good due to just how insulting some members here can be. Make no mistake, this site is a great place to get info on another anime I like (Macross Plus), but sometimes I have to wonder whether or not it's actually worth it to put up with the crap that comes with dealing Whining Elitest Macross Fans. And yes, that term is actually used on other sites, with good reason I might add. So don't be surprised with some people get pushed too far and start insulting back.
  7. It transforms because every mecha in Macross (it seems) must transform. Ships, Valkyries, and even destroids now, all transform regardless of whether or not they fit the story.
  8. That cockpit makes my jaw drop. Just like Datterboy's VF-1, this thing is a freaking work of art! My hat/toque/skullcap/hood/etc is off to you. That's just amazing work.
  9. Well, hurry up and get to it, so you can show the rest of us!
  10. A lot of people are whining and complaining about how most RTers don't know a thing about Macross and its origins before becoming part of of Robotech. Has it ever occured to anyone here that maybe these DYRL toys will do just that and get some fans interested in the original show?
  11. Twin Snakes, when it's released. I'm pretty sure I'm going to buying a gamecube just for that game.
  12. Not really, we're too busy watching the most feverent Macross fans go ballistic over finally getting some proper Macross toys, with the original spellings, characters, and colours... and then complaining about it. I can't speak for the others, but the majority the posts in this thread have simply made me laugh harder than I have in weeks. "Whining: The Official Sport of Macrossworld" indeed. At least HG/Toynami are putting the effort to make little nods and caveates towards the original shows and their fans. These DYRL superposables. The special edition SPs in the SDCC. The Mospeada-style Legioss fighters. Personally, I think this is a great thing for Toynami to be doing.
  13. I think that what Fox did to Escaflowne is far worse than what HG did to Robotech. For the simple reason that Fox edited and changed the show and still tried to pass it off as the original. HG took the three shows and made a new one out of them, using basically just the animation. The story and plots were essentially new and an amaglamation of the three shows that made it up.
  14. Not anymore After watching Robotech and loving that opening theme, I turned on the original Macross and was expecting something similar, if not better... and instead get some guy singing as poorly as Reba West, sounding like he was hurting parts of his anatomy when he hit a few notes. Information High in Macross +, though, is one of the best BGMs/in-show songs ever.
  15. I agree with most of the posters already, the Robotech BGMs are some of the best ever in anime, especially given when they were composed in the early 80s. Especially the starting theme for Robotech, which blows most other themes out of the water. I also agree that the Reba West songs are horrid, horrid things that should never have been made in the first place, but the BGMs more than make up for those. Whenever I watch Macross, Southern Cross, or Mospeada, I can't help but wish I were listening to the Robotech music in them.
  16. I like MII a lot. Much better than M7 and a lot of other anime from that time period. And yeah, it's just DYRL all over again, but I don't like DYRL much to begin with, so maybe that's part of why I like MII
  17. Guld's death in Macross Plus the movie. One of the best ever. Ditto Dinobot in Beast Wars. Nothing like throwing yourself against unbeatable odds to save another's life. See Guld above. Guyver 1 in the Guyver series against Enzyme. That was a good death scene. Guyver 2 death scene as well. Most entertaning. EDIT: Forgot the death scene in Detonator Orgun. That was a good death.
  18. Regardless of the material, the actual process is very similar between Die Casting metal and injection moulding plastics.
  19. I never realized how nice those SW Unleashed figures looked. I'll have to look in at getting my own.
  20. AD Police, the original three episode OVA series, rocked. Dark and gritty, just how I like my cyberpunk.
  21. Yeah, that Cyclone is out of scale badly. Just look at the size of tires next to the sitting figure. They should be much larger than that. And if the pilot is a little small, it's not that small. Looking at the pic and stretching the pilot into a standing position using only the power of my mind, I figure the pilot doesn't quite reach up to where it's supposed to against the Alpha's kneeguard. But it comes close.
  22. I've never seen GI Joe the Movie, nor do I plan on it. I tried to watch it and gave up twenty minutes into it.
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