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Everything posted by miriya

  1. I like this with white stripes and red visor.
  2. I also think that the SV-51 is one of the most sophisticated and unique mecha that Kawamori has designed. Art is subjective. I am actually glad to hear that Jeremy007 does not like the design because it shows that even this one is not the best for everyone. Some people think that the YF-21 is the most beautiful and I do not think it is so great (although it is strangely growing on me). At first I thought that the YF-19 was ugly but then when I saw Macross Plus OVA and the Movie I thought that it was absolutely stunningly beautiful. I used to think that the Cannon Fodder color scheme was ugly and now it is one of my favorites. I used to think that the vf-1a Hikaru was the best and now I do not. It is all relative and to each their own. I can respect Jeremy007 for stating that in this thread with most of us wetting our pants over the photos.
  3. Oh, I see. I do not know but it would be cool if they got a license for Nausicaa.
  4. Great work! Where is that Komilia model from? Did you make that too or is that from a kit?
  5. They already make figures from other anime shows, OVAs and Movies. They are currently doing the Votoms and others as well. Check out their Japanese Website HERE . They also have an american website HERE but the american one does not have the Macross stuff. Also, I do not think that they will ever be done with the Macross line. Macross is what got them started and it will likely be what gets them finished too. I hope that they will continue for a long time with Macross.
  6. Should we do a poll to see how many Macross World Forum people would buy a Yamato 1/60th VF-4? Then Graham could present that to Yamato to prove there is a demand. Then they could supply? What thinks?
  7. Actually you are not alone. I have always thought that the Yf-21 was not such a great looking valk. At first I thought it was just ugly and thought that Kawamori must have had too much to drink when he designed it. However it did grow on me a bit. I am actually starting to like the look of it in Battroid pose. Probably by the time I see the preproduction samples I will think that I need to own it more than my shoes. But for now, yeah I am not so excited about this and would have been ecstatic about a Minmei guard or VF-4, which I have craved for a while now.
  8. That is really too bad. I hope that he is wrong. I agree that these valks would be awesome if Yamato could make them in 1/60. I especially love the VF-4 . And I, with Sumdumgai, have posted wishes for this valk on the forums. I would like to hope that with enough nagging anything is possible. I know it works a lot of the time for my two year old and his mom. But sometimes there are variables that make things very unlikely to impossible such a licenses, contracts and copyright problems. If these are not an issue for the VF-4 then I would say, lets keep screaming, kicking and biting until someone caves in. I also want to throw a temper tantrum to get yamato to make a regult. My 2 cents.
  9. misterryno, awesome poses! That rocks! looks like they are break dancing.
  10. Funny that you mention that. I gave up toy collecting in about 2002, sold all of my vintage StarWars, Robotech, Macross, Tron, etc. Toys, all my comic books, all that stuff. Sold it all. I was over collecting. Then in 2006 after looking at Valkyrie exchange, Macross world and other sites photos of Yamato Valks I broke down and got one, then two then three then started collecting other toys, transformers, comic books, and got me back in the hobby. Funny the power it had. Like a curse or a blessing.
  11. If Yamato did not make Macross products I would have a savings account!
  12. I simply adore Yamato's Macross collectible figures (or toys if you may). I think that they are just phenomenal! I am very happy that they exist. In fact it is like a dream come true. A dream from 1983 come true, for me in 2001 when I discovered the Macross valks and come true for me again when I got my first in the beginning of this year. I know that there have been some problems but still I love them. Too much actually. Edit: I forgot to answer the question. Probably the Bandai reissues, the CMS and the Revoltech like you say which I am collecting as well anyway.
  13. Nice pics misterryno, That is probably my favorite 1/55 valk. I have one too and I just love it. Seeing yours makes me want another so that I can have one in Batt mode and one in Fighter mode. Great poses too. Kitty!
  14. I think that the 1/48 stealth strike and super parts are the best. I do have one set but I want another , not now because I can not afford it at this point but in the future. Anyway, it seems that if it sold out everywhere then it must have been popular so why not reissue it? plus it looks so great? Does anyone know if Yamato will release a reissue of this and/or the combined set?
  15. There are so many great toys that would qualify but I had to add this one here. My cousin used to have this when we were kids and I always was envious of him. He did let me play with it and I loved this toy. Now is goes for thousands if you can even find it. I would love to get one. The Tetsujin 28 Godaikin die cast with magnetic figures and internal parts. Link Link
  16. I got these on an ebay store. They are from the film "Yojimbo". I do not see them up on ebay right now but I do see the ones from the film seven samurai which are made by the same company as the ones that I posted here. The ebay number for that is 180147170567. Yeah, I am really impressed with the quality of these small figures and I think that it is super cool that they even made a figure of Kurosawa himself as the director.
  17. Just posting some additions to my collection.... HERE is a link to my black and white style Akira Kurosawa Yojimbo Gashapon and here is my new samurai spacebabe thanks to Orguss01 (thank you very much!)...
  18. mog, you rock! Those are great poses and great photos. Now I want to get them more than ever!
  19. I got these a few months ago and have just opened them up today. So to share, here they are....
  20. I cant read japanese but the yamato site lists it as december. It is strange though because HLJ already has the 25ths up on the site which are supposedly december releases too. So why not Nora? I am just checking HLJ about 3 times a day hoping the early bird will show up. When that 28 turns to a 29.... Mine, yours and everyones nora will be had! (eventually)....
  21. miriya

    Graham's Sig

    agreed that new stuff would be better than re-dos.
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