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Everything posted by miriya

  1. miriya

    Help with Valk ID

    That is huge! Yes, Please buy it, open it, take photos of it, and post the photos here! Thanks.
  2. Hopefully his wife does too. And hopefully it comes out right. I ought to stop it.
  3. Well I have been wanting to make a decal of the zentraedi emblem on my Chrysler for some time now. Since it is halloween I thought I would dress her up but I did not have time. Instead I dressed her up in photoshop. Please enjoy.
  4. Long time.... I ordered mine from HLJ and it took over a month. I think that the EMS is worth it.
  5. Wow, I just saw this one too. Max Hikaru and Roy!!! Item number: 190167113707
  6. I just noticed these ebay auctions for the glow in the dark Minmei Item number: 140171426682 and the DYRL Max flight suit Item number: 140171949700. I would love to get the max but it is so expensive! Too bad they did not just make those available and Hikaru.
  7. I would be very happy and lucky to take that off of your hands for $100 (Stop throwing stones everyone!), PM me if interested, but I am sure that you could get at least $500 for her, probably $900 to a maximum of $1400 on ebay (guess). Still very desirable toy. By the way, I love your Deceptacon Jetfire! Could you post some photos of that? EDIT: Sorry Exo. We were posting at the same time.
  8. I wish Yamato would make a regult. I wish Yamato would make a regult. I wish Yamato would make a regult. Theres no place like home, Beetlejuice, theres no place like beetlejuice....
  9. Last night while I was eating dinner my 2 & 1/2 year old son said, "dadda, I like your shirt". My shirt has 4 images, one is Milia, one is a Regult, one is Misa, and one is Hikaru's VF-1J in Battroid mode. I asked him, "which one do you like the best?" He pointed to the regult and said, "I like that robot" I said, "I like that one too. Is that your favorite?" Then he said, "No, I Love that Robot, turns into Airplane!" Then he ran around the apartment repeatedly saying, "I love that Airplane, turns into Robot! I love that Airplane turns into robot!" I was very proud of my young Valkyrie lover! First thing I did was call up one of my friends who is also a big time Macross fan and had my son say it on my friend's voice mail. It is strange because he has never seen Macross the show and he has yet to see my toy collection but I did let him play with a G1 Jetfire once for a few minutes about 5 months ago and he got so upset when I showed him how it transforms into a robot. He was saying, "No dadda! Dont do that. I want airplane. Stop dadda! No like robot!" I guess he has changed his mind about that for now.
  10. Captain America, Incredibly great work man! This is too sweet! I love it so much! I wish I could get one but first of all I am totally broke, secondly I have never completed a model in my life, third have never painted a model, and fourth do not have the money to pay someone to do it for me. BUT I wish I did. This is awesome. I have wanted a good quality Regult for decades! If I win the lotto soon you will be hearing from me.
  11. I agree. Nora is the way to go. One of my favorite mech designs ever!
  12. Graham Master Flash Gordon, Is this it? Is there anything more that you can say? Should we keep waiting for you to say something more? Should we close this thread?
  13. Graham is like the local god of macross world. Graham is the founder of macross world. Graham is our lord and saviour. Graham is like the ultimate pusher for Yamato He gives us a taste and we come back for more. But seriously, Graham is really a great guy. He is a cool dude and another Macross fan just like you or me.
  14. Once the Yamato Macross bug hits.... Seems like financial suicide. Is financial suicide. Will find a way. It is a problem that many of us have. Somehow Yamato Valks get top priority. It is like some evil curse!!!
  15. It says November release. Not sure when in November....
  16. Please do and then leak all the juice to us!!! Or you could wire tap Graham and have a live feed to a podcast that we could all listen to, real time!!! That would be fun!!!! :lol:
  17. Can someone confirm this? Any Japanese readers here that can tell us what this incredible SDF-1 is? I think that you are correct about it being a custom as it does look different from the images I have seen so far of the new release WAVE. If this is what the new release WAVE looked like then I would say that it is worth $150. I would not be surprised if this custom is what inspired them to make a new version.
  18. Just pre-ordered! YES!!!!
  19. But if they do not use POM in the FV-0A/S shoulders and biceps which are tiny could they afford to make a whole sword out of it?
  20. There are absolutely TONS of 1/48 scale dioramas and bits and pieces of things. Most of them however are in the toy train industry. They call it O scale. You can find tons of stuff on ebay or any toy train shop or site. There will be lots of irrelevant stuff but some good industrial stuff and some good aircraft stuff too. There are some painted 1/48 aircraft stuff on ebay alot. Try ebay Item number: 120174580802 and that seller makes lots of pre painted 1/48 aircraft stuff. Great for dioramas with your valks. Also woodland Scenics makes lots of O scale figures and accessories, not a good quality as a 1/48 pro model but passable. More ebay acutions to check Item number: 320170847741 , Item number: 270176998958, Item number: 320171332202, Item number: 280163888456, Item number: 230182431371, Item number: 250177206699 , Item number: 300162460409. Put all of this stuff together with a nice backdrop and you have yourself a diorama.
  21. Are you sure? The little L shaped ball jointed part with two pegs, one goes into the small hole on the underside of the nosecone and the the other side into the black tall piece and that one goes into the V stand. I am including an old shot here. It is not the best shot to describe it but perhaps it will help.
  22. I am starting to wonder when we will get the 1% or if what Graham has already told us about 2008 being a great and expensive year IS that 1% and there is no more to hear. I am obsessively checking this thread in hopes of some tidbit of juicy information but I suppose I should give up (at least until after lunch).
  23. Good idea but I would prefer all the nouns and leave out the rest. IMO. Or some type of elaborate system of .... nevermind. The Yamto ninjas would surely get him and then we would all be screwed.
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